KNOWLE ROAD · MELLOR · STOCKPORT · SK6 5PL · TEL: 0161-427-1052 · FAX; 0161-427 3646
Company Number 7737398
Newsletter No. 7 6th December, 2013
Dear Parents & Carers,
Golden Table
Last week congratulations went to Dougie B, Chloe R, George S, Eve B, Jack R and Alice T. This week, congratulations go to Emma N, Sam C, Emily W, Luke D, Laura J and Lewis B with the special award going to
Erin R.
Headteacher Awards
Congratulations last week went to Milo W, Louie L, Lucy K, Chloe R, Max R, Rhodri P, Lily P, Miles Q, Grace M, Jack R, Beatrice M, Morgan C and Matthew H. Congratulations this week go to George S.
FOM Christmas Fair
Last Friday’s fair was a huge success. The atmosphere and feeling around school was very special. Our thanks go to the energetic and efficient team who organised the event, to the volunteers who supported stalls and activities and of course thank you to everyone who took part and enjoyed the event. First estimates indicate that we raised £1,500. Thank you to you all.
Winter Wonderland/Choir - as per last newsletter
Choir will be performing at Winter Wonderland on Saturday 7th December. We will meet up outside the chemist in Marple Bridge @ 2.50pm for our performance at 3pm. Warm clothes are a must though uniform is not necessary. Mrs Steadman has asked if children will wear something red in the form of an item of clothing or Santa hats.
Choir singing with Mellor March
We have been asked by the organisers of the Mellor March Charity if we would like to participate in a community singing event: The Mellor March Lantern Walk on Tuesday 17th December. Any parent linked to our school choir is also welcome to join in the singing. The school choir will sing outside of St. Thomas’ Church at approximately 7pm as the walkers approach. The event promises to be atmospheric as well as raising money for this local charity supporting local people. Further details can be seen below for lantern walkers. The school choir will need to convene at 6.50pm outside the church. Uniform not necessary.
Leave Royal Oak 6.30pmCarols outside The Royal Oak by the Church Choir
St. Thomas’ Church7.00pmCarols by the School Choir
Hare and Hounds 7.45pm Carols outside Hare Hounds by the Church Choir
Royal Oak 8.15pm Return
For people wanting to join the actual lantern walkers, the route is as follows:
The Royal Oak, Mellor Primary School, St. Thomas’ Church via Knowle Farm, Hare and Hounds via Rammie, return to The Royal Oak via Primrose Mill, Heathy Bank,Townscliffe Farm, Mellor Primary School. All walkers to carry torches/lanterns, donations for the Mellor March.
Manchester Country House
Further to the recent assembly and subsequent leaflets sent home, all present donations are being collected in the main entrance area of school. Thank you.
Infant Performances
The shows are as follows:
Tuesday 10th December @ 2pm – this performance is being videoed.
Wednesday 11th December @ 2pm
Thursday 12th December @ 6.30pm
Due to staff sickness, we have been unable to allocate tickets for these shows. Due to the size of the hall and the number of infant children performing, parents are requested to only attend once with no more than two members of any one family attending any of the performances. Junior children will be watching the dress rehearsal on Monday so please don’t bring them to the Thursday evening show as seats are at a premium for those unable to attend in the day time. Thank you for your understanding with this matter.
Philippines Appeal
We do not charge you to come to the school productions, however, we have asked in previous years for audience members to contribute to a chosen charity. This year, it seems fitting to support the Philippines Typhoon Appeal. For those who would like to make a donation, there will be collection points at the exit of each performance.
PE Kits - Outdoors
At Mellor Primary School, we aim to get children outdoors for games as much as possible. Presently, however, we have children ill equipped to be outside. Please ensure that your child has jogging bottoms, t-shirt and sweatshirt for outdoor PE. If at all possible, we would prefer the bottoms and sweatshirts to be black in colour. Thank you.
Learning Instalment
On the last newsletter I encouraged parents to look at the work and thoughts of Sir Ken Robinson. This week I’d like to bring to your attention the work of Dr Sugata Mitra. The ‘Hole in the Wall’ experiment raises some interesting thoughts on possibilities in education. Dr Mitra’s study can be seen in ‘The Child Driven Education’ seminar on It is worth a few minutes of everybody’s time.
Safety & Vigilance
Please remain vigilant and report to the police any suspicious activities or people in the local area, in particular any vehicles near to school that are unknown to the community.
Dog Fouling
We continue to have children entering school with dog faeces on their shoes – please help us stamp it out! J If you happen to witness a dog fouling and the owner does not clear up afterwards, we urge you to contact the Dog Warden on 0161 474 4207. The more phone calls they receive, the greater chance we have of keeping our footpaths and classrooms clear. Thank you in anticipation for your help.
Dates for your diary (new information shown in red)
Winter Wonderland – all of choir Sat, 7th December @ 3pm
Infant Christmas Performances Tues, 10th December @ 2pm
Wed, 11th December @ 2pm
Thurs, 12th December @ 6.30pm
FOM Parents’ Christmas Party Mellor Golf Club Sat, 14th December 7.30pm-midnight
Junior Carol Service – St. Thomas’ Church, Mellor Thurs, 19th December @ 7pm
Young Voices – members of Year 3 choir upwards Mon, 3rd February 2014
Lakeside Residential for Years 5 & 6 Mon 19th- Fri 23rd May 2014
Please remember to keep the office informed of any changes in medical conditions or emergency contact numbers. Many thanks.
Kind regards,
J. E. Nicholson