2005-2006 Priority Objectives, Strategies, and Actions

Theme 1: Achieving student success and strengthening the assessment of learning outcomes.

Objective 1.3:Increasenumber of basic skills students who successfully complete basic skill courses and transition to degree-applicable courses (Existing)

Strategy 4: Promote development of reading skills. (Existing)


  1. Continue and expand coordination with Cal Poly and AHC faculty to improve reading across the curriculum at both basic skills and transfer levels; effort to include training for faculty and staff.

Measure of Success: Faculty participants are identified and they participate in workshops/activities.

Responsible Person/Group: Reading Specialist; WritingCenter Coordinator; Dept. Chair Language Arts; Dean Academic Affairs

Completion Date:May 2006

  1. Assess content analysis of required texts in targeted disciplines to determine possible disconnect between reading level of text and reading level of students registered.

Measure of Success: Disciplines are identified and assessment is completed.

Responsible Person/Group: Discipline, Faculty and Reading Specialist

Completion Date:May 2006

  1. Develop an instrument to assess student level of readiness for college-level reading and their associated assumptions/attitudes toward learning and critical thinking.

Measure of Success: Implement instrument of assessment and test validity.

Responsible Person/Group: Basic Skills Committee Members working with

Counselors/PD Instructors and institutional research.

Completion Date:May 2006

Objective:1.1By 2008, establish collegewide learning outcome measures and implement assessment of learning. (Existing)

Strategy 1: Provide staff development for faculty and staff in order to develop, implement, and assess

learning outcomes. (Existing)


  1. Develop a common lexicon for assessment campus-wide that will be used in all SLO-based activities.

Measure of Success: Lexicon determined and distributed.

Responsible Person/Group: Learning Outcomes Task Force

Completion Date:Spring 2006

  1. Educate faculty and staff regarding resources on assessment, such as books, website, model plans.

Measure of Success: Incorporated into staff development activity.

Responsible Person/Group: Learning Outcomes Task Force

Completion Date:Spring 2006

  1. Direct LRC to create a traveling “Assessment” lending library cart that will move from dept meeting to dept meeting, with materials to be checked out by disciplines, programs, offices.

Measure of Success: LRC develops cart.

Responsible Person/Group: Learning Outcomes Task Force

Completion Date:Spring 2006

  1. Develop a traveling “road show” of small-scale teaching performances that will be exhibited at dept meetings, staff development opportunities, and/or retreats. The performances should exhibit “best practices” that conflate good teaching, to different learning styles, exemplifying assessment.

Measure of Success: Presentations occur.

Responsible Person/Group: Deans and VP.

Completion Date:June 2006

Strategy 6: Develop a process for evaluating online courses and instruction. (Existing)


  1. Administer faculty evaluation instrument in DL courses in all disciplines.

Measure of Success: Instrument administered and evaluated.

Responsible Person/Group: Deans of Academic Affairs

Completion Date:May 2006

  1. Review and evaluate retention and course completion data.

Measure of Success: Identify interventions based on data evaluation.

Responsible Person/Group: Office of Institutional Research, Departments

Completion Date:May 2006

  1. Develop a student program review instrument for all DL courses, programs, and services.

Measure of Success: Instrument developed and ready to implement.

Responsible Person/Group: AP & P and Office of Institutional Research

Completion Date:June 2006

Theme 2: Pursuing appropriate staffing levels, addressing equity and diversity,

maintaining quality of staff, and increasing employee evolvement.

Objective 2.2: Retain a college staff that is diverse and well qualified. (Existing)

Strategy 1: Pursuea total compensation package that exceeds the state and/or local medianfor each employee group (New)


  1. Establish a shared governance committee for employee retention.

Measure of Success: Committee formed

Responsible Person/Group: PAC

Completion Date:Fall 2005

  1. Design and implement a staff climate survey of employees to determine compensation needs based on questions developed through a shared governance process.

Measure of Success: Survey results

Responsible Person/Group: Employee Retention Committee and institutional research.

Completion Date:Spring 2006

  1. Survey former (other than retirees) employees to determine reasons for leaving.

Measure of Success: Survey results

Responsible Person/Group: Employee Retention Committee and institutional research.

Completion Date: Spring 2006

  1. Survey other districts for compensation packages

Measure of Success: Survey results

Responsible Person/Group: Employee Retention Committee

Completion Date:Spring 2006

Strategy 6: Celebrate and foster staff appreciation. (Existing)


  1. Social breakout groups during all-staff day

Measure of Success: breakouts occur

Responsible Person/Group: New CEO develop adhoc committee

Completion Date:Ongoing

  1. Establish off-campus activity

Measure of Success: Attendance

Responsible Person/Group: Committee

Completion Date: Spring 2006

  1. Open house rotated by department (or building) on a monthly basis.

Measure of Success: Attendance

Responsible Person/Group: Committee

Completion Date: Monthly

Objective 2.4: Pursue appropriate staffing levels. (Existing)

Strategy 3: Develop a proposal to address the need for bilingual speaking employees throughout the

district as indicated by an ongoing assessment of departmental needs. (Rewritten from the original #2)


  1. Develop an assessment tool for the department needs.

Measure of Success: Assessment completed

Responsible Person/Group: Work with IRP to organize focus groups with ESL students.

Completion Date:Ongoing

  1. Incorporate the results into the staff prioritization process

Measure of Success: Process reflects the bilingual needs

Responsible Person/Group: Cabinet

Completion Date:June 2006

Strategy 4: Increase staffing levels based on institutional priorities. (Rewritten originally #3)

Theme 3: Improving process coordination and communication to improve institutional effectiveness

Objective 3.4: Create, upgrade, and maintain essential infrastructure to support improvement of process coordination.(Existing)

Strategy 1: Develop and implement the project Decision Support System (2003 Technology Plan) for

network administration and mainframe migration. (Existing)


  1. Develop preliminary plan for HP3000 replacement

Measure of Success: Have plan to determine funding needs

Responsible Person/Group: IT Services

Completion Date: October 2005

  1. Incorporate budget needs/plan into bond measure.

Measure of Success: Bond item(s) are on the ballot

Responsible Person/Group: CEO and Board of Trustees

Completion Date: June 2006

  1. Develop comprehensive Network Administration Plan

Measure of Success: Have plan

Responsible Person/Group: IT Services

Completion Date: October 2005

Strategy 2: Increase the capacity, if needed, and maintain the reliability of the internet and intranet web

sites. (Existing)


  1. Pursue technology grant opportunities and incorporate technology needs in instructional grants.

Measure of Success: Obtain technology funds

Responsible Person/Group: IT Services and Office of Institutional Grants

Completion Date: Ongoing

  1. Implement new web server purchased 2004-2005.

Measure of Success: New web server online

Responsible Person/Group: IT Services

Completion Date: July 2005

Objective 3.5: Improve college wide measures of institutional effectiveness and develop processes to ensure accountability.(Existing)

Strategy 2: Ensure awareness of information available to college personnel, including data for program

evaluation through such means as expanded use of the college internet and intranet. (Existing)


  1. Conduct training on what data is available and how to access it.

Measure of Success: Expanded use of the web sites.

Responsible Person/Group: Professional Development, HRD, and IRP

Completion Date: Ongoing

  1. Collect web usage data (e.g., Web Trends)

Measure of Success: Increased usage

Responsible Person/Group: IT Services

Completion Date: June 2006

  1. Conduct training on Content Management System

Measure of Success: More data posted online by the various departmentsResponsible Person/Group: IT Services

Completion Date: December 2005

Strategy 3: Develop measures of effectiveness and productivity. (Existing)


  1. Conduct Staff climate survey

Measure of Success: Staff climate survey results show awareness of college information and data.

Responsible Person/Group: IRP and all staff to fill out survey

Completion Date: June 2006

  1. Research Advisory committee share with the Planning committee recommendations for measures of effectiveness and productivity.

Measure of Success: Planning committee implements recommendations

Responsible Person/Group: Research Advisory Committee and Enrollment Management Committee

Completion Date: June 2006

Theme 4: Increasing Student Access

Objective 4.3: Develop and implement an effective enrollment management plan. (Existing)

Strategy 1: Review the effectiveness of the existing class schedule with respect to optimal student access

and learning, revise where indicated, and implement changes/revisions. (Existing)


  1. A meeting each term to evaluate enrollment plans (post-mortem).

Measure of Success: District enrollment growth above statewide enrollment growth rate.

Responsible Person/Group: Betty Inclan/ Frank Grosbayne

Completion Date:Ongoing.

  1. Deans, chairs, and VP of instruction, and student services staffwillhave a meeting during schedule development.

Measure of Success: District course retention rates and persistence rates above statewide


Responsible Person/Group: Betty Inclan/Frank Grosbayne

Completion Date:Not provided.

  1. Enforcing prerequisites.

Measure of Success: District enrollment growth above statewide enrollment growth rate.

Responsible Person/Group: Betty Inclan/Frank Grosbayne

Completion Date:Ongoing.

  1. Develop effective response to waitlist information.

Measure of Success: District course retention rates and persistence rates above statewide


Responsible Person/Group: Betty Inclan/Frank Grosbayne

Completion Date:June 2006.

Strategy 2: Expand distance learning offerings in terms of courses and programs. (Rewritten)


  1. Increase by eight the courses offered on line.

Measure of Success: Courses offered.

Responsible Person/Group: Betty Inclan/Academic Deans

Completion Date:June 2006.

  1. Provide incentives to faculty for creation of new on-line courses (e.g., grants via grants, corporate sponsorships

Measure of Success: Distance learning courses offered.

Responsible Person/Group: Betty Inclan/Academic Deans

Completion Date:June 2006.

  1. Provide faculty training to facilitate transition to on-line courses.

Measure of Success: Training provided.

Responsible Person/Group: Betty Inclan/Academic Deans

Completion Date:Ongoing.

  1. Evaluate other distance learning programs (e.g., other CCs, Australia)

Measure of Success: New ideas generated.

Responsible Person/Group: Betty Inclan/Academic Deans

Completion Date:Ongoing.

Strategy 3: Provide multiple opportunities for students through flexible scheduling (e.g.

offering comprehensive calendar including accelerated, evening, and on-line courses) (Rewritten)


  1. Research other community colleges’ success with compressed calendars, weekend college, and block scheduling.

Measure of Success: Information gathered.

Responsible Person/Group: Betty Inclan/Academic Deans

Completion Date:June 2006.

  1. Conduct focus groups to define students’ interests and needs.

Measure of Success: Not provided.

Responsible Person/Group: Betty Inclan/IRP

Completion Date:Ongoing.

Objective 4.2: Develop integrated and comprehensive outreach services. (Existing)

Strategy 1: Create a delivery system to share information across all departments and units so that the

district can provide efficient and effective outreach services. (Existing)


  1. Reestablishposition to coordinate outreach efforts.

Measure of Success: Position filled.

Responsible Person/Group: Frank Grosbayne

Completion Date:June 2006.

  1. Create and develop centralized information system to coordinate all elements of outreach programs including tracking students from first contact to goal completion.

Measure of Success: System exists.

Responsible Person/Group: Frank Grosbayne

Completion Date:June 2006.

Strategy 2: Maintain an active, centralized, and coordinated college-wide outreach in the high schools

and community and measure effectiveness. (Existing)


  1. Establish a district-wide outreach and retention committee in order to develop a plan (See Enrollment Management Plan).

Measure of Success: Appoint outreach and retention committee members

Responsible Person/Group: Frank Grosbayne

Completion Date:June 2006.

Strategy 4: Increase public relations and media support (Rewritten)


  1. Implement relevant activities of Enrollment Management Plan.

Measure of Success: Activities implemented.

Responsible Person/Group: Enrollment Management Committee.

Completion Date: June 2006.

Objective 4.1: Ensure easy access to information, services, and processes for students. (Existing)

Strategy 4: Expand availability of information to students on campus. (Existing)


  1. Hire a full-time bilingual (Spanish/English) switchboard operator.

Measure of Success: Fill position

Responsible Person/Group: Frank Grosbayne

Completion Date:June 2006.

  1. Provide clearly identified signage in both English and in Spanish

Measure of Success: Signage visible.

Responsible Person/Group: Felix Hernandez.

Completion Date:June 2006.

Strategy 5: Broaden off-campus programs and services to meet community needs. (Existing)


  1. Conduct an assessment of community needs, which includes meeting with community leaders.

Measure of Success: Completion of needs assessment

Responsible Person/Group: Roger Welt

Completion Date:June 2006.

  1. Explore ways to increase enrollment at the LVC.

Measure of Success: LVC enrollment increases.

Responsible Person/Group: Enrollment Management Committee.

Completion Date:Ongoing.

Theme 5: Improving the physical environment

Objective 5.1: Provide attractive and highly functional learning and work environment. (Existing)

Rationale: None.

Strategy 1: Plan and complete a remodel of the learning resource center; construction of the skills

center and construction of the science and health occupations facilities, subject to funding availability. (Existing)


  1. Library/Media Technology Center, Substantial construction completion in 2006.

Measure of Success: Improvement in levels of satisfaction in areas related to the college’s physical environment as measured through;

Responsible Person/Group: Executive Director, Facilities and Operations

Completion Date: June 2006

  1. SkillsCenter: Seek state bid authorization, bid project, seek authorization to award bid, start construction 2005

Measure of Success: Program review, student/employee climate survey, started


Responsible Person/Group: Executive Director, Facilities and Operations Completion Date: September 2005

  1. Science/Health Occupations Complex: Seek state bid authorization, bid project,

seek authorization to award bid, start construction 2005

Measure of Success: Started construction

Responsible Person/Group: Executive Director, Facilities and Operations Completion Date: October 2005

Strategy 3: Seek state and other funding sources to implement five-year construction plan. (Existing)


  1. Hire consultant to assist with bond measure

Measure of Success: Achieve funding for new facilities

Responsible Person/Group: President/Superintendent and Executive Director, Facilities

and Operations

Completion Date: June 2006

  1. Survey community to determine support level for bond election

Measure of Success: Achieve funding for new facilities

Responsible Person/Group: President/Superintendent and Executive Director, Facilities

and Operations

Completion Date: June 2006

  1. Evaluate results of survey to determine community support for specific projects

Measure of Success: Achieve funding for new facilities

Responsible Person/Group: President/Superintendent and Executive Director, Facilities

and Operations

Completion Date: June 2006

  1. Determination of maximum amount to be approved by voters

Measure of Success: Achieve funding for new facilities

Responsible Person/Group: President/Superintendent and Executive Director, Facilities

and Operations

Completion Date: June 2006

  1. Conduct an information campaign regarding facilities needs

Measure of Success: Achieve funding for new facilities

Responsible Person/Group: President/Superintendent and Executive Director, Facilities

and Operations

Completion Date: June 2006

  1. Board decision seeking general obligation bond

Measure of Success: Achieve funding for new facilities

Responsible Person/Group: President/Superintendent and Executive Director, Facilities

and Operations

Completion Date: June 2006

  1. Seek state approval for the state bond fund for the student services and fine art buildings

Measure of Success: Achieve funding for new facilities

Responsible Person/Group: President/Superintendent and Executive Director, Facilities

and Operations

Completion Date: June 2006

Objective 5.4: Develop and implement a comprehensive district wide systematic vehicle and equipment expansion and replacement process (Existing)

Strategy 1: Seek state and other funding sources to implement five-year construction plan. (Existing)


  1. Form an ad hoc group to create a process for the purpose of equipment update and/or replacement

Measure of Success: Completion of a documented process with evidence that replacement

and purchase are consistent with the process

Responsible Person/Group: Ad hoc committee

Completion Date: June 2006

  1. Present the process for approval to facilities advisory, planning, and budget committees.

Measure of Success: Completion of a documented process with evidence that replacement

and purchase are consistent with the process

Responsible Person/Group: Ad hoc committee

Completion Date: June 2006

  1. Ensure the linkage to program review and/or strategic plan.

Measure of Success: Completion of a documented process with evidence that replacement

and purchase are consistent with the process

Responsible Person/Group: Ad hoc committee

Completion Date: June 2006

Strategy 5: Seek funding to implement a comprehensive systematic vehicle and equipment replacement

plan. (Existing)


  1. Apply for grants to supply funding for equipment and replacement and/or upgrade

Measure of Success: Evidence that grants are submitted.

Responsible Person/Group: Executive director of facilities and operations, Institutional Grants.