Kiwanis Club of Levittown Bristol

Candidate for Governor-Elect


“Service to the community has always been important in my life. In High School, I began volunteering weekly in the children’s area of Levittown’s Homeless Shelter. I knew then that no matter where I would go or what I would do Service and Children would need to be my focus. Since joining the Kiwanis Family I have been fortunate to use my passion and energy as a member and leader to reach personal and professional goals, especially in serving the children.”

1995-1999 Shippensburg University Circle K

·  Club President 1997-1998

·  Dr. James A. Hallman Outstanding Club President Award 1998

·  Distinguished President 1998

2000-current date Kiwanis Club of Levittown Bristol

·  2000-current Numerous Fundraising & Service Committees

·  2002-2012 Courier Kiwanis Sesame 5K Classic Chair

·  2002-2012 Dick Dougherty Scholarship & Banquet Chair

·  2005 & 2006 Distinguished Club President

·  2008 Chili Cook off Fundraising Chair

·  2007-2013 St. Mary School Builders Club Advisor

·  2010-current Children’s Christmas Party Chair

·  2012-current 20 Week Fundraising Chair

·  2012-current Trenton Thunder Night Fundraising Chair

·  2013-current Harry S. Truman Key Club Advisor

·  2013-2014 Club President

2007-2009 Lieutenant Governor Division 21

2013-2014 Region VII Trustee

PA District Sandy Service Project Chair

PA District Finance Committee

PA District 1st Annual Holiday Party Chair

PA District Super Raffle Co-Chair

Valley Forge District Convention Committee

Shippensburg University Volunteer of the Year 1998

American Red Cross Humanitarian Award 1999

George F. Hixson Fellow 2007

Lifetime Member of Pennsylvania District of Kiwanis 2009

Pliny J. Wilson Fellow 2014

My professional background is Education, serving as a Kindergarten Teacher from September 2000- June 2013, when the school closed their doors for the final time. I am currently employed as a Manager of a local restaurant, a job that I have quickly come to love.

I have spent the last nine years of my life with Paul Hollinger. While not a Kiwanis member he has attended numerous conventions, midwinter conferences, local activities and supports all of my Kiwanis decisions.