MantorvillePark and
Recreation Board
Tuesday,October 25th, 2016, 7:00pm
Mantorville Council Chambers
Callto Order -7:01 PM by Chair Ann Tuma
Present - A. Tuma, W. Lambert, H. Blair, E. Oolman
Guest – Scott Larson
Changes toagenda - Park Bench donations added
Approval ofMinutes–Minutes for the September 27th meeting of the Mantorville Park and Recreation Board were approved (M Blair, 2nd Tuma
New Business:
- Will Lambert distributed pictures of benches which have been donated, tentatively, for use at the Dog Park. Both need refinishing and some degree of repair. Consensus of the group was that they could be used outside the dog park fence. Will shall take to City Council for approval. Scot will also check to see if any of the K-M Lions might be interested in helping with the restoration.
Old Business:
- EAB in Dodge County- Ann Tuma reviewed information shared at the EAB informational meeting. The best treatment is to burn infected wood immediately. On discussion, we wil consider treating some of the Ash Trees at Dennison Park while continuing to remove and replace ash trees in Riverside Park.
- Review 2017 PB budget – The board reviewed and adjusted the 2017 Park Board Budget Proposal and a motion was approved (M-Lambert, 2nd Oolman) to submit it to the City Council as follows:
2013 Actl / 2014 Actl / 2015 actl / 2016 Bud / 2016 YTD / 2017 Budg
Salaries / 7796.36 / 14533.41 / 10299.53 / 8600.00 / 1955.73 / 8600.00
Emp. Benefits / 2138.46 / 5207.44 / 3660.91 / 4200.00 / 285.22 / 4200.00
Work Comp / 471.00 / 302.00 / 500.00 / 400.00 / 500.00
Supplies / 14.23.69 / 1376.10 / 1757.79 / 1500.00 / 1341.17 / 1500.00
Tax/Licensing / 55.88 / 35.80 / 36.00 / 60.00 / 45.00 / 60.00
Fuel / 833.94 / 774.19 / 829.62 / 1000.00 / 494.17 / 1000.00
Rep/Maintenance buildings / 5862.69 / 7066.65 / 7245.88 / 8500.00 / 6770.95 / 8500.00
Rep/Maintenance Machines / 676.74 / 540.92 / 718.08 / 1000.00 / 666.06 / 1000.00
Rental / 1257.76 / 654.61 / 1636.83 / 1500.00 / 525..82 / 1500.00
Misc / 5000.00 / 0 / 5000.00 / 5000.00 / 5150.95 / 5000.00
Capital Outlay / 7704.77 / 4073.99 / 4012.81 / 0 / 0 / 8000
Park Board proposed projects / 7525.00 / 1350 / 13350
Total Parks & Recreation / 32751.29 / 34734.11 / 35499.45 / 39385.00 / 17635.07 / 50710
Breakdown for Proposed 2017 projects:
Tree remvl/Replcmt, all parks / 5850
Tree remvl/Replcmt, non-park / 2000
Estate Rake / 400
Riverside BB Court / 2600
Mantor FieldDugouts / 2500
Total / 13350
RV-Park Proposed Expenses
R-V Park mulch / $180 / RV fund
R-V Park Trash/Garbage svc / 720 / RV fund
- Mantor Field playground Update – Board members, City Crew, Mayor Bradford and community volunteers installed the playground equipment at Mantor Field Park on Sat. 10/15. Timbering was installed on the back and sides. Scot and Joe will obtain additional timbers, pea rock and drain tubing (for the back and sides). We decided to extend the west boundary of the play area by 4’ to insure safe clearance should a child jump from a swing. Scot and Joe will install and staple the fabric barrier and have mulch delivered as time permits (may need to have another work day if their schedule gets tight).
- ZWP/LCCMR Riverside Park Project update– Ann will resend plaque content and suggested input be sent directly to Kevin Strauss to facilitate timely consideration.
- Mantor Field Dugouts– Paulson builders placed posts and cement bases for $2,500. Paulson quoted (to Scot) a price of $1,700 each for labor to build the complete dugouts. Scot reported we already have most of the materials needed, except for some shingles and siding. Scot will put together a more detailed budget and forward to Chair Ann Tuma.
Financial - Chair Tuma reported that sufficient funds for completion of the
Mantor Field Playground should be within the carryover budget.
Public works
- Concrete under Dennison Park benches has not yet been poured. We will try to get this done before baseball play starts next year.
City council- None
Adjournment – 8:10 PM per motion by Lambert, 2nd Oolman.
Next meeting: November 29th, 2016 at 7pm. We will discuss the future of the park board and hold elections if feasible.