2013 Minnesota FFA Fish and Wildlife Management Exam
1) Which animal does not have any upper incisors?
A) Muskrat
B) Opossum
C) White-tailed deer
D) Shrew
2) This animal comes in several different species including masked, pygmy and short-tailed varieties?
A) Weasel
B) Raccoon
C) Mole
D) Shrew
3) Cottontail rabbits are often considered a pest of this agricultural crop.
A) Apples
B) Corn
C) Wheat
D) Sugar Beets
4) Which of the following hibernate during the winter?
A) Eastern Chipmunk
B) Pocket gopher
C) Mole
D) All of the above
5) This type of squirrel can be identified by the patagium on each side of its body?
A) 13-lined ground squirrel
B) Fox squirrel
C) Flying squirrel
D) Red squirrel
6) The 2013 hunting season for this Minnesota animal was cancelled?
A) Black bear
B) Moose
C) Muskrat
D) Coyote
7) Populations of this animal have been shrinking in the state of Minnesota?
A) Spotted skunk
B) Gray wolf
C) Gray squirrel
D) All of the above
8) What best describes the diet of a Franklin’s ground squirrel?
A) Herbivore
B) Omnivore
C) Insectivore
D) Carnivore
9) Giving birth to one or two young per year best describes which animal?
A) Jackrabbit
B) Red fox
C) Meadow vole
D) Whitetail deer
10) Which of these animals is the largest carnivore?
A) Weasel
B) Porcupine
C) Otter
D) Raccoon
11) Which of these animals are known to be pest to food crops and carry diseases that can infect people?
A) Weasels
B) Badgers
C) Norway Rats
D) Striped Skunk
12) Red squirrels are the largest squirrels in Minnesota?
A) True
B) False
13) Woodchucks are also known as groundhogs?
A) True
B) False
14) In Minnesota Coyotes live in large packs or 10-15 individuals?
A) True
B) False
15) Pocket gophers have folds of skin next to their mouth that can hold dirt and seeds?
A) True
B) False
16) Which of these birds is native to Minnesota?
A) House Sparrow
B) Starling
C) Ring-necked Pheasant
D) None of the above
17) This aquatic bird has a green/black iridescent head and dives for fish?
A) Mallard
B) Crow
C) Common Loon
D) Northern Harrier
18) What best describes a Barred Owl method of hunting.
A) Circles high in the sky and dives into a lake to catch fish.
B) Wades along the edge of a lake grabbing fish and frogs.
C) Sits in a tree waiting to pounce on mice.
D) Swims on the water surface stabbing passing fish with its beak.
19) This bird will often steal fish from other birds such as Osprey?
A) Starlings
B) Cowbirds
C) Snow geese
D) Bald eagle
20) What best describes a screech owl’s nest?
A) A loose grouping of branches high in a tall tree.
B) A hole in a tree.
C) A depression on the ground.
D) A tightly woven nest of grasses.
21) Which of these ducks are diving ducks?
A) Wood duck
B) Canvasback
C) Ring-necked duck
D) b and c
22) Males of this bird can be identified by their blue bill?
A) Wilson’s snipe
B) Ruddy duck
C) Great Blue Heron
D) Ring-necked pheasant
23) This bird’s short wings and flexible tail allow it to maneuver around its forest home?
A) Ring-neck pheasant
B) Mallard
C) Broad-winged Hawk
D) Sharp-tailed grouse
24) Large populations of this bird overwinter in urban areas of Minnesota?
A) Eastern Bluebirds
B) American Crow
C) Great blue heron
D) Broad-winged hawk
25) These birds diet consists of small mammals, amphibians and birds?
A) Canvasback
B) Grackle
C) Great-horned owl
D) Ruffed Grouse
26) Blue-winged Teal are one of the last ducks to arrive in the spring?
A) True
B) False
27) Great Blue Heron overwinter in Minnesota?
A) True
B) False
28) Bald Eagles are listed as a species of special concern in Minnesota?
A) True
B) False
29) Blue jays have a wide range of vocalizations?
A) True
B) False
30) Wild turkeys were extirpated from Minnesota?
A) True
B) False
31) Minnesota’s only catadromous fish is?
A) Lake Trout
B) American Eel
C) Smelt
D) White Sucker
32) This fish is also called a bowfin, grindle and beaverfish?
A) Walleye
B) Darter
C) Dogfish
D) Sturgeon
33) These fish can gulp air from the surface and survive in lower oxygen water?
A) Sunfish
B) Flathead catfish
C) Gar
D) Sea Lamprey
34) Both sexes of this fish guard the nest?
A) Lake trout
B) Sunfish
C) Bullhead
D) Walleye
35) These fish were once a major part of Minnesota’s fishery?
A) Brook trout
B) Darter
C) Whitefish
D) Rainbow trout
36) The Minnesota state fishing record for this species of fish is over 17 pounds?
A) Largemouth bass
B) Creek chub
C) Walleye
D) Black crappie
37) This fish can be identified by counting its dorsal spines?
A) White sucker
B) White Crappie
C) Bullhead
D) Dogfish
38) Steelhead are a migratory variety of this fish?
A) Smelt
B) Sea lamprey
C) American eel
D) Rainbow trout
39) The “tiger” version of this fish is a hybrid between?
A) Muskellunge and Gar
B) Walleye and Yellow perch
C) Northern pike and Yellow perch
D) Northern pike and Muskellunge
40) River dams have hurt the populations of this fish?
A) Northern pike
B) Burbot
C) Largemouth bass
D) Gar
41) Sunfish spawn from May to August?
A) True
B) False
42) Largemouth bass will eat just about any living creature it can swallow?
A) True
B) False
43) Carp damage lakes by making the water muddy?
A) True
B) False
44) Lake trout prefer temperatures over 65 degrees?
A) True
B) False
45) Flathead catfish prefer deep pools of large rivers?
A) True
B) False
46) What is the favorite food of lacewings?
A) Aphids and other small insects
B) Herbaceous plant leaves
C) Decaying organic matter
D) Tree sap
47) Which of the following does NOT go through a pupal stage?
A) Blow fly
B) Cicada
C) Mosquito
D) Rove beetle
48) How many wings do beetles (Coleoptera) possess?
A) None
B) Two
C) Four
D) Six
49) I am small to moderate in size with a large triangular, shield-like structure
behind my head. I have incomplete development. I feed on both plants or
insects. I have well-developed scent glands which can be used in self-
defense. What am I?
A) Cicada
B) June beetle
C) Rove beetle
D) Stink bug
50) Which of the following insects is not capable of jumping?
A) Assassin bug
B) Grasshopper
C) Katydid
D) Springtail
51) Where do carpenter ants prefer to nest?
A) In the soil in forests
B) In the soil in fields and prairies
C) In the soil in urban areas
D) In wood
52) What insect resembles a giant mosquito?
A) Caddisfly
B) Crane fly
C) Dragonfly
D) Sawfly
53) Which of the following is true of ichneumonid wasps?
A) They are small; none measure more than ¼ inch long.
B) They are short lived; they don’t survive any longer than a week.
C) They are solitary wasps, i.e. they live as individuals.
D) They are social wasps, i.e. they live in social colonies.
54) In what type of environment do whirligig beetles live?
A) Lakes and ponds
B) Prairies
C) Sand dunes
D) Woods
55) To what order do boxelder bugs and giant water bugs belong?
A) Coleoptera
B) Diptera
C) Hemiptera
D) Plecoptera
56) Which of the following can impact honey bee health?
A) Diseases and parasitic mites
B) Loss of habitat
C) Insecticides
D) All of the above are correct
57) Which insect would you most likely find associated with a dead animal?
A) Blow fly
B) House fly
C) Robber fly
D) Sawfly
58) How many legs do insect typically possess?
A) 0
B) 6
C) 8
D) Either 6 or 8
59) Which of the following insects would most likely be found visiting flowers?
A) Dragonfly
B) June beetle
C) Syrphid fly
D) Yellowjacket
60) I am generally small with a conspicuous snout. I feed on a variety of plants.
To help protect myself, I will play dead if I feel threatened. What am I?
A) Boxelder bug
B) Lady beetle
C) Springtail
D) Weevil