Minutes of the Ropsley & District Parish Council Meeting held in the Memorial Hall, Ropsley on Thursday 12 March 2015 at 7.45pm.
Public Forum: There were no parishioners present.
Parish Council Meeting
1.1 The Chairman, Councillor B Sheard welcomed Members to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance. Those in attendance: Councillors Gosbee, Leslie, Reeves, Rowbotham and Sentence. County Councillor Hill was also present.
2.0 APOLOGIES (15/002)
2.1 Apologies were received from Councillors Coulthard and Sale. The reasons for their absence were noted and accepted.
3.1 Councillor Reeves declared his interests in relation to agenda item 10.8 as an applicant for Section 137 funding on behalf of Ropsley Colts Football Club.
4.1 The Clerk’s notes from the meeting dated Thursday 15 January 2015 were agreed to be a true and accurate record and were signed and dated by the Chairman.
5.1 Media Policy
Councillor Sentance proposed the following amendment to the Media Policy. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Gosbee and was passed by resolution of the council.
‘If Members wish to express a personal opinion which it is different to the agreed council corporate view or policy, they are asked wherever possible to inform the Council before making their statement to the press and also to specifically clarify to the media that any statement is being given as an individual and not in any capacity as a councillor or representing the Parish Council ’.
5.2 Registration with the Information Commissioner’s Office
The Clerk informed Members that the Parish Council have a statutory duty to register with the ICO at an annual cost of £35.00. Councillor Sentance proposed registration with the ICO, the proposal was seconded by Gosbee and was passed by resolution of the council.
Action: Clerk to register with the ICO.
5.3 Community Speed Watch
Members noted the email from Foston Parish Council dated 22 January 2015 rejecting Ropsley Parish Council’s request to join their shared Speed Indicator Device scheme.
5.4 Facebook
The Clerk informed Members that the facebook page is now live. It is a closed group under the name of Ropsley & District Parish Council. Members discussed how to promote and advertise the facility.
5.5 Community Led Plan
Deferred to July meeting.
5.6 Noticeboards
Members had reviewed the quotes circulated by Councillor Sale ahead of the meeting. Councillor Rowbotham reported that she is having an oak noticeboard made by a company in Pickworth at a cost of £250.00. Members agreed to review once the Humby noticeboard has been completed and installed. Councillor Reeves said that he supports the view that there should be dedicated noticeboard for community notices and Parish Council documentation.
5.7 Annual Leave
The Clerk informed Members that she had been unable to take annual leave in February as requested at the January meeting and asked to take the remainder during March. Members resolved to approve the request.
5.8 Recruitment of Community Cleaner
There was general discussion in relation to the four potential candidates, job sharing, health and safety training. Members agreed to appoint a staffing committee with delegated powers to appoint. The Chairman, Councillor Leslie and Councillor Reeves agreed to form the proposed Committee. The arrangement was proposed by Councillor Sentence, seconded by Councillor Reeves and was passed by resolution of the Council.
Action: Staffing Committee to arrange a date for interviews. Clerk to source a suitable health and safety course for the successful applicant/s.
5.9 Dog Fouling Campaign
Councillor Reeves proposed expenditure of up to £100.00 for the materials required for the dog fouling campaign. The proposal was passed by resolution of the council.
5.10 Broadband Update
The Clerk informed Members that superfast fibre option broadband should go live between now and the end of June. The Clerk informed Members that parishioners can register online with Onlincolnshire for regular updates.
Action: Clerk to add details to the website and to the next article of the Ropsley News.
5.11 Minute referencing
The Chairman proposed the introduction of minute referencing. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Sentence and was passed by resolution of the council.
5.12 Annual Salary Award
The Chairman proposed an increase in the Clerk’s salary to conform to the new rates for SCP 16 to be back dated to January. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Sentence and was passed by resolution of the council.
5.13 Best Kept Village Competition 2015
Members resolved to approve the cost of the entry fee at £20.00.
Action: The Chairman and Councillor Sentence to complete the BKV application form. Clerk to add details to the website in relation to the competition judging vacancies.
6.1 County Councillor M Hill
County Councillor Hill reported that Lincolnshire County Council had increased their precept by just under 2%. He said that local government funding is on a downward trajectory and the County Council needs to find 90 million pounds worth of savings. He said that unitary status i.e. the merging of District and County may be an option.
He said that Phase I of the Grantham bypass is due to commence, the majority of which will be paid for by Section 106 monies from the proposed local development.
He reported that LCC are piloting some joint schemes with ambulance service and fire service and there was discussion regarding the state of the health service in Lincolnshire. He said that the NHS in its current state of organisation is unsustainable.
6.2 District Councillor P Stephens
Apologies received from District Councillor Stephens.
7.0 HIGHWAYS (15/007)
7.1 Outstanding Defects
Members were asked to email the Clerk with photographs and site details where possible.
Councillor Reeves said he is concerned about the corner with the Playing Field on the approach into Ropsley from the A52. There have been three incidents on this corner in the last year and the last one saw the car go through the hedge into the field; the concern is that a child will be killed.
Action: Clerk to write to Mark Heaton (copy to Councillor Hill) to ask for a crash barrier to be installed or for the route to be added to the gritting schedule. Clerk to arrange the Village Walkabout 2015.
8.1 Decisions received since the last meeting:
8.1.1 None.
8.2 Applications awaiting decision:
8.2.1 None.
8.3 S15/0239 – TGC Renewables, Scoping Report for solar farm, Crown Hill, Ropsley (Scoping Report). Nothing to report.
9.0 CEMETERY (15/009)
9.1 Cemetery Boundary (land registry search)
The Clerk informed Members that the land registry search revealed that the cemetery had not been registered with land registry and that there was no right of way into the cemetery from Main Street having confirmed this with land registry and the Area Highways Department.
Action: Clerk to ask LALC for interpretation of Conveyance.
9.1 Cemetery Fees
Item deferred to the next meeting.
9.2 Residency Criteria
Item deferred to the next meeting.
9.3 Cemetery Fencing
The Chairman proposed the installation of wooden posts and rope as a more cost effective solution to fencing off the cemetery pond. Members agreed that this type of thing could be done at a relatively low cost.
Action: Clerk to email the photo of the proposed fencing to Members and to obtain a quote.
10.0 FINANCE (15/010)
10.1 Members noted the income received:
10.1.1 Interest (January) 0.19
10.1.2 Interest (February) 0.19
10.1.4 Musson Exclusive Right of Burial (cremated remains) 60.00
10.2 Members noted the payments made in January with the relevant approval.
10.2.1 February Salaries 182.06
10.3 Members resolved to approve the following expenditure.
10.3.1 March Salaries 192.41
10.3.2 Clerk’s Expenses
Land Registry Search Fee 4.00
Fee for Title Plan and Register 6.00
Stamps 12.72
10.3.3 Councillor Gosbee Expenses
Fuel Expenses 25.26
Fuel Expenses 22.50
Wheelbarrow Tyre Repair Kit 7.50
10.3.4 TSC Signs 39.06
10.3.5 HMRC 11.40
10.3.6 Deposit for Humby Noticeboard 100.00
10.3.7 LALC Annual Subscription 2015/2016 (1 April 2015) 230.75 10.3.8 LALC Annual Training Scheme (1 April 2015) 75.00
10.3.9 Best Kept Village Competition 20.00
10.3.10 ICO Subscription 35.00
(Members resolved to approve £65.30 at the January meeting in reimbursement to Councillor Gosbee for fuel. The cheque has been returned as the total claimed was incorrect).
10.4 The income and expenditure account was account was verified and signed and dated accordingly by Councillor Reeves.
10.5 Members note the letter from Autela Payroll Services dated 8 February 2015 in relation to the appointment of a point of contact for the Pension Regulator. Members resolved to approve the Chairman as the Point of Contact.
Action: Clerk to complete the necessary paperwork.
10.6 Members noted the letter from Autela Payroll Services dated 28 February 2014 in relation to payroll charges for 2015.
10.7 The Clerk informed Members that in order to reclaim VAT, a VAT invoice in the name of Ropsley and District Parish Council is required. Receipts are inadequate.
10.8 Members reviewed the requests for funding and resolved to approve the following.
· Village Hall £1200.00 (Section 133)
· Church, £100 (Section 133)
· Ropsley Colts Football Club, £333.33 (Section 137)
· Ropsley Baboons Cricket Club, £333.33
· Playground Committee, £333.34
Members resolved to approve the transfer of £2200.00 from the deposit account to the current account as there are currently insufficient funds in the current account to cover the Section 133/137 payments.
11.0 CORRESPONDENCE (15/011)
11.1 Members noted the email from Rachel Armstrong dated 23 January 2015 in relation to Planning Policy and the Local Plan 2036. The Clerk informed Members that she had attended a briefing at SKDC; it was explained that a new Local Plan is required to bring together current policies, to address the policy gap, to reflect legislative changes brought about by the National Planning Policy Framework and to meet national objectives in terms of housing need.
11.2 Members noted the email from Environment Agency dated 20 February 2015, ‘Reducing Flood Risk’.
11.3 Members noted the email from LALC dated 23 February 2015, ‘UK Armed Forces Day Grant’.
Action: Clerk to circulate the application form.
11.4 Members noted the LALC News.
2015: Meetings are due to be held on the second Thursday of every other month:
14 May, 9 July, 10 September, and 12 November.
The Chairman closed the meeting 9.29 pm.
March 2015