Klein ISD Livestock & Project Show


Important Dates

Thursday, September 1, 2011Steer tag-in

Friday, September 9, 2011Payment for lambs, swine, goats, fryer rabbits and poultry due to AST

Entry deadline for group purchase animals

Thursday, September 15,2011Selection of lambs and goats (show barn)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011Pick-up turkeys (show barn) 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Saturday,October22, 2011Selection of pigs (Klein Ag Farm)

Tuesday, December 1, 2011Non group buy project entries due

Wednesday, January 4, 2012Pick-up broilers (show barn) 2:30 to 4:00

Wednesday, January 4, 2012Pick-up fryer rabbits (show barn) 2:30 to 4:00

Monday, February 13, 2012Setup show barn 6:00pm

Show Schedule

Thursday, February 16, 2012

  • 12:30 – 5:00pmcheck in all projects
  • 5:00pm Weigh pigs, lambs, goats, steers
  • 5:00pm Breeding and fryer rabbit show (show ring)
  • 6:30pmHorticulture and vegetablejudging
  • 7:00 pm Poultry show (auction area)

Friday, February 17, 2012

  • 8:00am Heifer Show
  • Following heifer showSteer show
  • Following steer showLamb show
  • 10:00am Ag mechanics judging
  • 10:00amFloral Design Competition
  • Following lamb showGoat show
  • Following goat showSwine show
  • 6:00pmMandatory auction meeting (Auction ring)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

  • 8:00am- 5:00pmTent Sale
  • 9:30amTrophy and buckle presentation (Auction Ring)
  • 11:00amAuction / Buyers luncheon

Multi Purpose Facility

  • After auctionbreeding animals may be removed from the facility

Sunday, February 19, 2012

  • 9:00amLoad out of animals (auction and tent sale)
  • 1:00pm Mandatory clean up

Klein ISD Livestock & Project Show

General Show Rules

  1. All exhibitors are encouraged to have a pre-sale buyer for each large animal project shown. Presale forms will be due January 27, 2012 to your ag science teacher.
  2. Only students enrolled in agriscience at least one semester during the current school year in Klein ISD and have paid their FFA dues may exhibit projects.
  3. Any student that is ineligible by UIL Guidelines will not be allowed to show. The animal and student will be considered ineligible. Students that are ineligible will not be allowed to bring their projects on the show facilities or sell their animal with any affiliation to the show.
  4. FFA members may not miss more than two FFA Meetings to be eligible to show. Projects of these students will not be allowed on the show facilities.
  5. Records must be kept in the student’s record book on all projects shown.
  6. Exhibitors must groom their own animals with the exception of parents and Ag science teachers on show facilities.
  7. All animals must be in place by 5:00pm Thursday, February 16th to be eligible to show. Any exhibitor arriving late will not be allowed to show.
  8. The Klein ISD Livestock & Project show reserves the right to test any project exhibited at the show for illegal substances. Any animal that tests positive will relinquish any funds and awards received.
  9. Any substance administered to projects at the show barn for illness, must be done under the supervision of the project show veterinarian and advisor. Any expenses will be the responsibility of the exhibitor.
  10. A committee of three advisors will check projects for the following:
  11. All unruly/dangerous livestock will not be allowed to show.
  12. Any animal that is sick or shows symptoms of disease will be removed.
  13. A substitute exhibitor may be allowed only for illness or injury with a doctor’s note. The note must be turned in at check-in. The substitute will be from the same school and be an FFA member.
  14. Exhibitors are required to keep their space clean, and provide feed and water buckets.
  15. Students are responsible for completing paperwork and loading their project after the show.
  16. Any project left on the show grounds becomes property of the FFA Chapter.
  17. Show Commission: Show Commission shall be deducted as follows:

Auction: 7%

Tent Sale:7%

1% from the amount above will be designated contingency fund. The remainder will be

applied toward show expenses.

  1. All obligations to the buyer and the Ag Science departments must be fulfilled before the student receives money.
  2. All exhibitors will be required to wear the following while exhibiting their project:
  3. White shirt, black pants, blue scarf or tie, black shoes/boots
  4. Official FFA jacket
  5. Failure to comply with official dress will result in being ineligible to exhibit your project.
  6. For poultry exhibitors see division rules.
  7. All exhibitors will be required to write thank you letters to buyers and award sponsors. The thank you letter deadline is March 9, 2012. Failure to turn in letters will result in the following monetary penalties.
  8. A 10% reduction from the money to be received will be applied weekly to the balance due the student until the Ag science teacher receives the letters.
  9. The student’s money will be held until the letters are received.
  1. Mandatory clean up for all students will be at 1:00pm on Sunday. Only work done at this time will be considered for exhibitors. Failure to attend will result in a 5% deduction from the students check.
  1. Entries will be awarded ribbons according to merit. 1st through 10th place ribbons will be awarded. Trophies and banners will be awarded to grand and reserve champions unless otherwise stated in individual division rules. Belt buckles will be awarded to showmanship winners and grand champions.
  2. Klein ISD is not responsible for any losses, accidents or injuries to any person or entry.

21. Load out after the show will be on Sunday at 9:00am. Breeding animals will be released after

the auction on Saturday.

22. A 1099 form for the IRS will be issued to any exhibitor receiving more than $600.00 in total earnings.

Livestock Pre-Sale Recommendations

a. The pre-sale form will be turned in to your Ag science teacher by January 27, 2012.

b. Forms should be filled out completely and have check attached.

c. Students should solicit legitimate buyers. This form is your insurance policy if you do not

make the auction.

  1. If the presale amount designated by the buyer is to be used as an add-on (donation) then a appropriate box must be checked on the form.

Project Entries

  1. Entries for group buy animals will be due upon payment for each specie on Sept 9, 2011.
  2. Entry fees for all other species/projects are due December 1, 2011.
  3. Entry forms must be completed front and back including the W-9.
  4. Four large animal projects may be shown. (Steer, hog, lamb, goat)

Auction Rules

  1. No breeding animals will be sold at auction.
  2. Students may sell only three items in the auction. Grand and Reserve items will sell. If a student

has more than three items the student will choose which project to withdraw.

  1. There will be no buyer solicitation allowed. Solicitors will be asked to leave the premises.
  2. All projects listed on the auction sale sheet will sell at auction. No distress items will be sold.
  3. A mandatory auction meeting will be held at 6:00pm on Friday for students in the auction. The meeting will be held at the Auction Ring at the show barn.
  4. Mandatory clean up for all students will be at 1:00pm on Sunday. Only work done at this time will be considered for exhibitors.
  5. Failure to attend either event will result in a 5% deduction from the students check.
  6. All auction animals will be in a natural state i.e. (no decorations)
  7. All projects will be clean for the sale.
  8. Sale items will be determined as follows:

Large animals: Steers11 head

Pigs27 head

Lambs11 head

Goats11 head

Small Animals: TurkeysSell 50% with a maximum of 10 head in the auction

BroilersSell 50% with a maximum of 10 pens in the auction

FryersSell 50% with a maximum of 10 pens in the auction

HorticultureTop five overall entries will be sold in the auction

Floral DesignGrand and Reserve designs will sell in the auction

Tent Sale

  1. Exhibitors may only sell one animal or pen (broilers or fryers) per specie.
  2. Mandatory clean up for all students will be at 1:00pm on Sunday. Only work done at this time will be considered for exhibitors.
  3. Failure to attend either event will result in a 5% deduction from the students check.
  4. Large animals eligible for the tent sale shall include animals that were exhibited to the judge

or animals that were unable to show due to being over the weight limit. Any animal that is

underweight shall be removed from the show facility.

  1. All other sales are private treaty and have no affiliation with the show.
  2. For Sale signs will not be allowed in the show facility.
  3. Exhibitors have the following options available to them in the tent sale:
  4. Sell the project for the set tent sale price (add - ons may be made at the add – on table)
  5. Take project home
  6. Send project to auction barn
  7. Send project to processor
  8. Below is a list of suggested prices for each project:
  9. Steers$2000.00
  10. Swine$ 400.00
  11. Lambs$ 325.00
  12. Goats$ 325.00
  13. Turkeys$ 150.00
  14. Fryers$ 150.00
  15. Broilers$ 125.00
  16. Horticulture$ 50.00

Group Purchasing

  1. The following species will be group purchased for the 2012 Klein ISD Livestock & Project Show.

Lambs, Goats, Swine, Poultry, Fryer Rabbits

  1. Dates and times for individual species shall be listed under the rules for that specie.
  2. Deadline for the purchase of all group buy projects is September 9, 2011.
  3. A signed contract must accompany the payment, which must be in cash, money order or cashier’s check.
  4. Payment is non-refundable.
  5. Draw for the selection of the animals above, excluding poultry, will be on a first come first serve basis at the gate upon entry. Student must be present to draw.
  6. If student fails to show up for any reason they will be moved to the last of the draw positions.
  7. Student will be allowed to purchase more than one animal, but the second animal will be selected at the end of the drawing prior to the no show individuals.
  8. During viewing students may have help from parents, ag teachers, or friends.
  9. No one may enter the pen during selection, except show officials.
  10. Animals will be selected at 3-minute intervals.
  11. Individuals other than the student may be present during the selection process, but must remain in designated areas announced during the drawing.
  12. Hair samples and photos will be taken to establish identity of animal.
  13. All projects should be transported immediately after the drawing.
  14. In case of an animal that passes away in the first ten days, the breeder will replace them, excluding negligence on the part of the exhibitor. This will be allowed within 10 days with approval of the show committee. A post mortem by a veterinarian will be required with the expenses incurred by the exhibitor. If negligence is ruled out, cost of the post mortem will be reimbursed.
  15. Optional insurance for group buy animals, excluding poultry and rabbits, may be purchased.
  16. The cost of the insurance will be $30.
  17. The purchase price of the animal will be the only amount covered.
  18. Insurance must be included with the purchase price of the animal, and paid on September 9, 2011.
  19. In the event of an animal passing, the amount will be refunded only upon the receipt of paperwork from a veterinarian certifying that a post mortem has been performed with the results.
Individual Specie Information
Market Lambs
  1. Deadline for payment of lambs is September 9, 2011 to your Ag science teacher in cash, money order, or cashiers check.
  2. Purchase price will be $225.00.
  3. Selection will take place on September 15, 2011 at the Klein Show Barn at KleinHigh School..
  4. Drawing for selection will be 3:00pm. Failure to draw by 3:30pm will result in being moved to the end of selection
  5. Viewing will be from 3:00pm until 4:00pm. Selection at 4:00pm.

Market Goats

  1. Deadline for payment of goats is September 9, 2011 to your Ag science teacher in cash, money order, or cashiers check.
  2. Purchase price will be $225.00.
  3. Selection will take place on September 15, 2011 at the Klein Show Barn at KleinHigh School.
  4. Drawing for selection will be at 5:00pm.Failure to draw by 5:30pm will result in being moved to the end of selection
  5. Viewing will be from 5:00pm until 6:00pm. Selection at 6:00pm.
Market Swine
  1. Deadline for payment of pigs is September 9, 2011 to your Ag science teacher in cash, money order, or cashiers check.
  2. Purchase price will be $200.00.
  3. Selection will take place on October 22, 2011 at the Klein High Ag Farm.
  4. Drawing for selection will be from 11:00am.Failure to draw by 11:30am will result in being moved to the end of selection
  5. Viewing will be from 11:00am until 1:00pm. Selection at 1:00pm.
  1. Deadline for payment of poultry is September 9, 2011 to your Ag science teacher in cash, money order, or cashiers check.
  2. All poultry will be picked up at Klein Show Barn.
  3. Turkeys will be distributed 6:00pm to 8:00pm on October 19, 2011.
  4. Broilers will be distributed 2:30pm to 4:00pm on January 4, 2012.
  5. Poultry will be winged banded, and band must be in place on wing to show. Correct band numbers are mandatory. Keep a record of your band numbers.
  6. Only siblings residing in the same household may raise birds together.
  7. A minimum of 25 broilers in increments of 25, or a minimum of 5 turkeys must be ordered to be eligible for the show.
  8. Purchase prices for poultry:
  9. Turkeys$ 3.00
  10. Broilers$ 1.20 ($30.00 for 25)

Fryer Rabbits

  1. Deadline for payment of rabbits is September 9, 2011 to your Ag science teacher in cash, money order, or cashiers check.
  2. All fryer rabbits will be picked up at the Klein Show Barn at KleinHigh School.
  3. Purchase price is $140.00
  4. Fryer rabbits will be distributed between 2:30pm and 4:00 pm on January 4, 2012.

Market Steer Division

  1. All steers must be property of the exhibitor prior to tag-in.
  2. All steers will be weighed and tagged in on September 1, 2011at the Klein ISD show barn from 3:30 to 5:00pm.
  3. Steers must be dehorned and castrated at tag-in.
  4. All steers must weigh 1000 lbs. at check-in at the show.
  5. An exhibitor may tag-in multiple steers at tag-in, but must designate at the show which steer will be shown.
  6. There will be three classes of steers.
  7. Classes will be broken by weight, and as evenly as possible.
  8. All steers will be shown slick sheared. A maximum of ¼” of hair will be tolerated. All steers will be shown with slick tails (unballed) excluding hair 4 inches above the tailbone tip and down. Tails must be trimmed at or above the hock. Steer hair will be checked at weigh-in on Thursday. Steers not meeting requirements will be reclipped at this time.
  9. All steers will be weighed in following lambs and goats on Thursday.
  10. All steers must be led across the scales by the exhibitor at tag-in on September 1.
  11. All steers will be tagged with a Klein ISD ear tag. No major show tags will be accepted.

Breeding Beef Division

  1. Heifers will be shown in the following classes:
  2. Under 12 months
  3. 12 to 18 months
  4. 19 to 24 months
  5. 25 to 30 months
  6. First and second place animals in each division will compete for grand and reserve champion.
  7. A trophy and buckle will be awarded to Champion heifer, and a trophy to reserve champion.
  8. A copy of the registration papers will be submitted with the entry fee.
  9. The heifer show will be a blow and go show. ( No adhesive allowed )

Market Lamb Division

  1. All market lambs must be purchased through Klein ISD Livestock & Project Show group purchase.
  2. Deadline for payment of lambs is September 9, 2011 to your Ag science teacher in cash, money order, or cashiers check.
  3. Purchase price will be $225.00.
  4. Selection will take place on September 15, 2011 at the Klein Show Barn.
  5. Drawing for selection will be 3:00pm. Failure to draw by 3:30pm will result in being moved to the end of selection
  6. Viewing will be from 3:00pm until 4:00pm. Selection at 4:00pm.
  7. Lambs must weigh a minimum 90lbs and a maximum of 150lbs.
  8. All lambs will be slick shorn from the hock up by the day of the show.
  9. There will be three classes of lambs.

Market Goat Division

  1. All market goats must be purchased through Klein ISD Livestock & Project Show group purchase.
  2. Deadline for payment of goats is September 9, 2011 to your Ag science teacher in cash, money order, or cashiers check.
  3. Purchase price will be $225.00.
  4. Selection will take place on September 15, 2011 at the Klein Show Barn.
  5. Drawing for selection will be at 5:30pm. Failure to draw by 6:00pm will result in being moved to the end of selection
  6. Viewing will be from 5:30pm until 6:30pm. Selection at 6:30pm.
  7. Goats must weigh a minimum of 60lbs. and a maximum of 150 lbs. at weigh in.
  8. Must be slick shorn from the hock up, excluding the tail.
  9. Goats must be exhibited using a choke collar.
  10. There will be three classes of goats.

Market Swine Division

  1. All market pigs must be purchased through Klein ISD Livestock & Project Show group purchase
  2. Deadline for payment of pigs is September 9, 2011 to your Ag science teacher in cash, money order, or cashiers check.
  3. Purchase price will be $200.00.
  4. Selection will take place on October 22, 2011 at the Klein High Ag Farm.
  5. Drawing selection will be from 11:00am till 11:30am. Failure to draw by 11:30 will result in being moved to the end of selection.
  6. Viewing will be from 11:00am until 1:00pm. Selection at 1:00pm.
  7. Swine must weigh from 200 to 300 pounds at weigh-in.
  8. Market swine will include gilts and barrows.
  9. There will be 5 classes of pigs
  10. Top ten in each class will receive ribbons.

Poultry Division

  1. Official dress will be worn by the exhibitor. Show assistants may only be the parents of the exhibitor

or another FFA member in official dress.

  1. All poultry will be picked up at a central location.
  2. All poultry must be in place by 5:00pm on Thursday.
  3. Poultry show will begin at 7:00pm on Thursday.
  4. All birds will be subject to sifting at the time of show.
  5. All poultry will be purchased from the Klein ISD Project Show. Poultry will be winged banded, and band must be in place on wing to show. Correct band numbers are mandatory.
  6. Only siblings residing in the same household may raise birds together.
  7. A minimum of 25 broilers in increments of 25 or 5 turkeys must be ordered to be eligible for the show.
  8. Birds given any hormones will be ineligible to show.

Turkey Division

  1. Turkeys entered may be hens or toms.
  2. There will be one class for the show.
  3. The judge will determine sale order.

Broiler Division

  1. Broilers will be approximately 6 to 7 weeks at show.
  2. Exhibitors will show one pen of three birds.
  3. Broiler pens may include cockerels and pullets mixed.
  1. The judge will determine sale order.

Rabbit Division

  1. All rabbits must be tattooed as property of the owner
  2. All rabbits are subject to sifting at the time of judging.
  3. Breeding rabbit exhibitors must provide their own cages.

Fryer Rabbit Division

  1. All fryer rabbits will be purchased through the Klein ISD Livestock & Project Show.
  2. Deadline for payment of pigs is September 9, 2011 to your Ag science teacher in cash, money order, or cashiers check.
  3. Purchase price will be $140.00.
  4. Will be delivered January 4, 2011 at the show barn between 2:30pm and 4 pm.
  5. Four rabbits will be delivered. Only three rabbits will be shown.
  6. First through Tenth will receive ribbons.
  7. Only fryer pens purchased through Klein ISD will be exhibited.

Breeding Rabbit Division

  1. Breeding rabbit exhibitors must bring their own cages.
  2. Only breeds recognized by ARBA will be judged.
  3. Classes: Sr. Buck, Sr. Doe, Jr. Buck, and Jr. Doe
  4. Each exhibitor will be allowed 1 rabbit per class.
  5. Breeding rabbits do not sell at auction.
  6. First through tenth will receive ribbons.
  7. Best of breed and best opposite sex will compete for grand and reserve.

Horticulture/Plant Production Division

  1. Entry fee will be $5.00.
  2. Exhibitors must be members of the Klein ISD FFA programs.
  3. All entries must be checked in by 5:00pm on Thursday. The show will begin on Thursday at 6:30pm.
  4. Periodic checks may be made on the project at anytime.
  5. Entries will be awarded ribbons on merit.
  6. Grand and Reserve champions must sell at auction.
  7. The top 5 placing entries will sell in the auction. Sale order will be determined as follows. First place in each division will compete for Grand Champion Horticulture/Plant Production, second place in the division that was chosen for Grand Champion will move up to compete for Reserve Champion Horticulture/Plant Production. The remaining positions will be determined by the judge from the remaining class winners or runner ups.
  8. Other entries may be sold in the tent sale.
  9. All projects must be property of the exhibitor by December 1.
  10. Only the plant will be judged not the container.
  11. A student may only show one project per division.
  12. A portfolio including at least six photographs showing the development of the project over time must accompany each horticulture entry. Failure to provide the portfolio will result in disqualification.

Ornamental Plant Classes