Senior Pastor Assessment

For Those Seeking Associate Membership

Oklahoma Conference of The United Methodist Church

To the Local Pastor: This form is to be completed by the Senior Pastor of the church in which you serve. The Senior Pastor is to return this form to the BOM Assistant for Ministerial Services at the Conference Office: Andrew Miller --

Please print or type your name below and sign this consent form before delivering this form to your Senior Pastor.

Local Pastor’s Name: ______

Appointment: ______For number of years: ______

District: ______District Superintendent: ______

I hereby acknowledge that the Senior Pastor’s Assessment for Ministry will be sent to the Assistant for Ministerial Services listed above and to the Board of Ordained Ministry in the Oklahoma Conference of the United Methodist Church.

Signed: ______Date: ______

To the Senior Pastor: The Board of Ministry of the Oklahoma Annual Conference requests your assistance in assessing the qualifications of the above Local Pastor for Associate Membership in the Oklahoma Conference. The Board’s task is to recommend this Local Pastor for approval or disapproval. Please answer each question thoroughly and remember that this Local Pastor (if approved) will be itinerant and guaranteed an appointment, just like ordained elders, and will serve a variety of United Methodist churches and extension ministries across Oklahoma for many years. If there are any reasons why this person should not become an Associate Member in the Oklahoma Conference please be completely candid with your assessment. If you believe this person to be an excellent candidate, let us know. Your assessment is one of several factors used in determining approval or disapproval.

Note: We require a handwritten signature, but please type your responses to the assessment questions before printing to sign. The assessment form is available on the Board of Ordained Ministry website in Word format. If possible, you may scan in the form after signing to submit electronically to the Assistant for Ministerial Services. Otherwise, please mail to the Assistant for Ministerial Services at the Conference Office.

Andrew Miller – Assistant for Ministerial Services

United Methodist Ministry Center

1501 NW 24th St

Oklahoma City, OK 73106

Fax: (405) 524-0750

Senior Pastor Assessment for Ministry

For Those Seeking Associate Membership

Oklahoma Conference of The United Methodist Church

Name of Local Pastor ______Date ______

Please share all of this information with the Local Pastor after you have completed the form.

1. Please describe this Local Pastor’s communication skills and style as a leader in ministry.

2. What are this Local Pastor’s professional and personal strengths in ministry?

3. Identify areas in which this Local Pastor needs to be challenged to more effective in ministry.

4. Describe this Local Pastor’s responsibilities in ministry at your church. Is he/she effective? Is there anything you would like the Board of Ordained Ministry to know about this Local Pastor?

5. How does the congregation receive the ministry of this Local Pastor?

  1. Please indicate your recommendation for this Local Pastor.

____ Associate Membership

____ Not prepared for Associate Membership

Please state your reasons for or against Associate Membership of this Local Pastor.

  1. Have you discussed ALL of this information with the Local Pastor? Yes / No

If you have not discussed this information with the Local Pastor it cannot be considered during the interview process and will not be shared with the committee doing the interview.

Name (please print) ______

Signed ______Date ______

revised 12-2009