Friends of Brighton & Hove Hospitals: Grant Requests /

Trustees at Friends of Brighton & Hove Hospitals (registered charity 209414) regularly consider requests for grant funding.

The Friends mission statement is:

Working with the local NHS to enhance patient experience by raising money for equipment and services that really do make a difference.

SPFT Clinical staff working with patients in Brighton & Hove may submit grant requests that meet these aims.

Criteria for requests to the Friends:

  • The request should be for equipment which will provide the best care for patient and offers best value for money (not necessarily the cheapest). Please contact your trust purchasing department who can assist in gathering indicative costings to inform your application. The Friends Trustees normally fund new equipment but can also fund replacement equipment if it offers significant new benefits for patient comfort.
  • Ongoing revenue costs (eg for maintenance, repairs and consumables) are the responsibility of the Department requesting the item.
  • A simple explanation of the benefit which will be derived by patients from the requested items should be provided.
  • Requests need to be authorised by your manager before being submitted. Please note management authorisation does not guarantee that your bid will be submitted to the Friends.
  • All bids go to the Trust internal Brighton Friends Grant Request Approval Committee. This committee decides which bids will be sent to the Friends.
  • Bids should be emailed to:

Nick McMaster

Lead Activities Facilitator

Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Further details and application forms are available from:

01273 621984 x2440 / 07712 435122

Please contact as early as possible for advice and support.

Completed requests to:

Friends of Brighton & Hove Hospitals

E: 01273 664936

Full details of previous successful bids:



Item / Cost of Item
(excluding VAT) / Revenue Cost
(to be funded by Department)
Amount requested from the Friends / £
Additional Information in support of Application. (Please provide specific details as to how your request would be of benefit to patients.)
Person to whom queries
should be addressed: / Tel No:
Authorised by Divisional Capital Lead (This must be completed in order for your application to proceed)
Signature : Print Name:Date :
For Office Use:
Authorisation Reference: