2005-2006 Priority Objectives, Strategies, and Actions
Theme 1: Achieving student success and strengthening the assessment of learning outcomes.
Objective 1.3:Increasenumber of basic skills students who successfully complete basic skill courses and transition to degree-applicable courses (Existing)
Strategy 4: Promote development of reading skills. (Existing)
- Continue and expand coordination with Cal Poly and AHC faculty to improve reading across the curriculum at both basic skills and transfer levels; effort to include training for faculty and staff.
Measure of Success: Faculty participants are identified and they participate in workshops/activities.
Responsible Person/Group: Reading Specialist; WritingCenter Coordinator; Dept. Chair Language Arts; Dean Academic Affairs
Completion Date:May 2006
- Assess content analysis of required texts in targeted disciplines to determine possible disconnect between reading level of text and reading level of students registered.
Measure of Success: Disciplines are identified and assessment is completed.
Responsible Person/Group: Discipline, Faculty and Reading Specialist
Completion Date:May 2006
- Develop an instrument to assess student level of readiness for college-level reading and their associated assumptions/attitudes toward learning and critical thinking.
Measure of Success: Implement instrument of assessment and test validity.
Responsible Person/Group: Basic Skills Committee Members working with
Counselors/PD Instructors and institutional research.
Completion Date:May 2006
Objective:1.1By 2008, establish collegewide learning outcome measures and implement assessment of learning. (Existing)
Strategy 1: Provide staff development for faculty and staff in order to develop, implement, and assess
learning outcomes. (Existing)
- Develop a common lexicon for assessment campus-wide that will be used in all SLO-based activities.
Measure of Success: Lexicon determined and distributed.
Responsible Person/Group: Learning Outcomes Task Force
Completion Date:Spring 2006
- Educate faculty and staff regarding resources on assessment, such as books, website, model plans.
Measure of Success: Incorporated into staff development activity.
Responsible Person/Group: Learning Outcomes Task Force
Completion Date:Spring 2006
- Direct LRC to create a traveling “Assessment” lending library cart that will move from dept meeting to dept meeting, with materials to be checked out by disciplines, programs, offices.
Measure of Success: LRC develops cart.
Responsible Person/Group: Learning Outcomes Task Force
Completion Date:Spring 2006
- Develop a traveling “road show” of small-scale teaching performances that will be exhibited at dept meetings, staff development opportunities, and/or retreats. The performances should exhibit “best practices” that conflate good teaching, to different learning styles, exemplifying assessment.
Measure of Success: Presentations occur.
Responsible Person/Group: Deans and VP.
Completion Date:June 2006
Strategy 6: Develop a process for evaluating online courses and instruction. (Existing)
- Administer faculty evaluation instrument in DL courses in all disciplines.
Measure of Success: Instrument administered and evaluated.
Responsible Person/Group: Deans of Academic Affairs
Completion Date:May 2006
- Review and evaluate retention and course completion data.
Measure of Success: Identify interventions based on data evaluation.
Responsible Person/Group: Office of Institutional Research, Departments
Completion Date:May 2006
- Develop a student program review instrument for all DL courses, programs, and services.
Measure of Success: Instrument developed and ready to implement.
Responsible Person/Group: AP & P and Office of Institutional Research
Completion Date:June 2006
Theme 2: Pursuing appropriate staffing levels, addressing equity and diversity,
maintaining quality of staff, and increasing employee evolvement.
Objective 2.2: Retain a college staff that is diverse and well qualified. (Existing)
Strategy 1: Pursuea total compensation package that exceeds the state and/or local medianfor each employee group (New)
- Establish a shared governance committee for employee retention.
Measure of Success: Committee formed
Responsible Person/Group: PAC
Completion Date:Fall 2005
- Design and implement a staff climate survey of employees to determine compensation needs based on questions developed through a shared governance process.
Measure of Success: Survey results
Responsible Person/Group: Employee Retention Committee and institutional research.
Completion Date:Spring 2006
- Survey former (other than retirees) employees to determine reasons for leaving.
Measure of Success: Survey results
Responsible Person/Group: Employee Retention Committee and institutional research.
Completion Date: Spring 2006
- Survey other districts for compensation packages
Measure of Success: Survey results
Responsible Person/Group: Employee Retention Committee
Completion Date:Spring 2006
Strategy 6: Celebrate and foster staff appreciation. (Existing)
- Social breakout groups during all-staff day
Measure of Success: breakouts occur
Responsible Person/Group: New CEO develop adhoc committee
Completion Date:Ongoing
- Establish off-campus activity
Measure of Success: Attendance
Responsible Person/Group: Committee
Completion Date: Spring 2006
- Open house rotated by department (or building) on a monthly basis.
Measure of Success: Attendance
Responsible Person/Group: Committee
Completion Date: Monthly
Objective 2.4: Pursue appropriate staffing levels. (Existing)
Strategy 3: Develop a proposal to address the need for bilingual speaking employees throughout the
district as indicated by an ongoing assessment of departmental needs. (Rewritten from the original #2)
- Develop an assessment tool for the department needs.
Measure of Success: Assessment completed
Responsible Person/Group: Work with IRP to organize focus groups with ESL students.
Completion Date:Ongoing
- Incorporate the results into the staff prioritization process
Measure of Success: Process reflects the bilingual needs
Responsible Person/Group: Cabinet
Completion Date:June 2006
Strategy 4: Increase staffing levels based on institutional priorities. (Rewritten originally #3)
Theme 3: Improving process coordination and communication to improve institutional effectiveness
Objective 3.4: Create, upgrade, and maintain essential infrastructure to support improvement of process coordination.(Existing)
Strategy 1: Develop and implement the project Decision Support System (2003 Technology Plan) for
network administration and mainframe migration. (Existing)
- Develop preliminary plan for HP3000 replacement
Measure of Success: Have plan to determine funding needs
Responsible Person/Group: IT Services
Completion Date: October 2005
- Incorporate budget needs/plan into bond measure.
Measure of Success: Bond item(s) are on the ballot
Responsible Person/Group: CEO and Board of Trustees
Completion Date: June 2006
- Develop comprehensive Network Administration Plan
Measure of Success: Have plan
Responsible Person/Group: IT Services
Completion Date: October 2005
Strategy 2: Increase the capacity, if needed, and maintain the reliability of the internet and intranet web
sites. (Existing)
- Pursue technology grant opportunities and incorporate technology needs in instructional grants.
Measure of Success: Obtain technology funds
Responsible Person/Group: IT Services and Office of Institutional Grants
Completion Date: Ongoing
- Implement new web server purchased 2004-2005.
Measure of Success: New web server online
Responsible Person/Group: IT Services
Completion Date: July 2005
Objective 3.5: Improve college wide measures of institutional effectiveness and develop processes to ensure accountability.(Existing)
Strategy 2: Ensure awareness of information available to college personnel, including data for program
evaluation through such means as expanded use of the college internet and intranet. (Existing)
- Conduct training on what data is available and how to access it.
Measure of Success: Expanded use of the web sites.
Responsible Person/Group: Professional Development, HRD, and IRP
Completion Date: Ongoing
- Collect web usage data (e.g., Web Trends)
Measure of Success: Increased usage
Responsible Person/Group: IT Services
Completion Date: June 2006
- Conduct training on Content Management System
Measure of Success: More data posted online by the various departmentsResponsible Person/Group: IT Services
Completion Date: December 2005
Strategy 3: Develop measures of effectiveness and productivity. (Existing)
- Conduct Staff climate survey
Measure of Success: Staff climate survey results show awareness of college information and data.
Responsible Person/Group: IRP and all staff to fill out survey
Completion Date: June 2006
- Research Advisory committee share with the Planning committee recommendations for measures of effectiveness and productivity.
Measure of Success: Planning committee implements recommendations
Responsible Person/Group: Research Advisory Committee and Enrollment Management Committee
Completion Date: June 2006
Theme 4: Increasing Student Access
Objective 4.3: Develop and implement an effective enrollment management plan. (Existing)
Strategy 1: Review the effectiveness of the existing class schedule with respect to optimal student access
and learning, revise where indicated, and implement changes/revisions. (Existing)
- A meeting each term to evaluate enrollment plans (post-mortem).
Measure of Success: District enrollment growth above statewide enrollment growth rate.
Responsible Person/Group: Betty Inclan/ Frank Grosbayne
Completion Date:Ongoing.
- Deans, chairs, and VP of instruction, and student services staffwillhave a meeting during schedule development.
Measure of Success: District course retention rates and persistence rates above statewide
Responsible Person/Group: Betty Inclan/Frank Grosbayne
Completion Date:Not provided.
- Enforcing prerequisites.
Measure of Success: District enrollment growth above statewide enrollment growth rate.
Responsible Person/Group: Betty Inclan/Frank Grosbayne
Completion Date:Ongoing.
- Develop effective response to waitlist information.
Measure of Success: District course retention rates and persistence rates above statewide
Responsible Person/Group: Betty Inclan/Frank Grosbayne
Completion Date:June 2006.
Strategy 2: Expand distance learning offerings in terms of courses and programs. (Rewritten)
- Increase by eight the courses offered on line.
Measure of Success: Courses offered.
Responsible Person/Group: Betty Inclan/Academic Deans
Completion Date:June 2006.
- Provide incentives to faculty for creation of new on-line courses (e.g., grants via grants, corporate sponsorships
Measure of Success: Distance learning courses offered.
Responsible Person/Group: Betty Inclan/Academic Deans
Completion Date:June 2006.
- Provide faculty training to facilitate transition to on-line courses.
Measure of Success: Training provided.
Responsible Person/Group: Betty Inclan/Academic Deans
Completion Date:Ongoing.
- Evaluate other distance learning programs (e.g., other CCs, Australia)
Measure of Success: New ideas generated.
Responsible Person/Group: Betty Inclan/Academic Deans
Completion Date:Ongoing.
Strategy 3: Provide multiple opportunities for students through flexible scheduling (e.g.
offering comprehensive calendar including accelerated, evening, and on-line courses) (Rewritten)
- Research other community colleges’ success with compressed calendars, weekend college, and block scheduling.
Measure of Success: Information gathered.
Responsible Person/Group: Betty Inclan/Academic Deans
Completion Date:June 2006.
- Conduct focus groups to define students’ interests and needs.
Measure of Success: Not provided.
Responsible Person/Group: Betty Inclan/IRP
Completion Date:Ongoing.
Objective 4.2: Develop integrated and comprehensive outreach services. (Existing)
Strategy 1: Create a delivery system to share information across all departments and units so that the
district can provide efficient and effective outreach services. (Existing)
- Reestablishposition to coordinate outreach efforts.
Measure of Success: Position filled.
Responsible Person/Group: Frank Grosbayne
Completion Date:June 2006.
- Create and develop centralized information system to coordinate all elements of outreach programs including tracking students from first contact to goal completion.
Measure of Success: System exists.
Responsible Person/Group: Frank Grosbayne
Completion Date:June 2006.
Strategy 2: Maintain an active, centralized, and coordinated college-wide outreach in the high schools
and community and measure effectiveness. (Existing)
- Establish a district-wide outreach and retention committee in order to develop a plan (See Enrollment Management Plan).
Measure of Success: Appoint outreach and retention committee members
Responsible Person/Group: Frank Grosbayne
Completion Date:June 2006.
Strategy 4: Increase public relations and media support (Rewritten)
- Implement relevant activities of Enrollment Management Plan.
Measure of Success: Activities implemented.
Responsible Person/Group: Enrollment Management Committee.
Completion Date: June 2006.
Objective 4.1: Ensure easy access to information, services, and processes for students. (Existing)
Strategy 4: Expand availability of information to students on campus. (Existing)
- Hire a full-time bilingual (Spanish/English) switchboard operator.
Measure of Success: Fill position
Responsible Person/Group: Frank Grosbayne
Completion Date:June 2006.
- Provide clearly identified signage in both English and in Spanish
Measure of Success: Signage visible.
Responsible Person/Group: Felix Hernandez.
Completion Date:June 2006.
Strategy 5: Broaden off-campus programs and services to meet community needs. (Existing)
- Conduct an assessment of community needs, which includes meeting with community leaders.
Measure of Success: Completion of needs assessment
Responsible Person/Group: Roger Welt
Completion Date:June 2006.
- Explore ways to increase enrollment at the LVC.
Measure of Success: LVC enrollment increases.
Responsible Person/Group: Enrollment Management Committee.
Completion Date:Ongoing.
Theme 5: Improving the physical environment
Objective 5.1: Provide attractive and highly functional learning and work environment. (Existing)
Rationale: None.
Strategy 1: Plan and complete a remodel of the learning resource center; construction of the skills
center and construction of the science and health occupations facilities, subject to funding availability. (Existing)
- Library/Media Technology Center, Substantial construction completion in 2006.
Measure of Success: Improvement in levels of satisfaction in areas related to the college’s physical environment as measured through;
Responsible Person/Group: Executive Director, Facilities and Operations
Completion Date: June 2006
- SkillsCenter: Seek state bid authorization, bid project, seek authorization to award bid, start construction 2005
Measure of Success: Program review, student/employee climate survey, started
Responsible Person/Group: Executive Director, Facilities and Operations Completion Date: September 2005
- Science/Health Occupations Complex: Seek state bid authorization, bid project,
seek authorization to award bid, start construction 2005
Measure of Success: Started construction
Responsible Person/Group: Executive Director, Facilities and Operations Completion Date: October 2005
Strategy 3: Seek state and other funding sources to implement five-year construction plan. (Existing)
- Hire consultant to assist with bond measure
Measure of Success: Achieve funding for new facilities
Responsible Person/Group: President/Superintendent and Executive Director, Facilities
and Operations
Completion Date: June 2006
- Survey community to determine support level for bond election
Measure of Success: Achieve funding for new facilities
Responsible Person/Group: President/Superintendent and Executive Director, Facilities
and Operations
Completion Date: June 2006
- Evaluate results of survey to determine community support for specific projects
Measure of Success: Achieve funding for new facilities
Responsible Person/Group: President/Superintendent and Executive Director, Facilities
and Operations
Completion Date: June 2006
- Determination of maximum amount to be approved by voters
Measure of Success: Achieve funding for new facilities
Responsible Person/Group: President/Superintendent and Executive Director, Facilities
and Operations
Completion Date: June 2006
- Conduct an information campaign regarding facilities needs
Measure of Success: Achieve funding for new facilities
Responsible Person/Group: President/Superintendent and Executive Director, Facilities
and Operations
Completion Date: June 2006
- Board decision seeking general obligation bond
Measure of Success: Achieve funding for new facilities
Responsible Person/Group: President/Superintendent and Executive Director, Facilities
and Operations
Completion Date: June 2006
- Seek state approval for the state bond fund for the student services and fine art buildings
Measure of Success: Achieve funding for new facilities
Responsible Person/Group: President/Superintendent and Executive Director, Facilities
and Operations
Completion Date: June 2006
Objective 5.4: Develop and implement a comprehensive district wide systematic vehicle and equipment expansion and replacement process (Existing)
Strategy 1: Seek state and other funding sources to implement five-year construction plan. (Existing)
- Form an ad hoc group to create a process for the purpose of equipment update and/or replacement
Measure of Success: Completion of a documented process with evidence that replacement
and purchase are consistent with the process
Responsible Person/Group: Ad hoc committee
Completion Date: June 2006
- Present the process for approval to facilities advisory, planning, and budget committees.
Measure of Success: Completion of a documented process with evidence that replacement
and purchase are consistent with the process
Responsible Person/Group: Ad hoc committee
Completion Date: June 2006
- Ensure the linkage to program review and/or strategic plan.
Measure of Success: Completion of a documented process with evidence that replacement
and purchase are consistent with the process
Responsible Person/Group: Ad hoc committee
Completion Date: June 2006
Strategy 5: Seek funding to implement a comprehensive systematic vehicle and equipment replacement
plan. (Existing)
- Apply for grants to supply funding for equipment and replacement and/or upgrade
Measure of Success: Evidence that grants are submitted.
Responsible Person/Group: Executive director of facilities and operations, Institutional Grants.