DE Effects Committee Meeting
3 August 2011
Albuquerque Embassy Suites
Those in attendance Aug 3 2011:
Mr. David Hidinger, Chair of the DEPS Effects Committee, welcomed the group.
Mr. Hidinger defined the objectives for the evenings meeting. These objectives include:
-A review of the subcommittees activities for the last year (key activities).
-Defining committee goals and structure.
-Discuss future plans.
The DE Effects Committee met in March, August and will have final meeting in November 2011 to be held at the DEPS Annual Symposium in LaJolla, CA. The DE Effects Committee will also hold aModeling and Simulation (M&S) panel at that conference.
-Briefings from Aug 3 will be posted on DE Effects page on DEPS site
Subcommittee Activities:
Mr. Mark DelGrande said that the HPM M&S Committee has had no meetings.
Committee Structure: Mr. Dave Hidinger will be revising Sub-Committee structures to focus on producing meaningful results. Mr. Hidinger also mentioned that he will look at renewing the subcommittee leadership. There are currently 8 committees. The Data Dissemination Committee addresses the most common concerns of Committee members – access to data. The VV&A Sub-Committee may duplicate functions already being addressed in the HPM and HEL M&S Sub-Committees. While the InteroperabilitySub-Committeeconducted a very successful survey this year, very few other cross-Sub-Committee issues have turned up. The Interoperability Sub-Committee is a prime candidate for down-sizing. Mr. Hidinger will be seeking volunteers to lead the Sub-Committees. Current Chairs are welcome to continue, and new members are encouraged to step forward. The new Sub-Committee chair list will be published at the La Jolla meeting.
Mr. Hidinger asked the group to think about what we need to do as a committee. He will take suggestions at any time on topics the Committee can focus on. As discussed at previous meetings, topics should be items of interest to this government/industry/academia group which can benefit from the all-volunteer support available.
Future plans: The committee will update the member roster as not all people who would like to participate are getting meeting information. We will also complete the DE Effects Committee webpage on the DEPS website. This page still requires a password, but it will be open in the future.
Mr. Carl Templin, Raytheon, , 540-794-0765, stated that RTN has invested a significant amount of money in the HPM database and will continue to update. However there will be no proprietary data contained in it. They are doing this effort in conjunction with AFRL. Dahlgren’s database will be independent of the Raytheon database.
Issues still remain that need resolved, to include:
- Increased access to data (government and industry)
- Non proprietary data that is relevant and complete
- Determine funding sources
- Level of AFRL/AAC support
- Decisions/Schedule/Costs
- Sustainment/Management
- Determining quality of data
- Who will V&VA and certifies data?
Mr.J. Mark Del Grande – M&S Panel update. The Panel at the Annual Symposium will be an open discussion about where we are and where are we going with M&S. He hopes to identify needs and shortfalls. Dr. Bob Peterkin will moderate the panel.
Dr. Parviz Parhami of Sara Incorporated provided a briefing on their Minimally Invasive Instrumentation System (MIIS) which is used for HPM Field Testing Applications. The equipment has been previously used for EMP applications. The equipment is low cost and minimally invasive. Sara Incorporated is the leading innovator in HPM/HPRF antennas.
Resulting Actions:
- Committee members need to add/remove/update DE Effects committee roster using below contact lists and send back to Martha Klein and Paul Sharpe:
- Can we use SURVIAC, how do we do it, what does it cost? – Martha Klein
- DE Effects password to committee members – Dave Hidinger
Respectfully submitted by: Martha Klein and Paul Sharpe