Tracy Area Public Schools - Curriculum Map

Subject Area: / Math / Grade Level: One / Date: / June 2015
Timeline / Standards Addressed / Skills/Benchmarks / Content / Objectives / Assessments
15 days / Strand: / – Estimate solutions to problems with whole numbers, fraction and decimals and use the estimates to assess the results. / - Line Plots
- Median and Mean
- Landmark Shark Game
- Bar Graphs
- Persuasive Data & Graphs / Graphs
How many different ways can you represent a given set of data so others can understand?
Persuasive Graphs
If you take a set of statistics, how would you represent it so it shocks the reader? / -Math Boxes
-Study Links
-Journal pages
-NWEA test
-Oral and State Assessment
Count, compare and represent whole numbers up to 120, with an emphasis on groups of tens and ones.
Count, compare and represent whole numbers up to 120, with an emphasis on groups of tens and ones.
Recognize and create patterns; use rules to describe patterns.
Recognize and create patterns; use rules to describe patterns. / place value to describe whole numbers between 10 and 100 in terms of tens and ones.
Read, write and represent whole numbers up to 120. Representations may include numerals, addition and, subtraction, pictures, tally marks, number lines and manipulatives, such as bundles of sticks and base ten blocks. Count, with and without objects, forward and backward from any given number to 120. Compare and order whole numbers up to 30. Use words to describe the relative size of numbers. Create simple patterns using objects, pictures, numbers and rules. Identify possible rules to complete or extend patterns. Patterns may be repeating, growing or shrinking. Calculators can be used to create and explore patterns. / For Number & Operation:
●unifix cubes
●number lines
●tens/ones blocks
●counting games
●ten frames
●Johnny’s math page website
●ABCya website
●whole/whole/part charts
●Daily calendar components
●Interactive notebook
●Guiding Firsties Math Workshop (GFMW)-Unit 3
For Number & Operation:
●unifix cubes
●number lines
●tens/ones blocks
●counting games
●ten frames
●Johnny’s math page website
●ABCya website
●whole/whole/part charts
●Daily calendar components
●smartboard files
●Interactive Notebook
●GFMW-Unit 3
●above as applicable
For Algebra:
●above as applicable
●pattern blocks
●ipad calculator
●pattern picture cards / Can you count, compare and represent numbers up to 30?
Can you show numbers 1 to 30 in terms of tens and ones?
Can you read, write and represent whole numbers to 30 in a variety of ways?
Can you count forward or backward, with or without objects, within the number range 1-30?
Can you compare numbers up to 30? Can you put numbers up to 30 in order?
Can you use the words greater than, less than or equal to to compare numbers to 30?
Can you create and identify simple patterns? (ex. ABAB, ABBABB, ABC)
Can you complete and extend simple patterns? (ex. ABAB, ABBABB, ABC) / For Number & Operation:
●oral counting check
●NWEA test
●AIMS test
●informal observation
●Interactive Notebook pages
●End of Qtr.1 informal assessments
For Number & Operation:
●oral counting check
●NWEA test
●AIMS test
●informal observation and assess.
●Interactive Notebook pages
●End of Qtr.1 informal assessments
●above as applicable
●student samples
For Algebra:
●above as applicable
Use a variety of models and strategies to solve addition and subtractions problems in real-world and mathematical contexts.
Use a variety of models and strategies to solve addition and subtractions problems in real-world and mathematical contexts.
Describe characteristics of basic shapes. Use basic shapes to compose and decompose other objects in various contexts. / Use words, pictures, objects, length-based models (connecting cubes), numerals and number lines to model and solve addition and subtraction problems in part-part-total, adding to, taking away from and comparing situations. Compose and decompose numbers up to 12 with an emphasis on making ten. Recognize the relationship between counting and addition and subtraction. Skip count by 2s, 5s, and 10s.
Describe characteristics of two-and-three-
dimensional objects, such as triangles, squares, rectangles, circles, rectangular prisms, cylinders,
cones and spheres. / For Number & Operation:
●above as applicable
●student/teacher flashcards
●Mastering the Basic Math Facts-O’Connell
●Math Facts in a Flash website
●various daily practice pages
●Parent Contract to promote home practice
●GFMW-Unit 1 and 2
For Number & Operation:
●GFMW-Unit 3
●above as applicable
For Number & Operation:
●above as applicable
●120 grid
Geometry & Measurement:
●plane shapes
●pattern block fill in pictures
●GFMW-Unit 5 / Can you use pictures and manipulatives
to model and solve addition and subtraction?
Can you solve addition and subtraction facts +1/-1, +2/-2, +0/-0, +10/-10?
Can you show more than one way to make a given number?
Can you show more than one way to take apart a given number.
Can you skip count forward and backward by 10s?
Can you skip count forward and backward by 5s?
Can you describe two-dimensional objects? / For Number & Operation:
●above as applicable
●Qtr. 2 Formative Assessments
For Number & Operation:
●above as applicable
●above as applicable
Geometry & Measurement:
●above as applicable
Count, compare and represent whole numbers up to 120 with an emphasis on groups of tens and ones.
Count, compare and represent whole numbers up to 120 with an emphasis on groups of tens and ones.
Use a variety of models and strategies to solve addition and subtractions problems in real-world and mathematical contexts.
Use a variety of models and strategies to solve addition and subtractions problems in real-world and mathematical contexts.
Use number sentences involving addition and subtraction basic facts to represent and solve real-world and mathematical problems; create real-world situations corresponding to number sentences.
Use number sentences involving addition and subtraction basic facts to represent and solve real-world and mathematical problems; create real-world situations corresponding to number sentences.
Use number sentences involving addition and subtraction basic facts to represent and solve real-world and mathematical problems; create real-world situations corresponding to number sentences.
Use basic concepts of measurement in real-world and mathematical situations involving length, time and money.
Use basic concepts of measurement in real-world and mathematical situations involving length, time and money. / Find a number that is 10 more or 10 less than a given number. Compare and order whole numbers up to 120. Use words to describe the relative size of numbers. Use counting and comparison skills to create and analyze bar graphs and tally charts. Use words, pictures, objects, length-based models (connecting cubes), numerals and number lines to model and solve addition and subtraction problems in part-part-total, adding to, taking away from and comparing situations. Recognize the relationship between counting and addition and subtraction. Skip count by 2s, 5s, and 10s. Represent real-world situations involving addition and subtraction basic facts, using objects and number sentences. Determine if equations involving addition and subtraction are true. Use addition or subtraction basic facts to represent a given problem situation using a number sentence. Tell time to the hour and half hour. Identify pennies, nickels, dimes; find the value of a group of these coins, up to one dollar. / For Number & Operation:
●GFMW-Unit 7
●above as applicable
●GFMW-Unit 3
●above as applicable
●GFMW-Unit 3
●Crocodile story/song for greater/less than
●above as applicable
For Number & Operation:
●GFMW-Unit 4
●above as applicable
For Number & Operation:
●GFMW-Unit 7
●above as applicable
For Number & Operation:
●above as applicable
●GFMW-Unit 6
●above as applicable
●GFMW-Unit 6
●above as applicable
●GFMW-Unit 6
●above as applicable
Geometry & Measurement
●GFMW-Unit 4, 8
●Judy Clocks
●above as applicable
Geometry & Measurement:
●above as applicable
●play money / Can you find a number that is 10 more from a given number?
Can you find a number that is 10 less from a given number?
Can you compare numbers up to 120?
Can you order numbers up to 120?
Can you use describe the size of numbers using words like equal to, not equal to, more than, less than, fewer than, is about, and is nearly.
Can you create a tally chart and a bar graph?
Can you use a tally chart or bar graph to count and compare data?
Can you use pictures and manipulatives
to model and solve addition and subtraction?
Can you solve addition and subtraction facts
using doubles and making ten?
Can you show more than one way to make a given number?
Can you count forward and backward by 2s?
Can you show, using manipulatives, a basic addition and subtraction fact given a real-world situation?
Can you determine if two number sentences are true or false?
(ex. 7=7, 5+2=2+5, 3+1=4+1))
Can you show, using manipulatives or by drawing a picture, an addition or subtraction basic fact to represent a number sentence?
Can you tell time to the hour?
Can you tell time to the half hour?
Can you identify pennies, nickels and dimes?
Can you find the value of a group of coins up to dollar? / For Number & Operation:
●Qtr. 3 Formative Assessments
●above as applicable
●above as applicable
●above as applicable
For Number & Operation:
●above as applicable
For Number & Operation:
●above as applicable
For Number & Operation:
●above as applicable
●above as applicable
●above as applicable
●above as applicable
Geometry & Measurement:
●above as applicable
Geometry & Measurement:
●above as applicable
Use a variety of models and strategies to solve addition and subtractions problems in real-world and mathematical contexts.
Use a variety of models and strategies to solve addition and subtractions problems in real-world and mathematical contexts.
Recognize and create patterns; use rules to describe patterns.
Use number sentences involving addition and subtraction basic facts to represent and solve real-world and mathematical problems; create real-world situations corresponding to number sentences.
Use number sentences involving addition and subtraction basic facts to represent and solve real-world and mathematical problems; create real-world situations corresponding to number sentences.
Describe characteristics of basic shapes. Use basic shapes to compose and decompose other objects in various contexts.
Describe characteristics of basic shapes. Use basic shapes to compose and decompose other objects in various contexts.
Use basic concepts of measurement in real-world and mathematical situations involving length, time and money.
Use basic concepts of measurement in real-world and mathematical situations involving length, time and money. / Use words, pictures, objects, length-based models (connecting cubes), numerals and number lines to model and solve addition and subtraction problems in part-part-total, adding to, taking away from and comparing situations.
Recognize the relationship between counting and addition and subtraction. Skip count by 2s, 5s, and 10s.
Create simple patterns using objects, pictures, numbers and rules. Identify possible rules to complete or extend patterns. Patterns may be repeating, growing or shrinking. Calculators can be used to create and explore patterns.
Represent real-world situations involving addition and subtraction basic facts, using objects and number sentences.
Determine if equations involving addition and subtraction are true.
Use number sense and models of addition and subtraction, such as objects and number lines, to identify the missing number in an equation.
Use addition or subtraction basic facts to represent a given problem situation using a number sentence.
Describe characteristics of two-and-three-
dimensional objects, such as triangles, squares, rectangles, circles, rectangular prisms, cylinders, cones and spheres.
Compose (combine) and decompose (take apart) two-and three-dimensional figures such as triangles, squares, rectangles, circles, rectangular prisms and cylinders.
Measure the length of an object in terms of multiple copies of another object.
Tell time to the hour and half hour.
Identify pennies, nickels and dimes; find the value of a group of these coins, up to one dollar. / Number & Operation:
●GFMW-Unit 9
●above as applicable
Number & Operation:
●above as applicable
●above as applicable
●GFMW-Unit 9
●above as applicable
●GFMW-Unit 9
●above as applicable
●GFMW-Unit 9
●above as applicable
●GFMW-Unit 9
●above as applicable
Geometry & Measurement:
●above as applicable
●GFMW-Unit 3,8
●3-D shape kits
●3-D wooden shapes
Geometry & Measurement:
●Unit 3, 8
●above as applicable
Geometry & Measurement:
●above as applicable
●inch rulers
●tools to measure with
●GFMW-Unit 4,8
Geometry & Measurement:
●above as applicable
Geometry & Measurement:
●above as applicable / Can you use pictures and manipulatives
to model and solve addition and subtraction?
Can you solve addition and subtraction facts using ten and
using near doubles?
Can you count forward or backward by 10s, 5s and 2s from any given number up to 120?
Can you extend a growing pattern? (ex. AB, ABC, ABCD)
Can you show a shrinking pattern?
(ex. ABCD, ABC, AB)
Can you create a basic addition and subtraction fact given a real-world situation?
Can you determine if two number sentences are true or false?
(7=8-1, 4+1=5+2)
Can you identify the missing number in an equation using a number line or manipulatives?
(ex. 2+4= _,
3+_=7, 5=_-3)
Can you show, using manipulatives or by drawing a picture, an addition or subtraction basic fact to represent a number sentence?
Can you describe three-dimensional objects?
Can you build and take apart two-dimensional figures?
Can you build and take apart three-dimensional figures?
Can you measure the length of an object a variety of tools?
Can you tell time to the hour?
Can you tell time to the half hour?
Can you identify pennies, nickels and dimes?
Can you find the value of a group of coins up to dollar? / Number & Operation:
●Qtr. 4 Formative Assessments
●above as applicable
Number & Operation:
●above as applicable
●above as applicable
●above as applicable
●above as applicable
●above as applicable
●above as applicable
Geometry & Measurement:
●above as applicable
Geometry & Measurement:
●above as applicable
Geometry & Measurement:
●above as applicable
Geometry & Measurement:
●above as applicable
Geometry & Measurement:
●above as applicable