Daily Schedule
School starts: 8:15
a.m. Specials, Writing, recess 10:15, Math
Lunch: 11:35
p.m. Reading and Science/Social Studies
Dismissal: 2:45 (1:15 Wed)
Mon: Computer Lab.
Tues: P.E. (wear sturdy shoes)
Wed: Art
Thurs: Music
Friday: Library
We’ve had a great first two days of school, I hope you agree. I LOVE the first full week of school, building routines and getting to know the students more. We really do have a great group of kids.
It was so nice to see all of you that were able to come to the meet-and-greet, and thank you for all the classroom supplies. This Thursday evening is Parent Night when you can learn more about the 3rd grade expectations and curriculum. It starts at 6pm in the cafeteria. I look forward to seeing you then.
Blue folders
All important papers, homework, and graded work will come home in the blue plastic folder. Students need to be responsible for bringing this folder and their assignment sheet to school every day. It is important to keep this folder in good condition as we will be using it all year. You can also put any notes or papers for me in this folder for your child to turn in.
If you haven’t done so already, first day packets need to be returned ASAP. / Classroom Behavior
- These first two days we have concentrated on getting to know each other, and learning the classroom and school rules and routines.
- I make it very clear what I expect from the students, and we have talked about the consequences for unacceptable behavior.
If students choose not to follow the rules, these are the consequences:
1-Reminder of the expected behavior.
2-Quiet time – student will sit at a separate desk or sit out some of recess.
3-Continued disturbance – phone call home.
4-Severe Disruption – referral to the Behavior Intervention Monitor or Principal’s office.
- REACH students will be seeing Mrs. Derkson on Mondays at 9:30 starting August 22nd.
- Students receiving reading and math intervention will start seeing Miss Stark on Monday.
- OT and Speech services will also start next week.
English Language Arts
I have done some brief reading and writing assessments this week. Next week we will start our regular instruction using the reading and writing curriculums.
Included with this newsletter is a list of next week’s spelling words. There will be a pretest on Monday, and the main test on Thursday.
Next Week’s concepts
READING:When Charlie McButton Lost Power
Genre: Narrative Poem
Skills: vc/cv words, homonyms, character and setting, complete sentences and fragments.
Read aloud: Flat Stanley
WRITING: Paragraph writing - ideas and organization. / Math
Students took a math review test today so I can assess their level of knowledge entering 3rd grade. Next week we will begin instruction with our My Math curriculum, and homework will start coming home daily.
Please start practicing addition and subtraction facts right away! Students are expected to be able to answer 95/100 problems in 5 minutes by the end of first quarter.
Next Week’s concepts
Chapter 1: Place Value
Place value to the thousands place, comparing and ordering numbers, and rounding tot the tens place.
Chapter 1 test: Thursday, 25th August
Science/Social Studies
We start our year studying geography. Next week we will be learning about different types of maps, studying ‘real’ maps and their features, and the compass rose. / Homework
Daily math lesson practice
20 minutes of reading daily
Spelling practice – test on Thursdays
Math fact practice (+ and -) test on Tuesdays
Project: not yet assigned
Important dates:
8/18 Parent Night 6pm
9/5Labor Day: No school
9/15 Family Picnic 5pm / Dismissal
For safety, it is important that I know where your child is going after school each day. A note or phone message is required for any change of dismissal plans.
Please call the office if your child will be absent or late to school. / Contact:
Please get in touch with any questions or concerns.
Classroom phone: 696-6114
School office: 696 6090
Spelling Words for When Charlie McButton Lost Power