Eng 80 MWF/Douglass
Group Presentations on Drive, prep for Friday, March 18, 2016
STEP ONE, Homework before March 18: Prep for group activity: EVERYONE reads the entire selection on the syllabus, but based on the selection for your group below, you will spend extra focus on one section.
Group 1: Mastery, pp 107-113; Opening and “From Compliance to Engagement”
Group 2: Mastery, pp 113-117; “Goldilocks on a Cargo Ship”
Group 3: Mastery, pp 118-121; “The Three Laws of Mastery: Mastery is a Mindset”
Group 4: Mastery, pp121-123; “The Three Laws of Mastery: Mastery is a Pain”
Group 5: Mastery, pp124-124; “The Three Laws of Mastery: Mastery is n Asymptote”
Group 6: Mastery, pp125-128; “The Oxygen of the Soul”
Reread your Team’s assigned section. Take your time, look up words, review your annotations, etc. Then jot down some notes on the following questions. This will prepare you to work on your presentation with your team.
Key ideas: What do you think are the most important one or two ideas in your section?
What is one quote that you think ties in to one of your key ideas? Page number?
What is an example that Pink gives of one of the key ideas?
What is something in your section that is giving you trouble or that you don’t feel you understand very well. Mark it with a question mark and note the page number.
STEP TWO: This part will happen in class, but feel free to review this before Friday so you can get an idea of what we are doing
Each team will have 10 minutes for a presentation that does the following:
--Explain the key ideas of your group’s section of Drive, so that the rest of the class really understands them.
--You will want to give examples to help illustrate the ideas; you can refer to the examples in the chapter, but also develop some of your own.
--You should quote a few key passages (and provide page numbers), but put most of the presentation into your own words.
--You might want to use the board or other visuals to help students track the various points.
--Come up with two or three specific ideas about how your concept (mastery or purpose) could be applied in our class: assignments, class activities, policies teacher’s role, students’ role, etc.
--Engage the class in a discussion of whether they think you chapter’s key idea (mastery or purpose) would be good to put into practice in our English class for the rest of the semester.
--What would be good about a class organized around this idea?
--Do students see any potential drawbacks or challenges to applying this idea to our English class?
Evaluation: It should be evident that the group has engaged with the whole chapter and become experts on their 4-6 pages, that they have prepared, and that they have a planned presentation. All group members should be engaged and participate in the presentation, in one way or another.
If you want to create a handout on Friday (laptops in class? The room has one computer a group can use or you can write it out and one person can volunteer to type it up) and email it to me Thursday night I can copy it for the class for Friday, but this is not required. It might be a nice organized way to present each of the required elements above.