Instructor: Amber VasquezEmail:

Subject: English SupportTutoring Hours: T/Th 3:35pm – 4:35pm

English Support Class

Course Description

The purpose of this class is to ensure that all students are supported in achieving The School of Arts and Enterprise’s goal of mastery learning. Class activities will be planned around individual student needs. Class time will be split between targeted learning workshops and supported study time that will allow students extra time to complete core content assignments.

Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes

This course is designed to support the learning students will do in their core English class. Our goal is to prepare students to be “college and career ready”. Fully ready students should be comfortable writing in various modes and analyzing varied texts. This class will practice various skills by working withvarious selections from canonical literature, political thought, and literary theory, in addition to expository text.

Course Policies

Classroom Expectations

Our class will ask students to practice the study skills and habits that will help them prepare for future careers and college study. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a mature, professional manner. This includes: being seated and ready to work when class time begins; refraining from interrupting other students’ learning; treating others with respect; and behaving as person of honor and integrity. Students will turn off and put away all distracting devices before coming to class.

I will not tolerate racially insensitive behavior (jokes, comments, and inappropriate references), body shaming, inappropriate references to a person’s gender expression, sexual orientation, national origin, cultural practices or beliefs.


Much of your learning will depend on your attendance and participation in our work together. I expect that you will attend every class meeting on time and without leaving early, having completed all work necessary to make a meaningful contribution during our time together. This class is a “support” class but that does not mean that I will expect less than your best, everyday.

Grading Criteria

The SAE has adopted the Mastery Learning model of standards-based grading. This means that students are evaluated based on specific standards (things students need to know and be able to do), rather than on a point system. Students will no longer be given “points” towards their final grade for completing work or simply participating. A student must demonstrate their knowledge and abilities on a variety of different assessments (quizzes, oral, quizzes, discussions, tests, essays, reports, speeches, projects, presentations, portfolios) and all of the standards the students demonstrated in each assessment are evaluated separately on a 4-point rubric (4=Advanced, 3=Proficient, 2=Basic, 1=Below Basic). This allows students to easily see which concepts they understand and can put to use (Mastery of a standard) and on which concepts they need more practice and instruction. Final grades are determined by the percent of standards that are mastered, not by the average grade of assignments completed.

Please refer to The SAE Student Handbook for Learning and Standards Based Grading Policy.

Final Course Mark Percentage Bands

4-Advanced / A / 88-100%
3-Proficient / B / 75-87.9%
2-Basic / C / 63-74.9%
1-Below Basic / No Credit / 0-62.9%

*DISCLAIMER: Ms. Vasquez is committed to the success of all students and reserves the right to make any changes deemed necessary to best fulfill the course objectives.

Writing Resources for Students

UCI Center for Excellence in Writing & Communication (good list of additional sources of help)

UW Madison: The Writer’s Handbook (comprehensive writing guide)

OWL Purdue (MLA citation, formatting, basic composition concerns)

U Chicago Writing Program (transitioning to college writing, grammar help)

One last thing...

I am very glad to see you here and I am excited to work with you this year! Know that your learning and well-being are very important to me. Just remember that I am here to support you. If you have questions or need extra help, do not hesitate to ask me. I hope this will be a wonderful school year!