DRAFT 2/10/03
The Arizona NRCS Electronic Field Office Technical Guide (eFOTG)
What goes in it, and where does it go….
The NRCS Field Office Technical Guide is the primary technical references for providing NRCS conservation planning assistance to land users. Manuals, handbooks and other references provide additional policy, information, guidelines, and technical support for a wide variety of disciplines and programs related to natural resources and conservation planning assistance. These references are referred to as appropriate in the Field Office Technical Guide.
State and federal agencies, researchers, and others develop regulatory and technical information that is both important and appropriate for NRCS to consider in providing planning assistance to land users. The eFOTG allows us to link together NRCS technical information with appropriate information from other agencies, universities, professional societies, producer organizations, and other sources. Appropriate information is incorporated in the eFOTG, to make it a complete and useful tool that directly supports the NRCS planning process.
There is an enormous amount of information that could potentially be included in the Field Office Technical Guide. To be useful, the information must be organized to support the NRCS 3 phase, 9 step conservation planning process. To be included in the Arizona Field Office Technical Guide, the information or tool must be something that Arizona customers or NRCS employees needs to develop and implement a conservation plan. Both individual and area wide planning is supported.
Customers need:
· descriptions of their soil, water, air, plant, and animal resources
· information to understand the potentials and limitations of their resources
· information about how their land uses affect the condition of their resources
· knowledge of local, tribal, state, and federal laws and regulations
· information to understand how conservation practices improve resource conditions
· information to evaluate conservation plan alternatives and make decisions
· specifications to install, operate, and maintain the planned conservation practices
· monitoring information to determine if the plan is working and make adjustments
NRCS planners need:
· training and certification
· knowledge of local, tribal, state, and federal laws, regulations, and policies
· descriptions of soil, water, air, plant, and animal resources
· tools to identify soil, water, air, plant, and animal resources
· tools and methods for resource inventory and assessment
· standards for resource conditions that the conservation plan must achieve
· tools to develop and evaluate plan alternatives
· tools for risk assessment, economic analysis of plan alternatives
· tools for environmental evaluation of plan alternatives
· knowledge of programs and their requirements for implementing the plan
· tools to document the customer’s conservation plan
· standards for conservation practices
· tools to develop site specific practice specifications for the customer
· tools to monitor, evaluate, and document the effects of the conservation plan
· information and research about the effects of land uses on resources
· information and research about the effects of conservation practices on resources
Field Office Technical Guide Contents
Section I General Resource References
Section I identifies handbooks, manuals, and other references useful for conservation planning that are available on-line, or that should be available for use in each Field Office.
It provides general maps that identify conservation districts, soil survey areas, watersheds, land ownership and other map based information useful to conservation planning.
Section I identifies local, state, tribal and federal laws and regulations that must be considered in the use and management of natural resources, and in implementing NRCS programs.
The training and certification section will keep employees and others informed of conservation planning certification and practice approval authority requirements, provide training guidelines, and identify available training.
Section II Natural Resource Information
This section supports Phase I of the Conservation Planning Process (Identify Problems, Determine Objectives, Inventory Resources, and Analyze Resource Data). Section II provides detailed information and descriptions for soil, water, air, plant, animal, and cultural resources.
Section II identifies or provides the tools and methods that are used to identify, inventory and analyze the soil, water, air, plant, animal, and cultural resources, while considering client objectives and other human considerations.
Section III Resource Management Systems and Quality Criteria
This section supports Phase III of the Conservation Planning Process (Formulate Alternatives, Evaluate Alternatives, Make Decisions). Section III includes quality criteria for developing Resource Management Systems.
Evaluation of alternatives requires economic analysis tools, risk analysis tools, and environmental evaluation procedures for the conservation plan.
Section III provides tools to document the conservation plan and plan implementation, and it establishes content requirements for the customer’s conservation plan, NRCS case files, and contract support documents for programs.
Section IV Conservation Practice Standards and Specifications
This section supports the plan implementation step in Phase III of the conservation planning process. It contains NRCS Practice Standards and Practice Specification Guides.
Practice Standards establish and define NRCS conservation practices and establish criteria and considerations for designing, installing, applying, operating, and maintaining the conservation practice.
A Practice Specification is the practice design and requirements that is provided to, and approved by the customer. The Practice Specification Guides in the Field Office Technical Guide provide a tool that Field Offices can use to develop the Practice Specification for the customer. The Practice Standard guides the development of the Practice Specification.
Every practice must be designed for each customer. They must be designed for the specific land they will be applied to, and they must be designed to address the specific resource concern(s) on that piece of land.
Section V Conservation Effects
This section supports the plan evaluation step in Phase III of the conservation planning process. Guidelines for plan follow-up and monitoring are provided.
This section identifies or provides the methods and tools to monitor and evaluate the effects of applying conservation practices and resource management systems.
Section V also identifies or contains studies and research which documents changes that occur on the land when conservation practices and resource management systems are applied. As appropriate, customer follow-up and monitoring results may be developed into case studies for inclusion in Section V.
Arizona electronic Field Office Technical Guide
Table of Contents
Section I. General Resource References
- General References
- NRCS Centers and Institutes
- NRCS Programs
- Handbooks and Manuals
- NRCS Handbooks and Manuals
- USDA Handbooks and Manuals
- Other References Appropriate for Arizona Conservation Planning
- Databases
- National Plants Database
- National Soils Information System (NASIS)
- Ecological Site Information System(ESIS)
- Service Center Information Management System (SCIMS)
- Performance and Results Measurement System (PRMS)
- Maps
- Service Centers
- Conservation Districts
- Congressional Districts
- Counties
- RC&D Areas
- Soil Survey Areas and Status
- Watersheds
- Watershed Project Areas
- Airsheds
- Climate Maps
- Major Land Resource Areas and Land Resource Units
- Land Ownership
- Satellite and Other Imagery
- Other Tribal, State, Federal, Agency Administrative Boundary Maps
- Software
- Customer Service Toolkit
- Other CCE Certified Software Useful for Arizona Conservation Planning
- Laws
- Federal Laws and Regulations
- Executive Orders
- State Laws and Regulations
- Tribal Laws and Regulations
- Local Laws and Regulations
- Conservation Partnership
- Federal Agencies
- State Agencies
- Tribal Agencies
- Non-Government Organizations
- Other References
- Agricultural Libraries
- On-line Scientific Journals
- Universities
- Research Stations
- Planning Certification and Training
- Planning Certification Requirements
- Conservation Practice Job Approval Requirements
- Employee Training Plans, and Online Training
Section II. Natural Resource Information
- Soil Resources
- SSURGO, STATSGO Soil Surveys
- Soil survey tables
- Soil Inventory & Analysis Tools for Conservation Planning
- Soil Technical Notes
- Soil References
- Water Resources
- Watersheds
- Water Quality
- Water Quantity
- Hydrology
- Streams and Lakes
- Water and Wastewater Systems
- Water Inventory & Analysis Tools for Conservation Planning
- Water Technical Notes
- Water References
- Air Resources
- Airsheds
- Air Quality
- Air Inventory & Analysis Tools for Conservation Planning
- Air Technical Notes
- Air References
- Plant Resources
- National Plants Database
- Forest and Rangeland Plant Guides
- Cropland, Hayland, Pasture, Orchard and Vineyard Plant Guides
- Threatened and Endangered Plants
- State and Tribal Protected Plants
- Ecological Sites
- Forage Suitability Groups
- Plant Inventory & Analysis Tools for Conservation Planning
- Plant Technical Notes
- Plant References
- Animal Resources
- Wildlife Guides
- Domestic Animal Guides
- Threatened and Endangered Animals
- State and Tribal Protected Animals
- Animal Inventory & Analysis Tools for Conservation Planning
- Animal Technical Notes
- Animal References
- Climate Resources
- Climate Station Data
- Drought Information
- Climate Inventory & Analysis Tools for Conservation Planning
- Climate Technical Notes
- Climate References
- Cultural Resources and Human Considerations
- Cultural Resource Guides
- Human Considerations
- Cultural Resource Inventory & Analysis Tools for Conservation Planning
- Cultural Resource Technical Notes
- Cultural Resource References
Section III. Resource Management Systems and Quality Criteria
- Quality Criteria
- Soil
- Water
- Air
- Plant
- Animal
- Cultural Resources
- Human Considerations
- Resource Management Systems
- Animal Feeding
- Crop (Field Crops, Orchards, Vineyards)
- Forest
- Hay
- Headquarters
- Mined
- Native or Naturalized Pasture (Converted Forest)
- Natural Area
- Pasture
- Range
- Recreation
- Urban
- Water
- Watershed Protection
- Other
- Evaluation of Alternatives
- Environmental Evaluation and Risk Assessment
- Economic Evaluation
- Conservation Practice Physical Effects
- Program Requirements for Conservation Plan Implementation
- Environmental Quality Incentives Program
- Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program
- Wetland Reserve Program
- PL-566 Small Watershed Program
- Conservation Plan and Contract Documentation Tools
- Customer Service Toolkit
- Plan and Case File Contents
Section IV. Practice Standards and Specifications
- National Handbook of Conservation Practices
- Federal Register Notices for State Updates to Practice Standards
- National Guidelines for Practice Standards and Specifications
- National Practice Standards
- Arizona Conservation Practice Standards and Specifications
- State Practice List
- State Practice Standards
- State Practice Specification Guides
- Sources of Products and Services
- Sources of Plant Materials, etc.
- Soil, Water Testing
- State Certified Pesticide Applicators, Well Drillers etc.
- Product Data
- Pesticide Data Labels
- Conservation Practice Technical Notes
Section V. Conservation Effects
A. Follow-up and Monitoring
1. Monitoring Methods and Tools
- Program Follow-up and Status Review Guidelines
- Progress Reporting Guidelines
- Conservation Practice and RMS Case Studies and Research
- Animal Feeding
- Crop (Field Crops, Orchards, Vineyards)
- Forest
- Hay
- Headquarters
- Mined
- Native or Naturalized Pasture (Converted Forest)
- Natural Area
- Pasture
- Range
- Recreation
- Urban
- Water
- Watershed Protection
- Other
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