to the GNA

Glasgow Netball AssociationSub-Committee Minutes

Date:6th October 2011

In Attendance: Karen Bannerman (Chair; Bishopbriggs);Eilidh Thomson (Secretary; GlasgowUniversity);Zoe Ray (VC; Cardonald); Annie Perrott (minutes; Broomhill); Natalie Doherty (Squads).

In Attendance for relevant part: Alana Gillies (Fundraising; Dumbarton Harp); Megan Briggs and Lee McGecky (Marketing; St Mirren); Lindsay Gardner and Laura Beatty (club development; Cumbernauld).

Apologies: Liz Kerr – Glasgow sports council; Helensburgh – Technical Umpiring; Glasgow Caledonian University– Assistant Treasurer, Karen Thomson - League

Non attendance:East bank – website; Strathclyde -disclosure/ child protection; St Stephens - events junior;Bellahouston – Senior Events; Scotstoun - Grants / Technical coaching; Stirling University - organisation of volunteers for events.

Item / Discussion / Action
Welcome /
  • Karen outlined new proposals to reward and fine clubs. Zoe will be sending out an email to clubs detailing the proposals.
  • Karen pointed out that, technically, clubs can be refused entry into the league next season for three fines as per GNA byelaws
  • Clubs will be fined for not attending committee meetings when required (without giving apologies in advance) and for not submitting reports on time.
  • Zoe will log when reports are not submitted on time, and asked attendees to report this back to their clubs
  • Targets will be set for each sub-committee and assessed whether or not they are met.
  • There will be a rewards scheme offering kit or money to acknowledge successes or harder work (rewards will be kit or money).
  • There remains issue with representatives not replying by email. Karen took mobile numbers from representatives present.
/ Zoe to send out email to clubs detailing new proposals.
All attendees were asked to report back to their own clubs on new proposals.
Karen to try to gain mobile numbers of all sub committee reps
Marketing (St Mirren) /
  • The marketing team will use contacts at Glasgow newspapers to set up match reports.
  • Someone from the marketing team will collate all the details on a Wednesday and submit match reports to the papers.
  • Issues with impartiality were discussed and it was suggested that a box is added to the score sheet to allow umpires to write in a sentence about the match. This will be done through Karen Thompson.
  • Flyers and postersto go into sports shops (such as Greaves) and sports clubs (such as Curves and Glasgow Life gyms). Lorna already has posters and one has the web address given.
  • GNA to get a Facebook page set up.This could also be used to communicate issues (such as league issues).
  • Karen asked Lee and Megan to try and set this up for the next meeting and report back to the committee.
  • Natalie asked for assistance from marketing to provide court-side banners for the squads to help promote the company providing sponsorship. A banner for the GNA would also be required. for details on where to start.
/ Lee to contact Donna Blair at Bellahouston regarding comments for newspaper match reports.
Karen Thomson to add a comment box onto score sheet for 2nd half of the season.
Marketing team to create Facebook page and email details to Karen.
Marketing team to contact Lorna Cameron regarding court-side banners for GNA District Squads.
Club development (Cumbernauld) /
  • There are four representatives from Cumbernauld that will be sharing this role.
  • While there has not been much activity to date, Cumbernauld are an exemplar through their own club development work.
  • Apprentice coaches will be used to develop clubs.
  • Having a Junior Club is helpful for senior club development.
  • Junior clubs can be targeted by funding some coaching sessions.
  • The issue of getting juniors to come along to senior squads was discussed. A session to bring together clubs or a clinic to share best practice was discussed. Club development reps have a role in booking the venue, finding a chairperson, emailing out invites. Lorna should be contacted for advice.
/ Club development team to send targets to Lorna by COP next Friday.
Club development team to plan a clinic to share best practice.
Fundraising (Dumbarton Harp) /
  • The Bonus Ball scheme is progressing well and should raise £1000. The scheme can easily be replicated for the following season.
  • An end of season event will be planned for May/June 2012. This could involve the Take That tribute band. The venue of the Multi-Cultural centre was discussed. Funds to be raised from ticket sales (compulsory?) and a raffle.
  • The club remit specifies three events, one of which should support squads.
  • A Christmas/New Year tournament combined with a social (e.g. pub crawl) afterwards was discussed. Income to come from raffle and entry fee. Alana to contact Lorna to request a double court booking.
  • Alana mentioned the idea of paid clinics for PE teachers or trainee teachers. This is targeted at providing a very basic overview for novice coaches. This should tie-in with club development.
  • Alana will investigate overheads for last year and why only £200 was made.
  • Alana will contact companies and football teams asking for contributions as raffle prizes, including John McGuire at the Phoenix.
  • The committee discussed how many of these suggestions over-lapped with other areas. Alana to draft an email to Karen highlighting where additional help is required.
/ For the end of season event – fundraising to provide a costings report for the Exec Committee. Natalie to provide Alana with details of the Multi-Cultural Centre.
Fundraising to plan the Christmas / New Year tournament.
Fundraising to contact Lesley and Lorna for advice on running teacher/coaching clinics.
Alana to contact companies and football teams asking for contributions as raffle prizes.
Alana to draft an email highlighting where additional help is required.
  • The event on 8th October was discussed. StirlingUniversity have been unable to put together enough volunteers for the event and it may have to be cancelled.
  • Issues with clubs not attending meetings or reports to be addressed as a priority. Zoe will send out an email to the clubs thanking for attendance (or otherwise), asking for actions to be sent to Lorna, and if not present, outlining fines and deadlines.
/ Karen / Zoe to email Stirling to ask them to provide volunteers themselves.
Zoe to send out summary email to all sub-committee members.