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Minutes of the Dressage SA Gauteng Council meeting with Show holding Bodies and Clubs
/ July 26, 2016 /18:30
Fourways Riding Centre cc, Dassie Road
/SHB or Club:
Shellea Ripley - SHR
Jonathan Harrison - JH
Marion Clough - MC
Tessa Roodt - TR
Matthew Smith - MS
Angie Meredith - AM
/Eaton Farm
Adrienne Attwood - AA
Chrisna Oosthuizen - CO
/The Burgh
Eino Vuorinen - EV
/3 Judges in the North
Jane Tully - JT
Anya Moller - AM
/ WeltmeyerKelley Rynolds - KR
/ WeltmeyerMaureen Beyers - MB
Peter Muller - PM
/Mighty Blues
Karen du Preez -KDP
Elena Jankowitz - EJ
Jane Schalkwijk- JS
Bronwen Meredith - BM
Wessel Strauss - WS
Shaneen Krzyza - SK
Siobhan Records - SR
Tim Marsland - TIM
Trudy Marsland - TRM
Surea van Schalkwyk - SVS
Julie Burdis - JB
Lauren Burrage - Fifth Avenue Equestrian
Lyn Sacks - Wenglisch Equestria
Di Baxter - Kyalami Park Club
Marion Milne - Van Ryn Equestrian
Claudia Vrettas - Sunlands
1.Welcome DSA Committee members and SAEF Attendees:
EJ - Welcome to Tim and Trudy Marshland from DSA and Wessel Strauss from SAEF
- none
2. Introduction of Gauteng Dressage Council:
- EJ introduced GDC members and their portfolio's:
- Chair Person - Elena Jankowitz
- Vice Chair - Julie Burdis
- Treasury - Karen du Preez
- Technical - Siobhan Records
- Para Riders - Bronwen Meredith
- Districts - Jane Schalkwijk
- This information is readilyavailable to all members on GDC Facebook page as well as the DSA website.
- none
- none
3. JOC compliances SHB's and Clubs
- WS from SAEF led the discussion.
- Thank you to GDC for the invite.
- JOC by definition is a committee that allocates events permits.
- If a venue can host 2000 people standing, such a venue needs an event permit to host shows as per the sports and recreational act, regardless of actual number of people the event will cater for.
- All Show holding bodies need to be JOC compliant for all events hosted, whether it be a graded, training or developmental.
- WS advises JOC will accept it if a SHB's or club submit their dates for one year with the proviso that JOC be sent a reminder 2 weeks prior to the event, informing them that the event is still going ahead.
- JB requests that when a SHB sends their notification of continuation to JOC, GDC and DSA is advised of this.
- Equestrian events are viewed as low risk events.
- JOC applications are specific to municipal area's and each municipality's ask may differ.
- PM- Advised district of Tshwane will only have their JOC assistance meeting after 3 August elections as per Tshwane JOC council.
- AM advises that final certification only takes place on the day of the event when a JOC compliance offer will inspect the property during the event. (Specifically applicable to JHB metro)
- MS wanted to know what the consequence will be for noncompliance to JOC.
- AM advised that if an unsanctioned show is run, then all athletes competing in that show are viewed as unsanctioned and DSA and SAEF will not accept any liability or jurisdiction.
- Any sanctioned shows, graded or training, will fall under the national body's events liability insurance. The national body will communicate procedure to its members.
- WS will distribute JOC documentation to GDC that can be passed on to SHB's and Clubs.
- SHB to contact their local municipality directly for information on where to hand in JOC documentation. SAEF will try and assist with contact details for the various districts.
- Non compliance to JOC regulation can result in a fine, an event being shut down and public liability insurance not covering that event.
- It is the responsibility of SAEF and DSA to stop a show if the venue is not JOC compliant as they are the principal holders of the public liability insurance covering these events.
- SAEF holds 30 million rand in aggregate for public liability insurance nationally.
4. Clubs and Districts - way forward and discussion
- Elena Jankowitz and Julie Burdis from GDC led this discussion.
- The aim is to have at least two clubs per district.
- Club members need to vote for an athlete's representative to sit on the provincial council.
- There is disagreement between SAEF and DSA as to the process of how certain councils should be formed, this will be mitigated by referring to the most up to date signed constitution and due process will follow from there for the 2017 year elections.
- MS argued that DA's should be run by clubs as per previous SAEF mandates.
- JB confirmed that GDC is currently running according the signed and voted in constitution.
- 12 to 18 clubs are needed to form districts and GDC are working on achieving this number.
- TRM advises that regions are SAEF driven and ask that the meeting be brought back on point as this is a dressage specific meeting.
- It was agreed that SAEF matters will be tabled for further discussion at an appropriate national meeting.
- TIM pointed out that the sports needs to me mindful of conflict of interest, meaning that a council member should hold only one position and not various positions in different levels throughout the organisations structures.
- JS advised that Gauteng currently has 7 clubs registered across 5 districts of which 4 fall within the Metro district.
- Smaller clubs are suggesting that they have to few members to meet the GDC joining criteria.
- GDC is very keen to sign up more clubs and made the below suggestion.
- In future smaller clubs could possibly combine their member numbers to make up the GDC requirements for club registration. And then register as one entity.
- MS wanted to know what is the purpose of a club within the current structure.
- JB explained in short, it is being part of a like minded community and referred MS to official documentation on the DSA website for in depth explanations.
- BM adds that clubs are instrumental in filtering information through to the communities’ members as a whole.
- Club issues need to be addressed by the clubs directly and escalated to the applicable DA if relevant.
- Clubs mention that they would like more feedback from GDC on queries sent.
- JB agrees to trying to address queries and escalations from clubs and reiterates that it is important to keep forward motion going regardless of the history of the sport.
- GDC would like more recreational members to register and be part of the DA, this is a free service and GDC are encouragingthe clubs to grow this part of the sport and in turn grow their club’s members for the record.
- The general understanding is that a yard is a club and TIM is suggesting the DSA articulate more clearly what a club is.
- TIM is also saying the SAEF constitution is open to consulting with members and not an autocratic system.
- As per the national sports and recreation act of South Africa, everyone is allowed to compete in their chosen sport and as equestrian representatives, we should work towards enabling this for our chosen discipline.
- EJ described working according to the constitution so that SHB's could have a better understanding of the challenges faced.
- The ask is for club representatives to come onboard and a working committee be made up of volunteers to be established to assist council with man power to implement the districts.
- Volunteers:
- Jane Tully - Weltmeyer
- Angie Meredith - Eaton Farm
- Peter Muller - Mighty Blue
- Matthew Smith - Fourways
- SR will liaise with the above and set up working meeting.
5. SHB - requirements and documents, Training, Unsanctioned, sanctioned
- This discussion was led by Tim Marsland from DSA
- It is understood that the cost of hosting a show is now substantially more due to the added JOC costs that have to be taken into account.
- DSA is aware of this and looking at ways to assist show holding bodies.
- Canterbrooke sent in a detailed cost breakdown of show costs and it is asked that all other venue's please follow suit, so that DSA can look at the figures and see if there is a way forward with regards to assistance and ideas all round to create more profitable shows.
- DSA are suggesting that they will work on sponsorship suggestions with SHB's and see how they can assist them with a target market.
- AM pointed out at the moment sponsorships of shows are a patronage as the size of the show offers little value to a sponsor for return on investment. As above, DSA are looking at this to see if there are ways we can offer sponsors a better return on investment.
- DSA are suggesting forming a working committee to look at ways to make dressage more entertaining.
- JB suggesting that SHB's need to plan further in advanced for targeted shows to enable council to assist with ideas for sponsorship.
- SK raising the issue that it is a lot harder for small venues (venue's containing only 1 or 2 arenas) to run a profitable show due to restrictions on possible entry numbers and raises the point with JOC now compulsory it has a severe impact on these smaller venues.
- SK requesting a breakdown of what levy, fees paid per show are used towards DSA.
- TIM provides the following information on above: Levies are used to run the office, 60% of levies are allocated back to the provinces and some of the funds are used to subsidise officials training costs.
- EV emphatically states that as a judge he has never received any financial assistance towards attending seminars or training provided. DSA will look into this and revert.
- EJ and SR suggesting that a more comprehensive tier structure for entry fees be implemented. Were lower levels pay less and fees increase with the level of competitor and number of judges needed to run a class.
- KR raising the issue that smaller far out venues severely struggling to run profitable shows, due to distance, levy costs, higher costs of assisting officials with travelling expenses and now the added JOC costs, making it increasingly difficult for these venues to run quality shows and grow the sports numbers.
- BM adding that if a SHB has a problem with an official it should be reported to council so that these matters may be investigated and addressed.
- SK suggesting that some form of standardised rates be made available for use to assist the smaller venues and bring them in line with bigger venues.
- SK advocating that venues that were lost due to financial constraint be contacted and a way found to bring them into the fold. All SHB are happy to coordinate on dates and welcome new venues on board.
- SR asked that the rule regarding prize money be relooked to allow venues more freedom to balance entry fee and prize money correlation.
- TIM suggesting that SHB's be allowed to regulate their own prize money structures.
- JB suggests making use of a survey structure to poll members feelings around the prize money debate, and any other issues.
- Please send show expenses to,(Trudy Marsland and Karen Du Preez).
- SR will investigate adjusted rates structures for 2017 and will report back with suggestions by November 2016.
- For prize money, rule to change and be adjusted. Official application and due process needs to be followed. This is a national rule and a motivation needs to be sent to DSA to start the process. Could SHB please send their motivation to your provincial chair Elena Jankowitz for review.
6. Schedules for shows
- Discussion led by Siobhan Records
- Weltmeyer request the document on how to compile a show schedule please be resent to SHB's.
- SHB's request a standardised procedure with some flexibility regarding timelines.
- Council responds that this is already the case and will assist show holding bodies with timelines were possible.
- EJ suggesting that a show schedule template be drawn up for use by all SHB's in Gauteng.
- SHB are invited to send their questions and suggestions regarding the online system to the office. The GDC will interface with the system developer regarding these suggestions.
- Resend show schedule procedure document to SHB
- SHB's to send their suggestions and questions regarding the online system to
7 and 8. Office Support and DA assistance with show and event advertising
THe mem- The Gauteng member database is not available to SHB's due to privacy policy restrictions.
- Gauteng is however happy to communicate to all members on behalf of their SHB's.
- GDC now has an active bulk sms system and Facebook page, which they are happy to use in order to help SHB's with promoting their dressage events.
- GDC requested that all SHB please update their online profiles, specifically regarding Terms and Conditions and banking details. GDC also encourage the SHB and Clubs to advise their members to check and update particulars on the system for memberships.
- SHB raising a few issues that they are experiencing with the online system, covered in point 6 above, please send issues and suggestion to the office for review.
- GDC will use Facebook and bulk sms to help promote dressage events in Gauteng
- SHB's to update their online profiles.
9. Q and A Time
THe memJB suggests that the SHB and Club meeting run quarterly, this was met with approval from all.
A thank you to all who attended and for their input. Thank you to Marion for hosting this 1st meeting.
Meeting concluded at 21:30. Next meeting date to be decided on and communicated to appropriate parties.
Surea Van Schalkwyk– Secretary –
Elena Jankowitz: Chair Person │Julie Burdis: Vice Chair Person: Media/clubs/SHB
Karen du Preez: Treasury/clubs/SHB│Siobhan Records: Technical/Show Schedules
Kate Johns: Development/Young horse │Bronwen Meredith: Para riders | Jane Schalkwijk: Districts