The Beverly Hills High School Physical Education Department is aligned with the standards for Physical Education established by the California Department of Education.

Standard 1: Demonstrate knowledge and competency in motor skills, movement patterns and strategies needed to perform a variety of physical activities.

  • Students will be competent in many movement activities (and will excel in a fewmovement activities).
  • The student will understand how and why one moves in a variety of situations and will use this information to enhance his or her skill.
  • The student will achieve and maintain a health - enhancing level of physical fitness.

Standard 2: Achieve a level of physical fitness for health and performance while demonstrating knowledge of fitness concepts, principles, and strategies.

  • Participate in enjoyable and challenging physical activities that develop and maintain the five components of physical fitness
  • The student will exhibit a physically active lifestyle and will understand that physicalactivity provides opportunities for enjoyment, challenge, and self- expression.
  • Use physical fitness test results to set and adjust goals to improve fitness.

Standard 3: Demonstrate knowledge of psychological and sociological concepts, principles, and strategies as they apply tolerating and performance of physical activity.

  • The student will demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior while participating inmovement activities. The student will understand the importance of respect for all others.
  • The student will understand the interrelationship between history and culture and games, sports, play and dance.
  • Recognize the importance of cooperation and positive interactions with others while participating in physical activity.


Each class period includes 6 minutes to change intothe physical education uniform, dance clothes, or swimsuitat the beginning of the period and 8 minutes at the conclusion. Swim students are dismissed 12 minutes before the end of the period. Students are expected to be sitting in their roll call lines on time.


Students are required to change into the BHHS physical education uniform for class every day. This includes students with excused notes.Appropriate attire includes BHHSPE shirt and shorts, white socks, and athletic shoes. Sweat shirts and pants are permissible as long as they are athletic wear.Uniforms are available and may be purchased at the Student Store. Clothing for swim students and dance students are not available through the Student Store.


Every student attending class mustdress in uniforms for activity. Students who are unable to participate on a modified basis, due to an acute illness, will be given a make-up assignment for the missed activity.

If the activity must be modified for chronic health reasons, a note from a physician is required at the beginning of the semester stating what the student is capable of participating in.





  • Participation, Effort, & Attitude = 50%
  • Skills-Improvement & Knowledge = 20%
  • Fitness- Improvement & Knowledge = 20%
  • Final = 10%

Each day,students receive a grade for a combination of participation, effort, attitude, proper dress, and being on time to class. If you sit out or are absent, you do not receive participation credit for the day (see make-up section). Students’ skills and fitness improvement and knowledge will also be evaluated regularly by performance, projects, tests, and written methods such as critiques and essays.

Unexcused tardies alter your grade in the following manner:

1 tardy = No change in citizenship or letter grade

3 tardies = N in citizenship, no change in letter grade

5 tardies = U in citizenship, 1 letter grade lower

7 tardies = U in citizenship, 2 letter grades lower

9 tardies = U in citizenship, 3 letter grades lower

10 tardies = U in citizenship, fail in class

Unexcused non-suits alter your grade in the following manner:

Each non-suit will lower the grade by one letter. (This does not excuse the student from activity.)

* 10 extra credit points will be awarded to students with zero non-suits

Unexcused absences alter your grade in the following manner:

Each unexcused absence will drop the student’s letter grade once and cannot be made up.

5 unexcused absences result in a drop/fail from class.


The Beverly Hills High School physical education department will continue to offer make-ups for non-suits, unexcused non-participations, F’s, and unexcused tardies, but with the following modifications:

  • ONE make-up day per quarter (including seniors)
  • ONE make-up session per student
  • Length of make-up session = ½ hour
  • Make-up requirements:
  • 6 laps per non-suit, non-participation, “F”
  • 6 laps per excused absence
  • 4 laps per tardy

Please cut off and return


I, ______(print student’s name), understand and agree to all the terms outlined in the Beverly Hills High School Physical Education Grading Practices. Only my most diligent commitment to these guidelines will allow me to receive the grade I earn.


Student Signature ID # Guardian Signature Date Period