A&E Low Vision- Talking CCTV (DaVinci), CCTV (Merlin), portable video magnifier(Pebble)

Contact:Remy Long

(877) 624-9080

582 Firenza Street

Livermore, CA94551

Access Ingenuity-CCTV (Topaz XL-HD), portable video magnifier(Ruby), Openbook software

Contact:Michael Parker


4751 Hoen Avenue

Santa Rosa,CA95405

Berryessa Designs-LED Lighting, floor lamps, table lamps

Contact: Mike Ju


795 Mary Caroline Drive

San Jose, CA 95133
Center for Independence of the Disabled

Contact:Vincent Merola

(650)645-1780 extension 118

2001 Winward Way Ste 103

San Mateo, CA 94404

Environmental Traveling Companions (ETC)

Contact: Liz Jessen or Charlotte Seligman

(415) 474-7662

Fort Mason Center, Bldg C385

2 Marina Blvd.

San Francisco, CA 94123

Freedom Vision- CCTV(Lifestyle HD), portable video magnifiers(SenseView Light, Eye-C, MANO, Aukey)

Contact: Debbie McCarthy


1400 Terra Bella Ave, Suite 1

Mountain View, CA94043

Guide Dogs for the Blind -

Contact:Jane Flower


350 Los Ranchitos Road

San Rafael, CA 94903

HIMS – Innovative access technology solutions for low vision, blindness and deaf blind communication

Contact:James McCarthy

(888) 520-4467

4616 West Howard Lane #960

Austin, TX 78728

IRTI (Innovative Rehabilitation Technology, Inc.) - provides high technology products and services for the Blind, Low Vision and individuals with learning differences.

Contact:Peter Proscia


13453 Colfax Highway

Grass Valley, CA 95945

NorthState Assistive Technology -is dedicated to enhancing the independence of blind, vision-impaired and cognitively challenged individuals through adaptive technology. We proudly offer hundreds of products that improve the quality of our customer’s lives.

Contact:Cory Hanash

(877) 682-0452

P.O.Box 2112

Paradise, CA 95967

OrCam -a new revolutionary wearable OCR device that can read, recognize faces and re all objects.

Contact:Anat Nulman

OrCam Sales Consultant and Trainer, N. California

(408) 310-7903

Santa ClaraValleyBlindCenter-Services for blind and visually impaired


101 N. Bascom Road

San Jose, CA95128

Sterling Adaptives-CCTVs (Clearview HD), portable video magnifiers

Contact: Mark Gibbons

(415) 878-2922

62A Brookwood Avenue

Santa Rosa, CA 95404

Vista Center Info/Health Library- Information on eye diseases, Blind Interest Resource Directory (BIRD) and other services for the blind and visually impaired

Contact: Dawn Wilcox

(650) 858-0202 extension 132

3200 Hillview Avenue, Suite 120

Palo Alto, CA 94304

Vista Center Store-Magnifiers, bump dots, canes, organizing aids, cooking aids, bold-lined paper, 20/20 pens, clocks, etc.

Contact: Martha Warren

(650) 858-0202 extension 135

3200 Hillview Avenue, Suite 120

Palo Alto, CA 94304

Western Blind Rehabilitation Center - VA Palo Alto-

The Western Blind Rehabilitation Center (WBRC) is a 27-bed residential facility located at the Menlo Park Division of the

VA Palo Alto Health Care System. Approximately two hundred male and female Veterans and Active duty servicemembers of all ages participate in the program each year. More than three quarters have usable vision for which specialized treatment is provided. Adjusting to and managing visual impairment is the major objective of the program.

Contact:Rosalyn Conanan

Assistant Chief and Admissions Coordinator

(650) 493-5000 Menlo Park extension 24619

Western Blind Rehabilitation Center

VA Palo Alto HCS (640/124)

795 Willow Road T365

Menlo Park, CA 94025