A tool to assist in developing a Training & Development plan using 2014 Formation Criteria

Aim: a tool to assist reflection on current (IME 1) and future (IME 2) development in regard to dispositions, understanding and skills in order to plan a curacy training & development plan for the whole curacy and individual years.

This tool introduces evidence-based reflection and assessment that can be reproduced in future stages of curacy assessment.

It seeks to offer sufficient examples balanced with an invitation to imagine how the dispositions, understandings and skills play out in actual ministry. It is meant as a prompt for reflection and conversation between curate and training incumbent.

The tool recognises the complementary value of:

  • anecdote
  • documentation
  • previous learning/courses
  • ability to articulate
  • portfolio
  • feedback from others

For some dispositions the specific understandings and skills are given. For those with a stronger formative quality they are not.


5 = “Consolidate”: where you think that you already have sufficient personal development, understanding or skills for this formation criterion.

3 = “Build on”: where you have some personal development, understanding or skills that will need to be developed during your curacy

1 = “Acquire”: where you have very little personaldevelopment, understanding or skills for this role and so will have to gain that during your curacy.

A: Christian tradition, faith and life

A1 Disposition: Ordained ministers sustain their public ministry and personal faith in Christ through study and reflection that is open to new insights.

Incumbents replenish their leadership through a life of disciplined study and reflection that is open to new insights.

Understanding & skills:“… understand the Bible as text and Scripture, regular critical engagement with and interpretation of texts, interpret for a range of settings ... use of hermeneutical & exegetical skills to enable others to learn... engage in independent study of beliefs and practice and communicate that in diverse settings.”

A2 disposition: Ordained ministers work with and value the breadth and diversity of belief and practice within the Church of England.

Understanding & skills: independent study of how belief & practice shape personal and communal Christian life, critical reflection & communication on how doctrine & ethics relate to discipleship, church & the world

Suggested areas of ministry: regular & intentional personal study, small group leadership, preaching in various contexts, community engagement, national church issues

Ask yourself, for example, about: 1 3 5 Evidence

Do you have a pattern of regular and intentional study?What areas of theology and other disciplines does it cover? What fresh insights have you gained recently? / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
How effectively does your preaching in different contexts explain Scripture and bring it into dialogue with issues of daily life or current contemporary issues? / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
Are you able to integrate a theological dimension into leading and enabling others in personal and group decision making? / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
Other / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
Other / l.....l.....l.....l.....l


Training & Development Plan implications:

BMission, evangelism & discipleship

B1 Disposition:Ordained ministers have a deep and prayerful enthusiasm for mission and evangelism that is nourished by Christ’s love for the world and lived out in acts of

mercy, service, justice and reconciliation.

Understanding & skills:“... discern mission in a specific context… engage in mission, evangelism & apologetics … communicate the gospel effectively … lead & inspire others..”

Suggested areas of ministry:Transforming Presence, emerging and developing Mission & Ministry Units; local community engagement; outreach events; social concern initiatives; evangelism/seeker courses; occasional offices; Mission Action Planning; issues of justice; supporting mission in the world-wide church; etc.

Ask yourself, for example, about: 1 3 5 Evidence

Your theology, understanding and practice of mission (including the Five Marks of Mission) / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
Can you use factors from your local context to discern implications for local mission? / L.....l.....l.....l.....l
How confident & able are you communicating the Gospel message to those with little or no church background and outside a church context? / I.....l.....l.....l.....l
What experience do you have of using evangelism resources, e.g. Alpha, Emmaus etc. / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
Your awareness of current issues in society, e.g. racial, gender, sexuality etc. / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
How aware are you of mission in the world-wide Church? / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
Your ability to lead & inspire others in mission & evangelism eg developing Messy Church, use of evangelism training courses / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
Other / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
Other / l.....l.....l.....l.....l


Training & Development Plan implications:

B2 Disposition: Ordained ministers are committed to Christian education, promoting good practice, both inside and outside the church.

Understanding & skills: “… able to nurture others in faith development through catechesis, teaching & preaching … baptism & confirmation preparation... understand the importance of engagement with schools for the common good ... and for mission.”

Suggested areas of ministry: Discipleship courses; preaching in services; baptism & confirmation preparation; spiritual direction; Course of Christian Studies; seasonal small groups; engagement with local schools – pupils, staff, governing body

Ask yourself, for example, about: 1 3 5 Evidence

My confidence and competence in preaching in Sunday services / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
Use of discipleship courses like eg. The Pilgrim Course / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
Awareness of how adults and children learn individually/in groups and in mixed age groups / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
Baptism, Communion before Confirmation or Confirmation preparation (children, young people or adults) / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
Leading a Bible study or other nurture small groups / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
Your understanding of your role and the role of the local church in mission in regard to schools / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
School assemblies, holiday clubs, teaching RE / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
Skills-based training of adults / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
Other / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
Other / l.....l.....l.....l.....l


Training & Development Plan implications:

CSpirituality and worship

C1 Disposition: Ordained ministers are sustained by disciplined personal and corporate prayer shaped by the responsibilities of public ministry and corporate worship in

the tradition of the Church of England.

C2 Disposition: Ordained ministersare able to demonstrate good reflective practice in preaching and in leading – and where appropriate, presiding at – public worship,

including pastoral services, using appropriate forms of liturgy in a variety of settings.

C3 Disposition: Ordained ministers are growing in the love of God and in Christ-likeness as members of the body of Christ and can testify to the grace of the Holy Spirit in

their lives and ministries.

C4 Disposition:Ordained ministers’ spirituality permeates their perceptions of and interactions with others inside and outside the church.

Suggested areas of ministry: personal and corporate prayer; spiritual direction; preparing & leading public worship and preaching; occasional offices

Ask yourself, for example, about: 1 3 5 Evidence

What experience of variety do you have in your own pattern of prayer? How does that sustain you in times of joy and stress? / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
What story can you tell of the grace of God at work in your life today? / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
Can you draw on the breadth of the Christian tradition in your preaching to enable people different in age, background or context to learn and grow in their discipleship? / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
Are you able to prepare and lead contextually appropriate worship that integrates resources from the whole Anglican tradition (BCP, Common Worship, Times & Seasons) / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
How effectively can you integrate liturgical resources with pastoral need in your preparation and leading of Occasional Offices? / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
How competent are you in the practice of theological reflection and discernment in recognising God’s presence and activity in the world and enabling others to do so too? / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
The practicalities and choreography of liturgical services / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
Other / l.....l.....l.....l.....l


Training & Development Plan implications:

DPersonality & character

D1 Disposition: Ordained ministers show insight, resilience, maturity and integrity in the pressure and change entailed in public ministry.

D2 Disposition: Ordained ministers are growing in self-knowledge and commitment to Christ within the roles and expectations of ordained ministry.

Ask yourself, for example, about: 1 3 5 Evidence

What story of work-life balance does your diary tell? Do you have support networks that nurture & sustain you? / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
What insights have you gained from selection & IME 1 about your strengths, weaknesses and vulnerabilities? How far have you considered how to integrate them into your understanding and practice of your role as an ordained minister? / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
How do you model wellbeing to others? / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
How far does your understanding and practice of ordained ministry integrate insights from theology, ministry theory and your own self-understanding? / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
How confident to you feel inhabiting the innate authority of your role as an ordained minister and the active exercise of leadership in a collaborative church? / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
Other / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
Other / l.....l.....l.....l.....l


Training & Development Plan implications:


E1 Disposition:Ordained ministers … form & sustain healthy relationships in the mixed economy of the church… handle, help resolve and enable growth through conflict …

understand flourishing in a range of relationships and pastoral care, life circumstances and contexts… demonstrate good reflective practice..

E2 Disposition:Ordained ministers are people who respect others, demonstrate empathy and honesty in their relationships, learning from them.

Understanding & skills: “… live within the House of Bishop’s Guidelines and engage with those with whom they differ … establish and evaluate professional boundaries …. understand safeguarding policies and best practice in a range of contexts

Suggested areas of ministry: Deanery & emerging Mission & Ministry Units; pastoral relationships; schools, children and youth work; confession and absolution in formal & informal settings; etc

Ask yourself, for example, about: 1 3 5 Evidence

Your attitude to a diverse and mixed economy Church in approaches to mission & ministry / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
How confident do you feel in engaging withand resolving conflict? / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
Your understanding of confidentiality as an ordained minister / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
Counselling / listening skills and awareness of your own limitations / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
Your awareness of:sexual and other dynamics in working relationships; safeguarding policies and best practice / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
Other / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
Other / l.....l.....l.....l.....l


Training & Development Plan implications:

FLeadership, collaboration and community

F1 Disposition:Ordained ministers seek to model their servant leadership on the person of Christ.

F2 Disposition:Ordained ministers share leadership by actively looking for, recognising and nurturing the gifts of others.

Understanding & skills: “... participate in and lead communities… aware of the use abuse of power … team membership… … release, equip, enable & empower others … … supervise & mentor … form and lead teams collaboratively & competently…… variety of contexts including MPBs … facilitate change … lead with an entrepreneurial and forward looking approach”

Suggested areas of ministry: PCC;leadership & ministry teams;law relating to occasional offices and Sunday services; church and local communities

Ask yourself, for example, about: 1 3 5 Evidence

Your ability to empower and equip individuals and groups to fulfil their calling and potential and to work collaboratively / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
Your attitude and understanding of community and your role, as an ordained person, in creating, sustaining and participating in it / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
Experiencing, leading and collaborating in change: your own attitude, theory and practice / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
Recognising, creating and enabling opportunities in mission and ministry. Your awareness and use of Church Growth research and planning tools such as Mission Action Planning / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
How does your understanding and practice of leadership integrate insights from theology, leadership theory and your own self-understanding? / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
Other / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
Other / l.....l.....l.....l.....l


Training & Development Plan implications:

GVocation and ministry within the Church of England

G1 Disposition:Ordained ministers are firmly convinced of their calling to ordained ministry, realistic about its challenges, and continue to ask important questions about

their role as a deacon or priest in the church of God

Incumbents are ready for, and open to, exercising a ministry of oversight and vision as priests in the church of God.

G2 Disposition:Ordained ministers are rooted in corporate worship in the traditions and practices of the Church of England and share in the spiritual life of the

communities in which they serve.

G3 Disposition: Ordained ministers are accountable and obedient in exercising ordained ministry as a deacon or priest within the Church of England.

Incumbents exercise appropriate accountability and responsibility in faithfully and loyally receiving the authority of others, consistent with a position of responsibility.

Understanding & skills: “… articulate their calling to discipleship and ordained ministry … understand the sacrificial and corporate nature of their role in mission & ministry … within an mixed economy church ... able to represent the church in public life …”

Suggested areas of ministry: emerging and developing Mission & Ministry Units; local community; local Council of churches; Deanery

Ask yourself, for example, about: 1 3 5 Evidence

How has your experience of ministry in your own tradition and mixed economy contexts stimulated you to fresh insights into your understanding of ordained ministry? / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
Your experience and willingness to work in partnership with others in mission & ministry / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
How far does your understanding and practice of ordained ministry integrate insights from theology, other disciplines and your own self-understanding? / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
Your working knowledge of: Anglican Governance (CRR), service and other registers, canon law, data protection, church buildings and graveyards, etc / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
Other / l.....l.....l.....l.....l
Other / l.....l.....l.....l.....l


Training & Development Plan implications: