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Section 19-6.04. Use if a bid item for embankment is included. Include SSP 19-6.03B if subsidence is anticipated.
Add to section 19-6.04:
1. Use with SSP 16-1.03D.
The Department does not deduct the volume occupied by vegetation from computed embankment quantities.
If an ordered change increases the quantity of excavation or decreases the quantity of embankment so that surplus excavation has to be disposed of, disposing of the surplus material is change order work.
If an ordered change either increases or decreases the quantity of borrow required to complete the planned embankments, the Department pays for:
1. Cost of supplying borrow to the site as change order work for a decrease in excavation that results in increased borrow.
Enter $0.50 or other figure estimated to be adequate compensation.
2. Increase in embankment that requires an increase in borrow at the bid item price for embankment, as change order work, or at the price of _____ per cubic yard. Agree with the Engineer on your payment method.
3. Increase in excavation that results in a decrease in borrow at the bid item price for excavation, but you must pay the Department the estimated cost of furnishing the quantity of the decrease in borrow, computed as though the work were done on a force account basis. Payment to the Department is deducted from sums due or that may become due you.
4. Decrease in embankment that results in a decrease in borrow by reducing the quantity of embankment.
4. Use if surplus material may be used within the project limits and material for embankment construction is paid for as embankment.
The Department does not pay for surplus material used to widen slopes.
The quantity of embankment is computed based on planned or authorized cross sections for embankment and the measured ground surface. The Department does not adjust the quantity of embankment if subsidence or consolidation occurs after placing embankment material has begun.