Study Guide
American Imperialism and Progressivism
1. In his book, “Our Country: Its possible Future and Its Present Crisis, the Reverend Josiah Strong supported what reason for American expansion? Pg. 627
2. What was the impact of Alfred T. Mahan’s book , “The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, 1660-1783”? Pg. 627
3. How did the concept of Anglo-Saxon superiority contribute to the American desire to expand? Pg. 627
4. Explain the American change in foreign policy in the late 1880s and early 1890s. Pg. 628
5. Explain the Monroe Doctrine. Pg. 252-254. Describe what role the Monroe Doctrine played in American involvement in foreign affairs in 1895-1896. Pg. 628
6. Why did sugar growers want Hawaii to be annexed to the U.S.? Pg. 629
7. Why did President Cleveland refuse to annex Hawaii? Pg. 630
8. List the reasons why Americans were sympathetic to the Cuban cause. Pg. 630
9. Why was the battleship the U.S.S. Maine sent to Cuba? Pg. 631
10. What ultimately led President McKinley to declare war on Spain? Pg. 632
11. What was the purpose of the Teller Amendment? Pg. 633
12. Who was Emilio Aguinaldo? Pg. 633 & 642
13. How did Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Theodore Roosevelt, ensure victory for the U.S. in the Philippines? Pg. 633
14. What were the provisions of the Treaty of Paris that ended the Spanish American War? Pg 636
15. Why was their such a controversy over our taking the Philippines? Pg. 636-637
16. Those Americans who were in favor of our taking the Philippines justified it by what argument? Pg. 637
17. What was the relationship between the U.S. and Cuba after the war? Pg. 640
18. What was the Open Door Policy and the reason for it? Pg. 642-643
19. Why was the Roosevelt Corollary a perversion of Monroe’s Doctrine? Pg. 649-650
20. Why did Teddy Roosevelt receive the VP nomination in the 1900 election? Pg. 646
21. What was the negative impact of Teddy Roosevelt negotiating the end of the Russo-Japanese War? Pg. 650
22. What was the impetus for the Gentlemen’s Agreement and what was the outcome? Pg. 651
23. According to some historians, what was the connection between the closing of the American frontier and expansionistic behavior in the U.S.? pg. 653
24. What was the progressive definition of what government should do? Pg. 656
25. Know muckrakers with their work: Pg. 657-658
· Thorstein Veblen
· Ida Tarbell
· Upton Sinclair
· Lincoln Steffens
· Jacob Riis
26. What were the following progressive electoral reforms? 659-660
· Direct primaries
· Initiatives
· Referendums
· Recalls
· Secret Ballot
· Direct Election of Senators
27. How did city governments try to eliminate the problem of political machines? Pg. 661
28. How did women use the idea of the “separate sphere” to increase their involvement in the “public sphere”? Pg. 661
29. What was the impact of the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire? Pg. 664
30. What were the 3 “C’s” of Roosevelt Square Deal? Pg. 665
31. What role did TR play in the anthracite coal mine strike in Pennsylvania in 1902? How did this deviate from what usually happened? Pg. 665
32. In what way is Teddy Roosevelt’s nickname, “the trustbuster” a misnomer? Pg. 666
33. What legislation arose from Upton Sinclair’s, “The Jungle”? Pg. 668
34. Teddy Roosevelt was a conservationist not a preservationist. What is the distinction? Pg. 669
35. Although the it didn’t seem to at the time, the Panic of 1907 did not a beneficial impact. What did this economic recession lead to? Pg. 673
36. Explain the concept of “Dollar diplomacy.” How does it differ from “Big Stick” diplomacy? Pg. 675—676
37. Why did TR decide to come back and run for president again? Pg. 677
38. Even though Wilson was the winner of the election of 1912, according to the text, who was the big winner? Pg. 681
39. What were the major differences between Roosevelt’s New Nationalism and Wilson’s New Freedom?
40. What were negative aspects of Wilson’s personality? Pg. 682
41. According to Wilson, what was the “triple wall of privilege”? Pg. 682
42. What tool did Wilson use to get Congress to pass the Underwood Tariff Bill? Pg. 682
43. What did the Federal Reserve Act do? Pg. 683
44. How did Wilson and TR differ on their opinions of trusts?
45. What were the components of the Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914? Pg. 684
46. What acts did Wilson get passed to benefit working class people? Pg. 685
47. How did Wilson hurt the cause of African-Americans? 685