Commencement Date: 17/08/2011

1. Exceptions


2. Definitions

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After Hours

Building Warden (White Hat)

Weekdays between 5.00 pm and 8.00 am, weekends and public holidays observed by the University

A trained person responsible for the overall coordination of building evacuations. Refer to Schedule B for detailed information

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Evacuation Assembly Area

A predefined safe location that evacuees proceed to in the event of an evacuation

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For the purposes of this guideline, an emergency is defined as any incident that could:

·  Jeopardise the safety of or traumatise the persons on or near the site

·  Result in significant damage to property or equipment

·  Significantly disrupt normal site operations

Early Warning Intercommunication System. Sounding of ‘alert’ and ‘evacuation’ tones, coupled with systematic voice-over commands and an emergency public address facility.

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Floor Warden

(Yellow Hat)

A trained person responsible for evacuating given areas of a building, and reporting back to the Building Warden.

Refer to Schedule B for detailed information

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Warden Unit

Trained personnel within a building who take command on the declaration of an emergency, pending the arrival of emergency services. The Warden Unit will comprise of the following personnel:

·  Building Warden

·  Deputy Building Warden(s)

·  Floor Wardens

Refer to Schedule B for detailed information

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3. Minimum Standards

These minimum standards are compulsory for all University staff, students and visitors to ensure safety is maintained and legislative requirements are met. Section 4 shall be treated as a guide to assist with meeting these standards.

3.1 All staff shall be informed of the appropriate response upon discovering an emergency or during an evacuation as detailed in Schedule A

3.2 All staff shall be informed of the requirement to dial 5 from an internal phone or 9266 4444 from an external phone to activate immediate assistance during an emergency (NB – emergency phone numbers for all other campuses may vary from the above, for more information refer to Schedule C)

3.3 All emergency exits shall be:

·  immediately known to staff accessing the area

·  clear of obstructions

3.4 All staff shall be aware of their evacuation assembly area

3.5 Sufficient numbers of Building Wardens, Deputy Building Wardens and Floor Wardens shall be appointed to each building and activity centre to ensure efficient evacuation can be maintained as detailed in Schedules A and B.

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4. Guidelines for managers, staff and others for the implementation of the ‘minimum standards’

General Provisions

The following priorities shall be followed during an emergency:
(i)  To protect life by ensuring that all people who may be in danger are warned and made safe
(ii)  To prevent the spread of the hazard by controlling its extent and minimising its release into the environment
(iii)  To save assets in the area
(iv)  To eliminate the hazard i.e. eliminate the cause of the emergency

Table 4.1 Guidelines for managers, staff and others for the implementation of the ‘minimum standards’.

Minimum Standard / Managers / All Staff and Others
3.1 All staff shall be informed of the appropriate response upon discovering an emergency or during an evacuation as detailed in Schedule A / §  Ensure the emergency procedures detailed in Schedule A are covered during all staff inductions. This requirement is also included in stage 3 of the Induction Checklist.
§  Ensure the Emergency Procedure Poster is available from Security is completed to be specific to your area, and clearly posted. / §  Attend staff inductions as required
§  Follow Warden’s instructions immediately during an emergency and/ or a drill
§  Adhere to Emergency Procedures
§  Staff in charge of students or accompanying visitors shall ensure these students or visitors comply with this standard
3.2 All staff shall be informed of the requirement to dial 5 from an internal phone or 9266 4444 from an external phone to activate immediate assistance during an emergency (NB – emergency phone numbers for all other campuses may vary from the above, for more information refer to Schedule C) / §  Alert staff of the Dial 5 emergency contact number or applicable number for the campus during all staff inductions.
§  Ensure the Emergency Procedures Poster contains the Dial 5 number, or appropriate number for the campus. / §  Attend staff inductions as required
§  Immediately dial the appropriate emergency number upon discovering an emergency to render assistance
3.3 All emergency exits shall be:
·  immediately known to staff accessing the area
·  clear of obstructions / §  Alert staff of their nearest emergency exits during all staff inductions.
§  Ensure all exits are clearly signed.
Contact the Office of Facilities Management on extension 2020 if additional exit signs are required or if they require repair.
§  Ensure all exit routes are clear from obstruction.
In particular, prevent exit routes including stairwells from being used for storage. / §  Attend staff inductions as required
§  Follow instructions provided by management
3.4 All staff shall be aware of their evacuation assembly area / §  Alert staff of their evacuation assembly area and requirement to assemble during all staff inductions.
§  Ensure the Emergency Procedures Poster details the appropriate evacuation assembly area. / §  Attend staff inductions as required
§  During an emergency, immediately proceed to the appropriate assembly area and await further instructions
3.5 Sufficient numbers of Building Wardens, Deputy Building Wardens and Floor Wardens shall be appointed to each building and activity centre to ensure efficient evacuation can be maintained as detailed in Schedules A and B. / §  Assess and appoint the required number of members for the Warden Unit (seek assistance from Security on extension 4444 if required).
§  Ensure each member of the Warden Unit attends the compulsory training available through the Security office.
§  Support the Warden Unit with the appropriate area resources and authority (seek assistance from Security on extension 4444 if required).
§  Security personnel act as the Warden Unit after hours. Hence specific procedures to respond to after hours emergencies must be developed for areas without after hours security. / §  Appointed and voluntary wardens to attend the compulsory training and fill the roles as described in Schedule B
§  Remainder of staff must follow warden’s instructions during an emergency


Revision Ref. No. / Approved/ Rescinded / Date / Committee/ Board / Resolution Number / Document Reference

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The sounding of the EWIS alert and evacuation alarm will constitute the evacuation signal in buildings so equipped. The alternate evacuation signal will be a fire alarm bell or a verbal directive issued by the appropriate warden or member of staff.

In some instances, such as a chemical incident, bomb threat, medical emergency, etc instructions will be given over the building’s PA system prior to the evacuation alarm being sounded.

1 Discovering an Emergency

1.1  Remain calm

1.2  Dial 5 or applicable number for the campus to report the emergency

1.3  Press Fire Alarm break glass if available/appropriate

1.4  Alert Wardens and other occupants

1.5  Only attempt to deal with the actual emergency if you have received training such as fire extinguisher, use of first aid and if it is safe to do so

2 Emergency Evacuation

2.1  The Alert and/or Evacuation alarm or a floor warden or other member of staff may give a verbal warning. Once the Alert alarm has commenced it will automatically go in to the Evacuation tone. Always re-act immediately, follow your warden’s instruction and commence evacuation of the building.

You must leave the building even if you believe it to be a false alarm or a drill

2.2  Remain calm

2.3  Ensure that persons in your immediate vicinity are aware that they have to evacuate

2.4  Collect small personal belongings (such as keys, purse etc do not take computers and other large items) providing they are IMMEDIATELY and SAFELY accessible

2.5  Assist disabled persons in your immediate area as required

2.6  Unless directly involved in controlling the emergency or assisting wardens, immediately leave the building by the first available Emergency Exit

2.7  Lifts are not permitted to be used in an emergency evacuation

2.8  Proceed to the designated Assembly Area – do not congregate around the exit doors, and remain at the Assembly Area until directed otherwise by a Warden

2.9  Do not re-enter the building until the warden or Emergency Services personnel has given the all clear.

All emergency exits are signed in green and white.



1 Building Warden (White hat)

1.1  Hat must be worn during the evacuation. Have key available to unlock EWIS system, and ensure all other wardens within the building know where it is kept. If possible have small notebook and pencil with you in case you need to make a note of problem areas, locked rooms etc so that you can relay reliable information to Security/Emergency services personnel.

1.2  Building Wardens are responsible for:

o  Ensuring that Campus Emergency Number is promptly informed of any incidents by Dialling 5 or applicable number for the campus

o  Coordination of evacuation of building/affected area until arrival of Security, or Emergency Services

o  Confirming building/affected area has been evacuated and cordoned-off

o  Liaising with security and emergency services personnel

1.3  If your building is a large building and/or WIP phones have been installed the Building Warden should appoint a warden as a Communications Officer to assist with maintaining a log of events. A checklist/template should be developed and used to assist with this task.

1.4  Role:

o  On hearing evacuation alarm obtain white warden hat and go to EWIS & Fire Panel

o  Check Fire Panel - it will indicate which zone is affected. Give instruction to use alternate route for exit, if required

o  Dial 5 or applicable number for the campus or delegate task to Floor Warden or other responsible person to confirm that fire brigade has been called, give additional information on emergency and to request additional emergency services or assistance as required

o  Take Warden Intercom Phone (WIP) calls or have Floor Warden report back when area is cleared

o  Designate available Floor Wardens or seek assistance from responsible others to set up guards outside exits/entrances at a safe distance from the emergency site to prevent re-entry into building

o  Report to and update security and emergency services personnel.

2  Floor Warden (Yellow hat)

2.1  Hat most be worn during the evacuation. If possible have small notebook and pencil with you in case you need to make a note of problem areas encountered.

2.2  Floor Wardens are responsible for:

o  Ensuring persons are evacuating floor/building/area

o  Checking designated area(s) to ensure all persons have evacuated

o  Where applicable, deploying persons to prevent access to affected area/building

o  Reporting results of evacuation to Building Warden

o  Assisting as required

2.3 Role:

o  On hearing evacuation alarm obtain your yellow warden hat

o  Take instruction from Building Warden,(if any)

o  Assign guards to any entrance to your floor (other than emergency exits) eg. Cross bridge or adjoining building

o  Instruct guards to remain in position until relieved or no longer safe to do so

o  Commence clearing your floor with strong clear direction, closing doors behind you

o  If a door is locked, knock hard and call out, do not waste time unlocking doors. Remember to check toilets, kitchens, meeting rooms, store cupboards etc.

o  Instruct all evacuees to go immediately to the Assembly Area. No one may re-enter the building.

o  Report back to Building Warden when floor cleared and inform Building Warden if any persons have refused to leave (name/room number) or if any room was locked and you believe a person may be trapped in the room

o  Take further instruction from Building Warden or go to Assembly Area to re-assure evacuees.

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Campus / Emergency / Mobile or Off Campus / After Hours Emergencies / Security 24/7
Bentley / 5 / 9266 4444 or 1300 00 4444 / 5 / 4444
Technology Park / 5 / 9266 4444 or 1300 00 4444 / 5 / 4444
78 Murray Street / 5 / 9266 4444 or 1300 00 4444 / 5 / 4444
Shenton Park / 5 / 9266 4444 or 1300 00 4444 / 5 / 4444
Muresk / 5 / 9266 4444
Security (Bentley) or 1300 00 4444 / 5
Security (Bentley) / 4444
Security (Bentley)
Kalgoorlie / 5 / 9266 4444
Security (Bentley) or 1300 00 4444 / 5
Security (Bentley) / 4444
Security (Bentley)
Margaret River / 000 / 9780 5812
Campus Manager / 000 / 9427 5585
Crown Security
All other locations / 000 for emergencies in Australia or as otherwise prescribed by the campus or education centre or regional centre from which you operate. International mobiles can use 112 for emergencies all over the world.

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