571Stratham Community Church, UCC
An Open and Affirming Congregation
of the United Church of Christ
Wherever you are on life’s journey,
Know you are welcome here!
6 Emery Lane – P.O. Box 143 - Stratham, New Hampshire 03885
(603) 772-3389 - www.strathamchurch.org
Ministers - The Congregation
Pastor – Rev. Jonathan C. Roach, Ph.D. -
Sunday, December 4, 2016 - 10:00 am
Prelude and Lighting of Worship Candles
“Prepare the Way of the Lord”
One: The Reign of God is drawing near: The prophet calls us to change our lives!
All: Prepare the way for the Lord: A just and peaceful path!
One: Welcome one another, for Christ welcomes you: For the glory of God!
All: Holy God, we long for your peace, and trust in your promise; we hear your call to turn toward you, to change our lives and welcome you in. Meet us here and fill our minds with your wisdom and our hearts with your peace, that our worship together may open us to the challenge of your dream of wholeness for all. In the Name of the One who is coming, we pray. Amen!
* Hymn “It Came upon the Midnight Clear”
Pilgrim Hymnal(red)#129
Lighting of the Second Advent Candle:
The Emmanuel Family
As the candle of Peace is lit, please join in singing:
Shine a candle in the darkness, breathe new hope into our lives.
Wind your blessed peace around us till the day when Christ arrives.
Shine a candle in the darkness.
Wind your blessed peace around us.
Shine a candle in the darkness, breathe new hope into our lives.
Wind your blessed peace around us till the day when Christ arrives.
* The Lord's Prayer (using 'debts') (in unison)
* Passing the Peace of Christ
Leader: The Peace of Christ be with you.
People: And also with you.
(Please offer one another the peace of Christ.)
* Gloria Patri Pilgrim Hymnal (red) #513
All: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Thankful Dollars
Anthem “The Jesus Gift”
(by Martin)
Reading of Scripture Isaiah 11:1-10
Sermon “A New Vision for Justice”
Rev. Jonathan Roach
* Hymn “O God of Love, O God of Peace”
New Century Hymnal (black) #571
Prayer Concerns
Time for Silent Prayer
Pastoral Prayer
Offering * Offertory
“Christmas Symphony”
(by Bach)
Thank you Maria Emanuel for your gift of music this morning!
* Doxology
* Offering Prayer
All are invited to participate who know Jesus Christ as Lord.
Communion: “Let Us Break Bread Together”
Invitation to Sharing the Sacrament
Sharing the Bread and Cup
Prayer of Thanksgiving: (in Unison)
All: Creator, the world you have made is powerful and dangerous, diverse and beautiful. By praising your goodness in all creation, we creatures learn our place and know our strength. Open us here to recognize the One you sent into this complicated world, Jesus-Holy One, Human One, Vulnerable Child—At home wherever there is rejoicing, or struggle, or anguish, or hope. Teach us to follow Jesus along the paths of praise and service which lead to You. Amen.
* Hymn “Now Is the Time Approaching”
New Century Hymnal (black)#609
* Benediction
* Postlude
Please remain in your pew until the Light of Christ is carried out of the sanctuary. Thank you.
* - All those who are able are invited to stand.
Deacons: Cyndi McLeary, Phyllis Lurvey,
Bob Butcher & Sandee Murray
Immediately following Worship, please join us for coffee & fellowship
in the Henry Rust Room directly below the Sanctuary which will be hosted by the Women’s Guild.
We keep in our prayers:
Italy due to the devastating earthquakes
New Zealand, also hit by earthquakes
Veronica Gauvin, as she faces health issues
Tennessee as they battle horrific fires
Jonathan's Office Hours:
Tues. & Thurs. - 8am to 1pm (afternoons for visitation)
Weds. & Fri. - 8am to 4pm
Jonathan's Cell Phone Number:
Jonathan's Email Address:
A Look Ahead:
Meeting/Events/Activities in our Church Building This Week:
Mon. – Sun., Dec. 4th through Dec. 11th – Hosting SFP
Monday, December 5th - Journey Song - 7:00 pm – Sanctuary
Tuesday, December 6th - AA Meeting - 6:30 pm – Henry Rust Rm
Wednesday, December 7th - AA Meeting - 6:30pm – Henry Rust Rm
Wednesday, December 7th - Clothes Attic – 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
*No evening hours until Spring
Saturday, December 10th - Clothes Attic – 10:00am – 12:00pm
Sunday, December 11th - 10:00 am – Advent - Joy - Sanctuary
Seacoast Family Promise:
Seacoast Family Promise will be here this week from December 4th through December 11th. Please stop in on your way home from work, errands, or while you are out and about in the evening to say hello to our families and welcome them to our community!
The Nutcracker
The Portsmouth School of Ballet presents The Nutcracker on December 3rd at 5:00 pm and December 4th at 10:00 am and 3:00 pm
at the Exeter High School Auditorium.
For tickets: 603-436-5993/Adults: $17, children and seniors: $15
New Star: A Christmas Pageant
For this year’s production, the birth of Jesus is told from the star’s perspective. Please join Stratham Community Church on December 18th at 10 am for a celebratory service led by our children.
Pageant rehearsals are immediately following Sunday School on December 4th and December 11th. Children must attend at least one practice to participate.
Please contact Lily Nutt with any questions:
Job Opening:
Nursery Attendant
Stratham Community Church is looking for a responsible adult to work in the nursery during church services. You will be taking care of children under the age of 3 and need experience working with children. The hours are from before church begins at, 9:45 am, until families pick up their children after church at 11:15 am. The job pays $30.00 per Sunday.
For inquiries, please contact our Family and Youth Director, Lily Nutt, at or call at (603) 501-8905.
The Church office would like to keep an accurate record of who in our church community has keys to the building, interior and exterior. Would you please call the Church Office at 603-772-3389, or email your information to: to let Katie know what keys you have. Thank you.
Thought for the Day:
Would you like to keep in touch with what’s happening in your church community? If you haven’t done so already, please call or email the Church Office with your email address to receive the bi-weekly Thought for the Day! It’s full of what is going on in and around our church and is a great tool to keep in touch with the community. 603-772-3389 and/or
Advent Theme 2016: This year our Advent and Christmas focus engages seeing the Word of God. Our scripture readings for the entire month come from the Book of Isaiah. The opening verse of November 27’s passage, from Isaiah 2, reads “the word that Isaiah son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem.” Note that Isaiah son of Amoz didn’t hear the word; he saw it. It was vivid. It is powerful. It provokes. This season let us strive to see the Word of God as living, strong, and powerful vision in the church and the world today. Each week as we explore this theme to see the Word made flesh in the bird of Christ.
Bright Gift Sunday: Each year members of Stratham Community Church sponsor families from the Seacoast Family Promise program with gifts. In the Rust Room, there are sign-up sheets for each needed gift. Please bring your brightly wrapped gift with the recipient’s name filled-in and the giver’s name blank to church with you on Sunday, December 18th.
Children’s Pageant:This year’s Christmas Pageant will be presented during our Sunday worship on December 18th. All children are welcome to participate. Practices will be after service on December 4thand 11th. Please contact Lily Nutt or with any questions.
Carol Singing:Each Sunday during Advent everyone is invited to come at 9:45 am for 15 minutes of carol singing before our 10 am worship.
Advent and Christmas Worship Schedule:
· December 4
Seeing Isaiah’s Vision of Peace, Isaiah 11:1-10
· December 11
Seeing Isaiah’s Vision of Justice, Isaiah 35:1-10
· December 18
Children’s Christmas Pageant
· December 18
Caroling; everyone is invited to join the choir and Sherry
spreading Christmas cheer with Christmas caroling. Meet at
6:00pm at the church to go out. An open house reception will
follow at Reverends Jonathan and Esther’s home at 179
Nottingham Square Road, Epping.
· December 21 (Wednesday)
Blue Christmas, Isaiah 7:10-16. This isn’t Blue Christmas like
Elvis’ song. Rather this is a Blue Christmas because not everyone
feeling overjoyed and cheerful for the Christmas holidays. Many
people are dealing with the death of a loved one, facing life after
divorce or separation, coping with the loss of a job, living with
cancer or some other disease that puts a question mark over the
future, and any number of other human situations make parties and
joviality painful for many people. This service is a growing
attentiveness to the needs of people who are blue at Christmas.This
will be a time for creating sacred space for people living through
dark times with time for reflective, accepting where we really are,
and holding out healing and hope.
· December 24 (Saturday)
5 pm, A Christmas Family Service for the young and young at heart
8 pm, Seeing Isaiah’s Vision, Isaiah 9:2-7
11 pm, Seeing Isaiah’s Vision, Isaiah 9:2-7 with Holy Communion
· December 25
Stories and Carols as we celebrate Luke’s telling of the Nativity
· December 31
Watch Day Service as we celebrate the beginning of the New Year
· January 6 (Friday)
Epiphany celebrates the arrival of the Wisemen. Around the world, it is upon this day that many Christians give gifts. During the day and evening on Friday, please sign-up to bring your children to the church for a time of hot chocolate, special treats, and to receive a gift from Rev. Jonathan. This will be the time, after the rest of the world stops celebrating, that we see Jesus in the Season.
The Nursery is in Room 204 and is available anytime from 9:50 am through the end of Worship for young children. Due to a change in her work schedule, Jill Greene will no longer oversee the nursery. Volunteers from the church will fill this spot until a replacement is found.
Children are invited for the Children's Program
in Room 201 after the Announcements.
Stratham Community Church, UCC
6 Emery Lane – P.O. Box 143 - Stratham, New Hampshire 03885
(603) 772-3389 - www.strathamchurch.org
Ministers - The Congregation
Pastor – Rev. Jonathan C. Roach, Ph.D. -
Minister of Pastoral Counseling - The Rev. Allan Lurvey, Th.D. -
Minister of Music - Cheryl Stromski -
Youth and Family Director of Christian Education – Lily Nutt
Church Office – Katie Brown -