Saint Frances Cabrini

Regional Catholic School

Founded in 1912

Raising the standards of Education

For more than 100 years!

Parent Handbook


405 N. 65th St.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19151

A Message of Welcome to the Family

September 2014

Dear St. Frances Cabrini Families,

Embarking on a new journey brings much excitement, especially for those starting a new year at St. Frances Cabrini Regional Catholic School! Welcome everyone! And welcome aboard to new students, new faculty, new parents, new Early Childhood families in Pre K and all friends! How blessed we are! Let us give thanks for such a precious gift—new beginnings with God’s people!

Believing that Parents/Guardians are the primary educators of their children, we, the faculty and administration of St. Frances Cabrini Regional Catholic School, dedicate this Parent & Student Handbook to, you, the primary educators.

The purpose of this handbook is to communicate our school expectations, practices, routines and procedures so we can continue to provide the children with a first class educational and community experience and that together, with you, the parents, we may strive—“To Teach as Jesus Did.”

St. Frances Cabrini Regional Catholic School provided you with a calendar, which identifies the school days, holidays, Holy Days, early dismissals, and students’ days off for faculty in-service and meetings. This calendar is subject to change; we will post a monthly calendar on the St. Frances Cabrini website. .

No form of communication replaces the personal interaction between parents and teachers. In order to accomplish this, we rely on mutually respectful, candid, and timely dialogue.

We want and expect the best for and from your child(ren). We do promise to support you in your role as primary educators, and we ask to partner with you, your child’s first teacher. This handbook is an attempt to keep the lines of communication open between the home and the school.

If a family has a concern about their child’s progress or day-to-day life at school, the family needs to make an appointment with their child’s teacher to discuss the concerns. Although classroom instruction cannot be interrupted for telephone calls and/or parent conferences, our faculty will attempt to respond to your note/message as soon as possible.

Please review and discuss the contents of this Handbook and the Student Handbook with your child/children during the first month of school. The signature page is due on September 30, 2014.

May you experience excellence in education, timely communication, hospitality each time you visit your child’s/children’s school, and with all of this may you experience a God centered Community at St. Frances Cabrini Regional Catholic School.


Sister Helene Cooke, IHM

Principal of SFC School

Principal’s Disclaimer

The Principal has the absolute discretion to interpret and apply any and all of the rules and provisions in this handbook in the manner the principal believes to be correct. Nothing this handbook implies limits the Principal’s authority to interpret and apply the rules.

Even though this handbook explains penalties that can be imposed for certain types of misconduct or prohibited behavior, be aware that the Principal has the right and the authority to impose different or additional penalties for offenses that are not specifically listed in this handbook. Should the Principal conclude that the conduct or behavior is harmful to the good order and discipline of the school, its religious mission, or its educational objectives the Principal has the discretion to take disciplinary action. This includes disciplinary action for conduct that occurs on the school premises or at other locations. The penalties may include suspension and/or expulsion.

The Principal reserves the right to amend this handbook and the school policies and procedures without prior notice for the safety and well-being of everyone. Every effort will be made to notify students and parent(s)/guardian(s) of such changes.

Important Contact Information

School – 215-748-2994

Fax- 215-748-0288

Principal – Sr. Helene Cooke, IHM

Email –

Website –



Courageous Compassion Hospitality Responsibility Integrity Service Tenacity

School Motto

I am a Cabrini Cavalier!

I live like Christ through

Courage Honesty Responsibility Integrity Service and Tenacity!!!

The entire student body will recite the School Motto every morning.

·  School motto and core will values will be posted throughout the school.

·  Teachers will discuss the meanings of the School Motto and Core Values throughout the course of the school year.


Cabrini Cavalier—mascot is a horse Blue and Gold

St. Frances Cabrini Regional Catholic School

Accredited by the

Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools

Commission on Elementary Schools


Message to the Family…………………………………………………………………………...…………. 2

Principal’s Disclaimer……………………………………………………………………………..……….…3

Religious Goals…………………..…………………………………….…………………………..…………5

My Student Progress

Scholastic Standard

Report Cards/Progress Reports……………………………………………..……….…………..…………6

Parent Conferences

Parent Cooperation

SFC Code of Conduct……………………………………………………………………………..…………7

Field Trips .………………………………...………………………………………………………..………...8



Getting to and From School

Attendance at After School Programs………………………………………………………..…………….9

Tuition Policy

Policy on Bounced Checks

Communication Envelope

Parent Participation………………………………………………………………………………………….10

Health Information

Party Policy ...... 11

Emergency School Closing

Emergency Messages for Students

Parents/Visitors to School………………………………………………………………………………..…12

Permission Forms

Agreement Form due on September 30...... 13


St. Frances Cabrini School stresses the three aspects of the mission of Jesus: Message, Worship and Service.

The religious goals are:

§  To proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ and His saving love.

§  To experience the richness of liturgical worship in the celebration of Mass and other devotions.

§  To realize that true Christian living is a call to serve our BROTHERS and SISTERS.

At Home

We ask you to work with us to achieve these goals by:

§  Discussing the content of religion lessons with your child in the Religion Book

§  Worshipping with your child at Church on Sunday, whatever your religion.

§  Praying with and blessing your child (Awakening, meals, leaving home, at night).

§  Providing opportunities for your child to be of service to others.

In School

The Faculty works toward these goals by:

§  Teaching Religion lessons daily.

§  Planning Liturgy with the children, and worshipping with them at Mass.

§  Providing the atmosphere for children to share their time and talents with others.

§  Teaching children to follow a Christian way of life both inside and outside of school.


Parent trainings will be held in MSP during September and October so that you can monitor your child’s progress. Middle School Students will monitor their progress & successes by recording on Excel and making charts. Middle School Students need a flash drive to house this information.


The students are challenged to perform to the best of their ability with "self-improvement" as one goal, and "sharing of talents" as another. Middle School students will monitor their personal data on Excel and continue to improve as s/he tracks this information.

All students from Grades 1 through 8 are expected to do home assignments.

·  Homework includes written as well as study assignments.

·  We ask that parents check to see that assignments are completed correctly.

The following guide for homework applies:

§  Kindergarten...... when assigned by teacher

§  Grade 1 and 2 ...... 30 minutes

§  Grade 3 and 4 ...... 60 minutes

§  Grade 5 and 6 ...... 90 minutes

§  Grade 7 and 8 ...... 120 minutes


Report cards are issued in December, March and June.

Progress Reports are 6 weeks before the Report Card.

In Grades 4 - 8, 70 is a passing grade.

Letter grades are used in the Primary Grades.

(O= 98-100; VG= 92-97; G=91-85; S=76-84; I=70-75; U=69 and below).

The unique aim of the academic program of the Catholic School is to provide learning experiences in all areas which are "fully integrated in the light of faith." To Teach As Jesus Did


Parent-teacher conferences for report cards are held in October. Parents may schedule conferences at other times by emailing or writing a note to the teacher. Please give teachers a day or two to schedule this needed appointment.


Parents are asked to work with the school in the following areas:

§  Parents who are divorced or single must give the school office a CUSTODY ORDER.

§  Check homework for accuracy & completion

§  Avoid excessive absence/lateness of children

§  A note with reason is required for every absence.

o  If teachers do not receive a note with reason for absence, it must be coded on the official record as parental neglect.

o  Absence and lateness are considered in awarding of tuition grants.

§  See that children follow dress code

§  Refrain from intimidation, harassment or threats of any kind toward teachers, students or other parents.

§  Respectful attitude of parents to teachers and teachers to parents is expected.

§  Keep appointments on time or call to cancel

§  Parents may not meet with teachers while teachers are responsible for supervision of children: e.g. during class time or while supervising the school yard or dismissal

§  Children dismissed early must have a note and be picked up from the Office by a responsible adult.

o  Pre School parents must go to Main Office for permission to release from school. Send a Doctor note the next day.

§  Do not bring to school forgotten gym clothes, homework or books

§  Pick up children immediately after school. Parent will be charged if child is not picked up on time beginning at 3:15 on regular days and 12:15 on half-days.

§  Child will be sent to CARES Program at 3:15 PM.

§  Parents will also be charged $1/minute if a child is not picked up from the CARES Program by 6:00 PM.


St. Frances Cabrini Regional Catholic School is a warm and welcoming place for children and youth to experience growth, to be nurtured, and to learn. There are times, however, when we all need help coping with conflicts, frustration and sometimes anger. School should be a place where we all feel safe, both physically and emotionally. St. Frances Cabrini Faculty and Staff strive to provide a safe environment both emotionally and physically for all of our students.

·  Use regular speaking voices

·  Exhibit respect for school property and equipment

·  Keep your hands and feet to yourself

·  Model positive and appropriate behaviors

·  Use good table manners and clean your own area

·  Exhibit respect for self and others

One way to make sure that all feel secure in school is to ensure that expectations are clear. The St. Frances Cabrini Positive Behavior Support Program will help us continue to implement the needed values and social skills our children must learn not only through our words but also through our actions. Our classroom teachers will hold Morning Meetings or Class Meetings throughout the week. Each morning at Assembly and Prayer we will state our school motto and focus our St. Frances Cabrini Virtues, striving to create a Christ Centered Community.

School Bus Expectations

·  Exhibit respect for self and others

·  Remain seated for the duration of the ride

·  Exhibit respect for the driver, the bus, and its equipment (windows, seats . . .)

·  Use regular speaking voices

·  Keep your hands and feet to yourself

·  Model positive behavior

Playground Expectations

·  Exhibit respect for self and others by being fair

·  Exhibit respect for city property

·  Keep your hands and feet to yourself

·  Model positive behavior

·  Use regular speaking voices

·  Exhibit respect for school property and equipment

·  Keep your hands and feet to yourself

·  Model positive and appropriate behaviors

·  Use good table manners and clean your own area

·  Exhibit respect for self and others

·  Leave quietly

·  Model respect

Conduct inside or outside the school either by students or parents/relatives that is detrimental to the reputation of the school is cause for expulsion. This includes electronic information posted on all social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter, etc., or any other personal or public website.

The school reserves the right to search anything brought on school property. Hazing is an initiation process that involves the subjection to abusive and/or humiliating tricks, harassment and/or ridicule. Hazing and all abusive behavior are strictly forbidden.

In addition, in the case of threats of violence or harassment, in any form, including oral, written, or electronic, by a student against a member of the school community, the student, if suspended but not dismissed, may be required to have psychological or psychiatric clearance before returning to school.


Field trips are privileges accorded to students to which no student has an absolute right.

·  Permission slip must be signed & returned the day before the trip.

·  Students may not call parents the day of the trip and ask for the permission slip to be signed.

·  Trips are at the discretion of each teacher.

·  Students may be denied participation for failing to meet academic, behavioral, or school requirements.

·  Bills must be paid up-to-date at least one day in advance of the trip.

·  Expenses for venues and transportation are paid in advance.

·  Therefore, no refunds will be issued for field trips.

·  Payment on trip day will not qualify for attendance.

·  Those not going on the trip must report to school and may not go to the trip site on their own.


All books must be covered and carried in a waterproof schoolbag large enough to enclose the contents when secured with a zipper or other closure.

·  Students are responsible for their books.

·  A replacement fee is charged for lost/destroyed books.


Insufficient advancement in either Math or Reading, or both, indicates the need to repeat in Grades 1-3. In Grades 4-8, lack of effort, failures in major subjects, or incompletion of required class/homework may result in non-promotion. This is the decision of the teacher and the principal in collaboration with the family.