The most common Violations within the Fountains apply to all residents:
Our standard for parking is two cars per household. No parking on lawns, grass, common areas at any time, and no parking in the streets after 10:00 p.m. The Fire Marshall has informed us that fire trucks could not navigate our streets with cars parked at the curb. Fines: $10.00/day/car.
No junk cars, commercial vehicles or commercial trailers are allowed. No car repairs of any kind are allowed. Fines are $25.00/day until gone. No Video trucks. Fine: $250.00.
Boats, Campers, Motorhomes are not allowed at all. Owners and tenants will be fined $100.00 plus $25.00/day till gone.
Children under the age of 10 must be supervised & accompanied by an “adult.” Children are not permitted to play on neighbor’s lawns, driveways or alleyways.
Only two domesticated household pets are allowed per household. Pets must be on a leash at all times, and you must pick up after them. Animals are not allowed to run loose in the neighborhood. Pet owners will be given one warning. If not complied with, we will consider pet a stray & have SPCA pick it up. Please walk pet in Common areas only. Common areas are around pond and in park. Residents’ lawns are not common areas.
Your garbage must be contained in plastic bags and placed inside a garbage can. Do not put food in bags on the curb. We have “resident” possums. SDT will furnish you with a second can if needed. Pickup days are Monday & Thursday. Cans are to be put out evening before to insure early pickup. After pickup, cans must be stored in garage or back yard, not left in driveway or at curb. Fines are $10.00/day.
Landscape beds & bushes must be maintained by property owner or tenant. Property manager will notify owner of violation. Owners/tenants have two options: (1) Clean & trim beds within 15 days or pay fines until clean, or (2) To avoid fines pay Management in advance and Management will have beds & bushes cleaned and trimmed. Fines $10/day.
Barbeque grills and cooking of any type is not allowed in driveways. Grills must be stored in garage, not left outside. Garbage cans, coolers etc. are not to be stored in front of garage or on porch. Fines $10.00/day till complied.
All “For Sale” or “For Rent” signs are to be displayed in front inside window of unit or on porch. No signs of any type will be permitted on lawns, gardens, streets, or entrances. Please notify your real estate agent of this.
No additions or changes are permitted to outside of units. Our Architectural Control Committee, oversees that all unit exteriors conform to Covenant. You must get permission to put up a stair hand railing and it must be metal, aluminum, or iron and painted white or black. No wooden railings. Fines are $10.00/day till complied.
For the safety of our residents and their property, The Associations’s position is NO TOLERANCE on the use of fireworks in our neighborhood. Firecrackers are not permitted within our gated community at any time. Fines are $250.00/first incident.
Owners, tenants and visitors are to proceed with caution through our gates. If any resident, or visitor damages the gates, entire cost of repair will be passed on to that property owner/tenant. Speed limit is 15 miles per hour on our streets.
No individual garage sales. The Fountains will have a garage sale one day per year, and will be open to all residents. You must register in advance to be included. We must have a minimum of three participants. The Association will pay for the Ad, and set the day and time limits. We will notify you by flyer of the event.
Your entire unit must be free of mildew and mold. Owners are responsible for this upkeep. Management will issue a Violation if you do not have the exterior looking clean and neat. Fines $10.00/day until complied.