Gifts for Virginia Tech Foundation
Gift Transmittal to Gift Accounting
Note: The date of the donor’s gift is determined as follows:
-Credit Card: date gift posted to donor’s credit card account
-Mailed Gift: date of United States Mail postmark on envelope
-Securities: date of transfer
-Other: date received at Virginia Tech / Please submit gifts promptly. If the gift is not received in Gift Accounting promptly, the gift date can be problematic - a tax deadline might be missed and the donor’s gift would not be deductible for the year he/she intended.
To: / Gift Accounting Department / Date:
From: / Name: / Dept:
Phone #: / MailCode:
Gift Type (select all that apply):
Gift / Pledge (Attach VT Pledge Form)
Stock / Other (explain):
Please fill in shaded areas below completely:
Transaction Amount: / Gift: / Pledge:
Designation Number: / 8 | | | | | |
Designation Name:
Date Transaction Received:
Donor Name:
Is this a / new address?
Yes ____ / No ____
ID# in Banner: / Place ‘x’ here if you believe
this to be a new donor
Please attach original envelope and all documents enclosed, then deliver this completed form and all attachments to Gift Accounting in the University Gateway Center between the hours of 8:00 am and 4:00 pm Mon.-Fri.
Please hand deliver all gifts within 24 hours of receipt.
Gifts should not be sent via campus mail!
University Development Office Updated 07/2013

Instructions for Use of the Gift Transmittal Form

This information will facilitate accurate, prompt gift processing.

1.   This is the date you fill out the form.

2.   This is the name, dept., phone, and mail code for the person completing the form.

3.   Please indicate what you are transmitting.

4.   Give the dollar amount of the gift/pledge payment or pledge. Indicate which account to be booked, if known, and the name of the designation/account. Give the date that you received it.

5.   Provide the name and address of the donor (source) of the gift or pledge. If you know the donor’s ID number in the system, please provide that also. If you think this is a new donor, check the box.

6.   Please provide any additional information for the record.


a)   The original envelope (with the postmark) is necessary for the gift record; please forward it to us.

b)   When no postmark is available, the gift should be date-stamped so that the record contains an official gift date. Use your departmental date stamp for this purpose.

c)   DO NOT TRANSMIT CREDIT CARD INFORMATION. Gift Accounting can only process credit card gifts mailed by the donor directly to Gift Accounting. If a donor does not want to mail the information, please have them visit our online giving form at or call Gift Accounting at 1-2889

d)   Whenever possible, the donor should send his/her gift directly to Gift Accounting.

e)   Place all gifts in university envelopes so that documents are not lost.

f)   A secure deposit box will be located at the entrance to Gift Accounting. When the office is closed, please deposit gifts in this secure depository.

g)   For more information call 1-2889.

h)   This form is available electronically – Forms.