DSP&SPolicies and Procedures
DSP&S Information
Welcome to the DSP&S
Our Mission
What We Do
Examples of Reasonable Accommodations
Course Substitutions
Eligibility for DSP&S
Using DSP&S Services
Your Responsibilities
Suspension of Services
Testing Center Policies
Computer Lab Policies
Notetaking Assistance
Alternative Media and Assistive Technology
Procedures for Requesting Alternative Media
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services
Learning Disability Assessments
Educational Assistance Classes
Adaptive Physical Education (APE)
Your Rights
The Law
Conditions for Providing Reasonable Accommodations
Appendix A: Service Animals
Appendix B: Emotional Support Animals
DSP&S Information
Location: Student Services Building B, Room 107
Hours:MondaythroughFriday8:00am- 5:00pm
Amy Lehman
(831) 759-6081
Vince Lewis
(831) 755-6760
Amy Burnett
(831) 755-6760
Lead Specialist
Heidi Gentry
(831) 755-6760
Silvina Zepeda
Welcome to the DSP&S
Congratulations on taking an important step in pursuing success in your education. Registering with the DSP&S is an essential resource for hundreds of students at Hartnell College. DSP&S services can assist students in understanding their own learning styles or challenges that affect their education, and help students to identify and use resources that may help with these challenges. We hope that this handbook will help you become more familiar with your rights and responsibilities, as well as the services that may be available to you. Please keep in mind that the DSP&S faculty and staff are here to help and we welcome your questions or suggestions.
Our Mission
The purpose of DSP&S is to support the educational needs of students with disabilities at Hartnell College. We are committed to providing a full range of effective support services and instruction to ensure students have equal access to education at Hartnell College.
What We Do
The DSP&S provides services to allow students equal access to coursework at Hartnell College by providing reasonable accommodations, based on students’ documented disabilities. The DSP&S does not give special treatment, or make classes “easier” for students.
Reasonableaccommodations provideequalaccesstostudentswithdisabilitieswhilemaintaining academicintegrity. Theseaccommodationsmayincludeprovidingareaderornotetakertoa studentwhoisblind,aninterpretertoa studentwhoisdeaf,suggestingalternativetesting formatsforastudentwithalearningdisabilityoradaptingaworkstationforastudentwitha Physicaldisability. Inordertopromoteretentionandsuccessforstudents,theDSP&S encouragesdialoguebetweenthestudentandfacultyearlyeachsemestersothat accommodationsareinplace. Accommodationsareprovidedonanindividualbasistostudents.
Pleasenote:Accommodations willnotbeprovidediftheyfundamentallyalterthenatureofa program.
- Students must complete a request for reasonable accommodations each semester.
- Accommodations can be requested at any point during the semester.
- After the request has been made, the faculty will be notified of the request for accommodations
- The DSP&S staff in conjunction with Hartnell faculty will administer the accommodation as soon as possible.
- Requests for test proctoring in the DSP&S facility must be received 5 days in advance.
- Interim accommodations may be provided based on professional judgment and history of services on a case-by-case basis.
Examples of Reasonable Accommodations
- Extended Test Time
- Notetaking Service
- Distraction Reduced Testing Environment
- Priority Registration
• Deaf Services/Interpreting
• Alternate Media
• Assistive Technology
• Learning Skills Courses (LSK)
• Adaptive PE
• Learning Disability Assessment
• Adaptive Furniture
• Digital Recorders
• DSP&S Computer Lab
Personal attendant care isNOTprovidedbytheCollegeorDSP&Saccordingto Section504, AB803andTitleVRegulations. TheAdaptedP.E.programdoesnotprovideassistancewith dressingorundressingforclasses.
UnlessyouhaveaCaliforniaDepartmentofMotorVehiclehandicapplacardorlicenseplate, youmustpurchaseaHartnellCollegeparkingpermiteachsemester,orpurchaseadailyparking permit.
DSP&Sdoesnotdistributespecialparkingpermitsnorcanweassistincancellationofany parkingcitationyoumightreceive.
Course Substitutions
Hartnell College requires certain classes for the completion of degrees and certificates and is not required to provide a course substitution or waive the required course that seems difficult due to a disability, if doing so would result in a substantial change to a required part of the curriculum. Schools are allowed to set theiracademic standards, and are not required to lower their standards as a reasonable accommodation. However, if students request a course substitution with their counselors, based on disability, Hartnell will review all available academic options before denying a request for a course substitution.
Eligibility for DSP&S
Students are eligible for DSP&S services when they provide documentation from a certificated or licensed professional of any of the following:
• Learning Disabilities- with existing documentation, or verified by a Hartnell College LD Specialist. The DSP&S LD Specialists can assess students who suspect they may have a learning disability.
• Mobility or Physical Limitations- including temporary disabilities.
• Deafness, Hearing Loss and Speech Impairments
• Acquired Brain Injuries caused by head injury, chemicals, substance abuse, disease, stroke or trauma
• Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
• Intellectual Disabilities (ID)
• Psychological Disabilities
• Visual Impairments resulting in uncorrectable vision loss
• Disabilities caused by Health Related Impairments
The DSP&S accepts IEP and 504 plans that were generated in a student’s K-12 school system.
In the absence of sufficient documentation at the time of the student’s intake appointment, interim accommodations may be provided based on professional judgment and history of services on a case-by-case basis.
Using DSP&S Services
- Complete the Hartnell College Steps to Success, including admissions application, online orientation, STAAR assessment.
- Once admitted to Hartnell, make an appointment with a DSP&S counselor and get a verification of disability form from the DSP&S office.
- Bring verification of disability to your appointment (IEP or verification completed by doctor, psychologist, etc.)
- Work with your DSP&S counselor to develop an educational plan, select classes and determine appropriate accommodations.
- Visit your DSP&S counselor as needed each semester to discuss your classes, ask questions, get advice, address concerns, and to set up accommodations.
- Get started by contacting the DSP&S to make an appointment with a counselor at (831) 755-6760.
Your Responsibilities
- Students will provide the Disabled Students Programs & Services with the information, documentation and/or forms (medical, educational, etc.) deemed necessary by DSP&S to verify my disability(ies).
- Students must meet with a Disabled Students Programs & Services professional to complete an Academic Accommodation Plan (AAP), and agree to meet with the professional at once per semester to review the plan and set up course-specific accommodations.
- Students should utilize the Disabled Students Programs & Services in a responsible manner. Students who fail to comply with the rules for responsible use of DSP&S services, and will be notified in writing before any action is taken to suspend services.
- Test accommodations must be scheduled 5 days in advance.
- Students must return borrowed materials and equipment at the end of each semester.
- All DSP&S students must comply with the Student Code of Conduct adopted by the college.
- Follow all posted policies in the lab and DSP&S office.
- Students should make a DSP&S professional aware if they are experiencing difficulty receiving their classroom accommodations.
Suspension of Services
Violation of DSP&S Policies and procedures may result in suspension of services. Students will be notified in writing regarding the services that will be suspended, and the duration of the suspension. Appeals to suspensions of services may be made through the office of the Vice President of Student Affairs.
Testing Center Policies
- All Exams and Finals must be scheduled 5 days in advance. Late scheduling or unscheduled exams may not be accommodated.
- Students are required to meet with their DSP&S Counselor each semesterto set up accommodations.
- Tests must be proctored on the same day that the class is scheduled to take the exam. (Only rare exceptions will be made due to scheduling conflicts.)
- Tests must be completed during a single proctoring session.
- Arrive at or before the scheduled test time. If you are late, time will be deducted - just as it would for a non-disabled student arriving late for class on test day. If you miss your scheduled exam time, we will return the exam to your instructor. It is then your responsibility to ask if the instructor will allow a make-up exam. If your instructor approves a make-up exam, you will need to complete a new Testing Accommodations Request form. You may then reschedule a new proctoring session with us
- Only test materials authorized by the instructor in writing prior to the test will be allowed (class notes, dictionaries, calculators, textbooks, etc.)
- Accommodation tools such as spell checkers, etc. will be allowed only when specifically approved in writing by your DSP&S Counselor or LD Specialist.
- Use the restroom prior to your arrival at the test taking site. If you must use the restroom during your exam, your instructor may be notified.
- Eating, drinking (other than water), smoking are not permitted. However, special arrangements may be made for final exams that last more than three (3) hours long.
- Cell Phones/electronic devices CANNOT be used in the testing area.
- Cheating is forbidden and will be reported to your instructor. Any irregularities during the proctoring session (e.g. - use of notes or textbook without instructor’s approval) will be noted and reported to instructor. Testing accommodations will be suspended for the student for at least 1 semester (in the case of final exams, the following semester). In addition, the student may face other sanctions as determined by the instructor and as outlined in the Hartnell College Student Code of Conduct.
- No children will be allowed in the testing area.
Computer Lab Policies
The DSP&S has a dedicated computer lab where students can come to study or, learn and use assistive technology and adjustable workstations. Below are the policies students must adhere to when using the DSP&S computer lab:
- Students must sign in to use the lab.
- Do not save your documents on the computers.
- Computers are for educational purposes only.
- No food or drinks are allowed in the lab. Water, in a closed container, is allowed.
- The DSP&S is a quiet study and testing area. Please use a quiet voice.
- Please do not use the lab if you are sick. Use a tissue or your arm when coughing or sneezing.
- No cell-phone calls are allowed in the lab.
- The Hartnell College Student Code of Conduct is enforced in the DSP&S and lab.
Notetaking Assistance
If a DSP&S Counselor determines that a student is eligible for notetaking assistance, the following process will occur:
- The instructor of the class will be notified to make a general, anonymous announcement.
- A volunteer student in the class will drop off a copy of his or her notes once per week.
- The student registered with the DSP&S can then pick up the notes in the Classroom Notes pick-up area in the DSP&S office.
- Student notetakers receive priority registration.
- Please note that if you drop the class, you should let the DSP&S office know immediately. If you do not pick up notes for two consecutive weeks, your notetaking service will be stopped.
- If no one volunteers to be a notetaker, please let the DSP&S office or counselor know as soon as possible.
- Please note that there are other options for notetaking assistance, which can include use of a digital recorder, Smartpen, or Sonocentnotetaking software.
Alternative Media and Assistive Technology
Alternative media is created when print materials are converted into formats that are accessible, such as:
- Electronic text that can be read aloud by a computer or magnified on the screen
- Large Print
- Braille
- Tactile Graphics
The DSP&S has a wide array of technology to assist students in accessing their course materials and media including, but not limited to:
- Kurzweil: Scan-Read software that reads books, printed materials and web pages aloud for those with vision or learning disabilities. This software also has language translation capabilities.
- Zoomtext: Screen magnification software for those with visual impairments.
- JAWS: Text-to-speech software that reads aloud from computer applications and provides support for refreshable Braille.
- Digital Recorders
- Sonocentnotetaking software
- Smart pens
- iPads
Procedures for Requesting Alternative Media
- Meet with a DSP&S Counselor
- Complete the Confidential Request for Reasonable Accommodations
- Find out what textbooks and materials are required for class
- For textbooks, bring your books and receipt of purchase to the DSP&S lab and ask for an Alternative Media Request Form
- For other course materials, provide a hard copy, or digital version if available (such as a pdf or word document)
- Requests are processed on a first come, first serve basis; please allow at least 2 weeks for processing.
- Take advantage of priority registration to register for classes, get your textbooks early, and submit your alternative media requests early!
Students can meet with the DSP&S Lead Specialist to check out technology equipment. Equipment must be returned at the end of every semester to prevent a registration hold being placed on the student’s account.
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services
DSP&S strives to provide high quality Sign Language interpreting, as well as captioning services, for Hartnell's Deaf and hard-of-hearing student community. Every reasonable effort will be made to assign an interpreter with your preferred mode of communication, yet there are often variations in interpreting styles, requirements and availability.
To ensure that your interpreting or captioning needs are met:
- Meet with your counselor to discuss choices and update your educational plan.
- Be proactive by enrolling in classes during priority registration and submitting your requests for the interpreting or captioning accommodation as early as possible.
- For meetings, appointments, or events, please make every effort to request an interpreter at least one week in advance.
If you have any questions about the Policies and Procedures for interpreting or captioning services, you may contact the DSP&S office.
Learning Disability Assessments
Students may request a learning disability assessment with one of the DSP&S LD Specialists if they suspect they may be facing learning challenges that are impacting their education. The learning disability assessment consists of a consultation appointment, four 1-hour testing sessions, and a follow up appointment to discuss the results.
Students preparing to transfer to a four-year institution should update their existing learning disability testing prior to transfer, as most four-year institutions require current test results to prescribe accommodations.
Educational Assistance Classes
Hartnell College offers a variety of Educational Assistance Classes designed to assist students to learn strategies for success. Please check the Hartnell schedule of classes for current offerings. Educational Assistance Classes are in the Learning Skills (LSK) discipline.
Adaptive Physical Education (APE)
The Hartnell Adaptive Physical Education Program is an inclusionary program orientated around the philosophy that a student with a physical or psychological limitation/disability is provided physical education.
PEAD 84 is a unique fitness program that features individualized programs of instruction for all individuals with disabilities short or long term. Instructor designed exercise programs for each student are based upon their APE assessment and their health care professional’s recommendations and referral. The primary goals are to increase functionality, strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance by using range of motion and progressive resistance through machines/exercises.Students should check the schedule of courses for times and dates.
Your Rights
The Law
Asacollegestudentwithadisability,youhavetherightto"reasonableaccommodations"based uponyourverifieddisabilitiesunder the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (Amended in 2008) andSection504oftheRehabilitationActof1973. Provisions ofthelawstatesthat:"NootherwisequalifiedpersonwithadisabilityintheUnitedStatesshall, solelybyreasonofdisability,bedeniedthebenefitsof,beexcludedfromparticipationin,orbe subjecttodiscriminationunderanyprogramoractivityreceivingfederalfinancialassistance." Collegesanduniversitiesreceivingfederalfinancialassistancemustnotdiscriminateinthe recruitment,admissionortreatmentofstudents. Studentswithdocumenteddisabilitiesmay requestaccommodations, orauxiliaryaidswhichwillenablethemtoparticipateandbenefitfrom allpost -secondaryeducationalprogramsandactivities. Collegesmustmakesuchchangesto ensurethattheacademicprogramsareaccessibletothegreatestextentpossiblebyallstudents withdisabilities.
Students choosing to participate in DSP&S have a right to confidentiality. During your initial intake appointment, you will be asked who you would like to share information with. The DSP&S will not share any information about your participation in the program, accommodations, or disability related information to faculty, staff, parents, or community members without your written consent.
Conditions for Providing Reasonable Accommodations
Academic adjustments, auxiliary aids and services provided by the DSP&S may be provided to a student only if all of the following conditions have been met (per Title 5):
- The approved accommodations do not duplicate services or instruction which are otherwise available to all students;
- The accommodations are directly related to the educational limitations of the verified disabilities of the student to be served;
- The accommodations are directly related to the student's participation in the educational process at this college; and,
- The accommodations are intended to promote the maximum independence and integration of the student and aid in supporting the student's participation in educational activities consistent with the mission of the community colleges.
In addition, the college may decline to provide accommodations that would necessitate fundamental alterations of curriculum or academic requirements.
TheCollegeiscommittedtotheconceptthatthestudentshouldbefreefromunfairandimproper actiononthepartofanymemberoftheacademiccommunity. If,atanytime,a studentfeelsthat he/shehasbeensubjecttounjustactions,ordeniedhis/herrights,redresscanbesoughtthrough thefilingofanappealorgrievance. Thecomplaintshouldbeinwritingandcontaininformation abouttheallegeddiscriminationasoutlinedon the Hartnell College Web-site and in the CollegeCatalog. Detailedinformationis provided online and intheCollegeCatalog,whichisavailableforreviewinCollegeoffices,theDSP&S officeandinAdmissionsandRecords. Alternativemeansoffilingcomplaints(suchaspersonal interviewsorataperecordingofthecomplaint)andadvocacyisavailableforstudentswith disabilitiesuponrequestfromtheDSP&Soffice.