2016 Conference Agenda and Session Descriptions
Session KeyFin / Finance
Con / Construction
Vol / Volunteer
Hos / Home Owner Services
Dev / Development
Re / ReStores
12:00 PM- 6:00 PMRegistration – Conference Program and Badge Pickup
2:00 PM-3:15 PM Workshops
1-FinHabitat Accounting Basics and NR recapture
Presenters-Nancy Ridenour, PDR. Don Gill, Habitat Palm Beach County, FL.
2-ConOSHA Safety Standards/Keeping Volunteers Safe
Presenter-Robert Koning, Koning Enterprises Inc.
3-VolGot People? Using AmeriCorps
4-HosRecruiting Homeowners
Presenter- TBD
5-DevCCTCP Panel of Users
Presenters- Mike Sutton, Habitat Pinellas, FL. Andrea Masterson, Sr. Director, HSNi Cares. Angie Croft, VP Dev, Habitat Pinellas. Bill Finfrock, EVP Project Development, Finfrock Industries. Kelly Pisciotta, Associate Director, Habitat Seminole/Apopka, FL.
6-ReWhat Every ED/CEO Needs to Know About ReStores Part 1
Presenters-Mark Little and Tina Shaw-Cox, HFHI
3:30 PM-5:00 PM Workshops
1-FinManaging Outcomes: Avoid Burnout and Don't Leave Money on the Table. Presenter- Mario Coryell, New Org
2-ConRehabbing for Sustainability.
Presenter- Janet McIlvaine, Florida Solar Energy Center
3-VolTithe and Global Village Trips
Presenters- Andy Bowler, Indian River Habitat, FL. and Susan Yow, HFHI
4-HosECOA Phase of Homeowner Selection
Presenters- Sonia Lee and Natosha Reid-Rice, HFHI
5-DevUnderstanding the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)
Presenters-April Atkins, FDIC. Lisa Mifflin, OCC
6-ReWhat Every ED/CEO Needs to Know About ReStores Part 2
Presenter-Mark Little, HFHI
8:00 PM Movie and Popcorn: “The Money Pit”, starring Tom Hanks and Shelly Long: The perfect Habitat for Humanity movie.
8:00 AM-1:00 PM Registration-Conference Program and Badge Pickup
8:30 AM-10:15 AM Breakfast-State of the State-HFHI
Katherine Green, Lee and Hendry Habitat, FL
Barbara Inman, Habitat Florida
Chris Clarke, HFHI
Sue Henderson, HFHI
10:30 AM-12:00 PM Workshops
Presenters - Sonia Lee and Natosha Reid-Rice, HFHI
2-ConUpcoming Building Codes and Preparation
Presenters- Joe Belcher, Florida Home Builders Association
3-VolVolunteers and the NR experience
Presenters- Cody Logsdon, HFHI
4-HosHomeowner Engagement- Hearts, Hands, Voices
Presenters- TBD
5-DevState Funding and HFHI resources
Presenters- Michael Chaney, Florida Housing Coalition
6-ReReStore Safety
Presenters- Mark Little, HFHI
12:15 PM-1:30 PM Plenary
Tales from Habitat's 1st Volunteer and Presentation from Habitat Ethiopia
Presenters-Clive Rainey
BerhanuAmbaw, National Director of Habitat for Humanity Ethiopia
1:45 PM-3:15 PM Workshops
1-FinNew Markets Tax Credits
Presenters-Jason DeHaven and Natosha Reid-Rice, HFHI
2-ConBlower Door Testing
Presenter-Janet McIlvaine, Florida Solar Energy Center
3-VolVolunteer Retention, Engagement and Appreciation - Panel
Presenter-Joanna Folsom, Flagler Habitat, FL
4-HosSelecting Homeowners for Neighborhood Revitalization Programs “NR” Presenters-LaKisha Erwin, Indian River
5-DevAdvanced Fundraising - "Making the Ask"
Presenter-Emily Benham, Nonprofit Leadership Center of Tampa Bay
6-ReReStore Real Estate and Evaluation
Presenter-Tina Shaw-Cox, HFHI
3:30 PM-5:00 PM Workshops
1-FinUSDA 502 Loan program
Presenter-Kent Adcock, Habitat Lake Sumter, FL
2-ConSite Selection, Acquisition and Subdivisions
Presenter-Ron Spoor, Habitat Hillsborough, FL
3-VolMeeting Volunteer Expectations
Presenter-Andy Thompson, Halifax Habitat, FL
4-HosECOA Phase
Presenters-Sonia Lee and Natosha Reid-Rice, HFHI
5-DevDevelopment 101 - "Building a Case for Support"
Presenter- Michelle Turman
6-ReSmall and Medium ReStores – The Nuts and Bolts of Running a ReStore Presenter- Mark Littlen HFHI
6:00 PM-8:00 PM Dinner
Keynote Speaker-Senator Wilton Simpson
Day Three
7:00 AM-8:00 AM Continental Breakfast
8:15 AM-9:45 AM Workshops
1-FinHouse Pricing
Presenter- Frank Gorman, HFHI
2-ConJob Costing and Cost Control
Presenter- Kevin Gobble
3-VolBest and Basics of Vol Management
Presenter- TBD
4-HosDeveloping a Homeowner Education program
Presenter- TBD
5-DevBank Housing Partnerships
Presenters- April Atkins, Nancy Merolla, Florida Community Bank
Marilyn Drayton, Wells Fargo and Melissa Slover-Athey, CenterState Bank and Maxima Sims, Federal Home Loan Bank.
6-ReManaging Two or More ReStores
Presenter- Mark Little, HFH
10:00 AM-11:30 AM Workshops
1-FinFinance Director Roundtable
Moderator-Greg Brown, Miami
2-ConVolunteer DevelopmentRoundtable
Moderators-Joanne Folsom, Habitat Flagler, FL. Andy Thompson, Halifax Habitat, FL.
3-VolEDs/CEOs Roundtable
4-HosSpecial Events planning and Execution Roundtable
5-DevNeighborhood Revitalization “NR” Implementation Roundtable
Presenter- Jill Cleveland, HFHI
6-ReReStores Roundtable
Presenter- TBD
12:00 PM Lunch, Raffle and Dismiss