/ Course Descriptions
Spring 2016

Undergraduate Classics—1 Undergraduate Linguistics—1 Undergraduate Literature—3 Undergraduate Writing—11 Film – 19Graduate Linguistics—19  Graduate Literature—20 Graduate Writing—26

Undergraduate Classics

CLAS L250-01: Second Year Latin II
TR 12:00-1:15 P.M.D. FlemingCall No. TBD
P: CLAS-L200 or instructor’s approval. Reading from select authors, emphasizing the variety of Latin poetry. Particular focus will be on Vergil’s Aeneid.

Required Texts

  • Vergil's Aeneid, Books I-VI (Latin Edition) (Bks. 1-6) Clyde Pharr, ed.

Evaluation methods

  • Quizzes, exams, translation

Undergraduate Linguistics

ENG L103-02: Introduction to the Study of Language
TR 1:30-2:45 P.M.S. BischoffCall No. 22913
P: None. An introductory survey of linguistics with special attention to the English language emphasizing phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and other various subfields as time permits. This course satisfies Competency Area B5: Social and Behavioral Ways of Knowing (all) and Competency Area A1: Written Communication 1.6.

Required Texts

  • None(Assigned readings will be provided)

Evaluation methods

  • To be announced
ENG G301-01: History of the English Language
TR 3:00-4:15 P.M.D. FlemingCall No. 21929
P: None. HEL covers the development of the English language from its Indo-European roots and Germanic cousins, through Beowulfian Old English, Chaucer’s Middle English, Shakespeare’s Early Modern English all the way to the diversity of varieties of English in the world today, from Scots to Australian, African-American to British, Hoosier to Brooklyn.

Required Texts

  • To be announced

Evaluation methods

  • Two online projects; translation assignments; quizzes; midterm and final
LING L322-01M: Methods & Materials in TESOL II
R 6:00-7:15 P.M.A. MacomberCall No. 22114

OCIN (Hybrid)

P: Methods and Materials in TESOL I. This course aims at broadening course participants’ understanding of principles and practices of course planning, assessment and materials development for ENL instruction. Building on topics covered in the course Methods and Materials for TESOL I, we continue to examine effective instructional approaches and practices with an emphasis on developing reading and writing skills in English as a new language as well as effective and supportive instructional strategies for academic success. In addition, this course intends to promote course participants’ awareness and skills for culturally inclusive instruction. Course requirements include online discussion, assignments, learner needs analysis, and materials development project with lesson plans for a teaching unit.

Required Texts

  • To be announced

Evaluation methods

  • Journals, discussions, assignments, and project
LING L360-01: Language in Society
T 4:30-7:15 P.M.S. BischoffCall No. 22214
P: None. : A general introduction to sociolinguistics, for the nonspecialists. Topics covered include regional and social dialects, the politics of language use in social interaction, language and social change, and men’s and women’s language, as well as issues in applied sociolinguistics such as bilingualism and African American Vernacular English in Education.

Required Texts

  • None(Assigned readings will be provided)

Evaluation methods

  • To be announced
ENG G432-01: Second Language Acquisition
W 4:30-7:15 P.M.S. BischoffCall No. 21696
P: None. An introduction to second language acquisition which incorporates various approaches, theories, and disciplines to better understand the diverse field of second language acquisition studies.

Required Texts

  • Introducing Second Language Acquisition, 2nd edition. Murieal Saville-Troike. Cambridge University Press ISBN 9781107648234

Evaluation methods

  • To be announced

Undergraduate Literature

ENG L102-01: Western World Masterpieces II
MWF 11:00-11:50 P.M. T. BassettCall No. 22255
P: None. The purpose of this course is to survey important authors, works, genres, and movements of Western literature from roughly the eighteenth century to the present. Our emphasis will be on the analytical reading of texts, especially formal analysis, within the larger historical, social, and cultural ideas of the time. In addition to shorter works, we will read Moliere’s Tartuffe, Behn’sOroonoko, Shelley’s Frankenstein, Ibsen’s HeddaGabler, and Brecht’s The Good Woman of Setzuan.

Required Texts

  • The Norton Anthology of Western Literature, 9th edition, volume 2 (Norton)

Mary Shelley, Frankenstein (Penguin)

Evaluation methods

  • Evaluation will be based on class participation, response papers, midterm, and final exam
ENG L101-01: Western World Masterpieces I
TR 10:30-11:45 A.M. D. FlemingCall No. 23939
P: Placement at or above ENG W131 or equivalent. We will read and discuss a number of “important” works of literature from the earlier half of Western Civilization focused on the themes of “Love and War.” We will examine and debate why someone decided that these works are so important, not to mention what exactly the “western world” is. We will use these texts to practice reading slowly, closely, and careful, and writing clearly and concisely.
‘In our days,’ continued Vera--mentioning ‘our days’ as people of limited intelligence are fond of doing, imagining that they have discovered and appraised the peculiarities of ‘our days’ and that human characteristics change with the times.

--Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace

The value of the study of ancient and medieval literature—the subject matter of ENG L101 Western World Masterpieces—is predicated at least in part on the notion elaborated by Tolstoy above that human experiences retain some fundamental characteristics throughout time. Thus the struggles and conflicts delineated in a 3000-year-old work like the Iliad, for example, can continue to teach even 21st century students lessons about human behavior.

Required Texts

  • HOMER: The Essential Homer, Translated and Edited by Stanley Lombardo, Introduction by Sheila Murnaghan, 2000 532 pp. ISBN: (0-87220-540-1)/(9780872205406)
  • SOPHOCLES, Antigone, Translated, with Introduction and Notes, by Paul Woodruff, 2001 102 pp. ISBN: (0-87220-571-1)/(9780872205710)
  • VIRGIL, The Essential Aeneid, Translated and Abridged by Stanley Lombardo, Introduction by W. R. Johnson, 2006 248 pp. ISBN: (0872207900)/(9780872207905)
  • DANTE, Inferno, Translated by Stanley Lombardo, Introduction by Steven Botterill, Notes by Anthony Oldcorn, March 2009 512 pp. ISBN(0-87220-917-2)/(9780872209176)

Evaluation methods

  • Participation, regular short writing assignments, 3 papers, 3 short exams.

ENG L202-01: Literary Interpretation

MW 1:30–2:45 P.M.J. ReynoldsCall No. 23941

P: W131 or equivalent. Required course for English majors; satisfies second semester writing requirement for non-majors. Students in L202 are expected to gain 1) a working knowledge of literary theory, including an understanding of different methods of analysis and interpretive strategies that have been used to derive meaning and significance from literary texts; 2) the ability to critically read, think, write, and communicate effectively about literature; this will typically involve organized class discussions, close reading, explications, and well-articulated prose analyses; 3) familiarity not only with the essential elements of literature, including critical vocabulary and generic breadth, but also with major research sources, including the MLA International Bibliography; and 4) recognition of the cultural and historical importance and complexity of literature as a body of works written by men and women across time and ethnic boundaries..

Required Texts

  • To be announced

Evaluation methods

  • In class writings, oral presentations, and final research paper

ENG L202-02: Literary Interpretation

TR 10:30–11:45 A.M.A. Kopec Call No. 21178

P: W131 or equivalent. ENG L202 introduces the reading and writing strategies essential to academic literary studies. We will read widely in the three major literary genres -- drama, poetry, and fiction -- and we will become familiar with a range of interpretive methodologies that will help us ask sophisticated versions of the question: “what does the literary text mean?” Please stop by LA 133 or email me () with questions about the course.

Required Texts

  • They Say/I Say: Making the Moves that Matter in Academic Writing (3rd ed.)

Evaluation methods

  • Assignments will include four formal papers (3 shorter ones and a longer one) and informal writing discussions on Blackboard that allow us to practice close reading and literary research strategies
ENGL251-01: American Literature After 1865

OnlineM. KaufmannCall No. 22952

P: None. After completing the course, you should know and understand the evolution of American fiction and poetry from the post-Civil War period to the present day. Further, we will see how American literature reflects the technological and sociological shifts that occurred in American society and life during the twentieth century.

Required Texts

  • Baym et al. eds., Norton Anthology of American Literature, Shorter 8th ed. (Vol. 2)

Evaluation methods

  • Weekly Readings Discussions
  • Regular Quizzes
  • Midterm and Final
  • Visual Poetry Enactment Project
ENGL302-01: Critical and Historical Survey of English Literature II

MWF 10:00-10:50 A.M. T. BassettCall No. 22211

P: None. The purpose of this course is to survey the important authors, works, and movements of English literature from the Romantics to the present. Our emphasis will be on the analytical reading of texts, especially formal analysis, within the larger historical, social, and cultural ideas of the time. In addition, you will gain experience in the critical reading of texts, including both formal analysis of literary devices (“close reading”) and socio-historical analysis. An especial focus of the course will be reading the assigned texts in the context of historical, social, and cultural discourses in England at the time. In addition to shorter works, we will read Austen’s Emma, Forster’s Howards End, Cartwright’s Road, and McEwan’s Atonement.

Required Texts

  • The Longman Anthology of British Literature, volume 2
  • Jane Austen, Emma (Oxford)
  • E. M. Forster, Howards End (Penguin)
  • Jim Cartwright, Road (Methuen)
  • Ian McEwan, Atonement (Anchor)

Evaluation methods

  • Evaluation will be based on class participation, response papers, final essay, and final exam
ENGL315-01M: Major Plays of Shakespeare

M 1:30-2:45 P.M. R. HileCall No. 23289

P: L202, W233, or equivalent. In this course, students will develop a familiarity with the language, style, thematic, and genre choices characteristic of the works of William Shakespeare by focusing on seven plays: A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Much Ado about Nothing, Othello, Macbeth, Henry V, Richard III, and The Winter’s Tale. Students will consider the works of Shakespeare as shaped by the early modern English culture in which Shakespeare lived, such that sixteenth- and seventeenth-century ideas about religion, politics, gender and sexuality, global exploration, and economics can contribute to an understanding of these literary works. Students will engage with the works of Shakespeare through written, oral, and multimedia pathways to produce rhetorically sound essays and literary analyses that demonstrate an understanding of both the text and the context of Shakespeare’s works.

Required Texts

  • The Norton Shakespeare: Essential Plays * The Sonnets, 2nd ed. (Stephen Greenblatt et al., eds.); ISBN: 039393313X

Evaluation methods

  • Major assignments for this course include a group performance project, two papers, and the final exam. Active participation from each student accounts for a significant proportion of the final course grade and includes attending class regularly, listening to the weekly recorded lectures and taking quizzes over them, and participating in both online and classroom discussion of the works we read.
ENGL322-01: English Literature 1660-1789

TR 4:30-5:45 P.M.M. L. StapletonCall No. 23942

P: ENG W233 or ENG L202 or equivalent. Students who elect this course in the “long eighteenth century” will study English poetry, drama, and intellectual history from the Restoration to about 1740, with some glances back at the Revolutionary period and ahead to Dr. Johnson. We will concentrate on some canonical writers (Dryden, Swift, Pope), the cavalier lyrical tradition and its excesses (Marvell, Cowley, Waller, Rochester), emerging women writers (Philips, Finch, Behn), drama (Wycherley, Congreve) as well as the notion of “enlightenment” (Locke, Hobbes, Astell). Analytical, argumentative, and research writing in the discipline will also be a frequent topic.

Required Texts

  • Greenblatt, et al., ed., The Norton Anthology of English Literature, 9th ed., Vol C: The Restoration and Eighteenth Century (ISBN 0-393-92719-9)
  • Ogden, ed., Wycherley, The Country Wife (ISBN: 978-0-393-91251-7)

Evaluation methods

  • Undergraduate students can expect to write two short (5-7 pp.) out-of-class essays, and to sit for two essay examinations
ENGL346-01: 20th Century British Fiction

TR 3:00-4:15 P.M. L. WhalenCall No. 22852

P: None. There was a certain awe in his tone. There was someone out there operating in a new context. They were being lifted into unknown areas, deep pathologies. Was the cortex severed? They both felt a silence beginning to spread from this one. They would have to rethink procedures. The root of the tongue had been severed. New languages would have to be invented.

Eoin McNamee, Resurrection Man

This quote from Northern Irish writer Eoin McNamee provides a good starting point for our semester’s exploration and deconstruction of “British fiction.” Even among canonical works, the sureties of nation, language, and literary form suggested by the course title (imposed by IPFW via the course catalogue) quickly prove to be unstable. Indeed, within the British Isles there is an immense diversity: Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland, and the Isle of Man are just four regions within “Great Britain” that possess their own indigenous languages and cultures that are distinct in important ways from that of England and the imperial centre of London—and this before we consider the far-flung British colonies in Asia and Africa, as well as immigrants to the imperial centre from those places. Conrad, for instance, was a Polish national who learned English relatively late in his life. As we shall see, there is more to “British fiction” than those works produced within England itself.

In fact, it could truthfully be said that the history of English literature is inextricably bound to colonization, patriarchy, violence, and discontent, and as such we will be examining the historical moments that produced these works in some detail. Literature does not exist in a vacuum: it is molded by culture and perception, and this frequently manifests itself consciously and unconsciously in the texts. In differing ways each text explores imperialism, ideology, race, gender, social class, and cultural hybridity. Many contemporary writers find it necessary to rework expected linguistic conventions to find a mode of expression suitable to their purposes (as we will see in Woolf and Welsh). Like the African-American author James Baldwin, these authors push, manipulate, and sometimes defy the rules of standard English in order to make the language “bear the burden” of their experience. In short, we will examine the manner in which these writers work within, outside, and even deliberately against traditional literary form and purpose (as manifest in the Bildungsroman tradition, for example).

Required Texts

  • Adams, Gerry. Cage Eleven. Dingle: Brandon, 2002.
  • Carter, Angela. The Bloody Chamber. NY: Penguin, 1979.
  • McNamee, Eoin. Resurrection Man. New York: Picador, 1995.
  • O’Brien, Flann. The Third Policeman. Chicago: Dalkey Archive P., 1967.
  • Ramazani, Jahan and Jon Stallworthyeds. The Norton Anthology of English Literature: The Twentieth Century and After. Vol F. 9th Ed. NY: W.W. Norton & Co., 2012.
  • Welsh Irvine. Trainspotting. NY: W.W. Norton & Co., 1996.
  • Woolf, Virginia. To the Lighthouse. NY: Harvest/Harcourt, 2005.

Evaluation methods

  • To be announced

ENG L354-01: American Lit Since 1914

TR 10:30-11:45 A.M. M. KaufmannCall No. 23943

Twentieth Century America begins with a country that was still recovering from a civil war and another subduing colonial powers from abroad while dominating the Native population to assert its own imperial ambitions at home and internationally. The population was swelling in urban areas due to technological developments (electricity, mass transit, telegraph, telephone, etc.) and immigration, resulting in a much more heterogeneous population and the resultant friction from such diverse groups. American literature necessarily articulates and reflects these diverse influences and tensions, which we’ll work to read.

Required Texts:

  • Faulkner, As I Lay Dying
  • Hemingway, In Our Time
  • Hurston, Their Eyes Were Watching God
  • Williams, A Streetcar Named Desire
  • Short stories--Chopin, Chestnutt, Cather, Anderson, Porter, Welty, O’Connor, etc.
  • Poetry--Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot, H. D.

Exams and Assignments:

  • Midterm and Final
  • 5-7 page Paper (10-12 pp. for Graduate students)

ENG L355-01: American Fiction to 1900

TR 3:00–4:15 P.M.A. Kopec Call No. 22932

P: W131 or equivalent. This class will address key authors, texts, and movements of American literature to 1900. Beginning with the fledgling fiction of a fledgling new nation and concluding with the advanced expressions of realism and naturalism, we will track the dynamic evolution of fiction across the 19th-century in the U.S. In doing so, our class will be organized around a loose theme of “the misfit.” Indeed, fiction itself was something of a misfit in the early republic, as pastors, politicians, and business leaders loudly decried its apparent lack of utility. Perhaps unsurprisingly, then, much prominent American literature, from early sentimentalism to Romanticism to Realism and Naturalism, explored the tensions between literature and society, between, art and utility, and between integrity and profit. Authors will likely include Hannah Webster Foster, Washington Irving, Edgar Allan Poe, Herman Melville, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Rebecca Harding Davis, Henry James, Mark Twain, Charles Chesnutt, and Kate Chopin. Requirements will likely include close reading and active participation, a mix of short and long written assignments, a midterm and a final exam. This course will be useful to students interested in the formal and thematic evolution of American fiction, the relationship between history and literature, and various critical approaches to literary study. ENG L355 can count toward the American literature requirement in the Core and the Literature Concentration or the Elective requirements.Please stop by LA 133 or email me () with questions about the course.

Required Texts

  • To be announced

Evaluation methods

  • To be announced
ENGL369-01: John Donne: Devotional Poets

TR 10:30-11:45 A.M.H. AasandCall No. 21930

P: None. “He affects the metaphysics, not only in his satires, but in his amorous verses, where nature only should reign; and perplexes the minds of the fair sex with nice speculations of philosophy, when he should engage their hearts, and entertain them with the softnesses of love . . . “ Though John Dryden and Samuel Johnson turned their backs on the devotional poets of the 17th century, lamenting the harshness and violence of the images and verbal discordance, our own age has resurrected them and found in them an intellectual richness and visceral throttling of our senses. We will examine poets as dogmatically distinct as John Donne, George Herbert, Richard Crashaw, and Andrew Marvell. This course will provide you with a pre-1700 British Literature experience that will leave you gasping for more . . .