Database Systems

CourseDCO20107Database Systems
LecturerBryan Cheung Tel: 2788-8115, Office: P6847,
E-mail: ,
Tutor Bryan Cheung
Teaching PatternLectures26 hours
Laboratories13 hours

Course Aims & Objectives:
This is a CMU's course which introduces students to database concepts including Database Design. Relational Data Models are emphasized. Students develop client-server applications in HTML and ASP, using commercial database management systems. Example applications include e-commerce systems.
On completion of the module, you should be able to :

a)Understand characteristics about a Database system.

b)Design a database for a set of requirements.

c)Implement the DB design using a Database Management System(DBMS).

d)Build a Web Database System.

Assessment Pattern:
Course work: Laboratories, assignments and a project.
Examination: One examination and one quize
30% Coursework and 70% Examination
Grading pattern: Standard (A+AA-...F)

Online Teaching Materials



Text Book

Connolly, Thomas, and Carolyn Begg.

Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management. 2nd ed. Harlow: Addison-Wesley.

Supplementary Reading

McFadden, F.R. and Hoffer, J.A.: Modern DatabaseManagement, 5th Ed., Addison Wesley., 1999.

Software and Database used

1.Oracle 9i DBMS.

(Server IP:, Connection Name: Ora9t1,

Web Server IP:, ODBC: ORACLE)

Note: WEB access:


3.Microsoft Window, Personal Web Server (PWS) and ODBC Driver.Teaching Context

Unit 1.Database Systems
/ 1.1Introduction to Databases Systems
1.2Relational Databases
Unit 2.Complete SQL
Quiz (Week 7) / 2.1SQL
2.2Advanced SQL
2.3Web Databases
Unit 3.Database Design
/ 3.1Database System Design
3.2Entity-Relationship Models
Unit 4.Transactions and Indexes
/ 4.1Transaction Management
4.2Improving Query Performance
Unit 5.Current Trends
Exam / 5.1Non-Relational Data Models
5.2Data Warehousing, OLAP, and Data Mining

1.Database Concepts: Background and definition. Data definition. Data Base, Data Base Management System.

2.Data Models: Relational, Hierarchical and Network data models.

3.Relational Database Model: Fundamental notions: tables, views, keys. Relation database operators. Indexes.

4.Structured Query Language(SQL): Data definition language(DDL). Data manipulation Language(DML). Embedded SQL.

5.Database Design: Normalisation. Stages of database design. Requirements formulation and analysis. Conceptual design. Implementation design. Physical design.

6.Web Database: How database is accessed and processed through Internet and WEB.

7.Performance Tuning: Index. Hashing Client-Server Model.

8.Database Integrity, Recovery and Concurrency: Integrity rules. Database Recovery. Record locking.

9.Object-Oriented Database: Concepts and benefits. Pros and cons.

Logical Flow of Learning

(Prepared by Bryancheung-2001)01a-1/11