FALL 1999
COURSE: BIOL 107L. Environmental Biology (laboratory)
INSTRUCTOR: Bro. A. Edward Salgado, FSC, Ph.D.
OFFICE HOURS: Science 203X TWF 8:00- 9:00 AM
Tues.10:30-11:30 AM
Thur. 8:00-11:30 AM
WRF. 1:30- 4:30 PM
TELEPHONE: 321-3450 ext. 3450
ATTENDANCE: Students are expected to attend all laboratory sessions and field trips on the scheduled day. Attendance will be taken. Any student who has missed a total of 3 sessions may be withdrawn from the course, or given a mark of "F" at my discretion. Please, refer to page 29 of the CBU Catalog. Missing exams is a SERIOUS matter. If a valid reason is presented by 4 PM the day before the exam, the student may take a make-up exam. Make-up exams will be scheduled during the last week of November. Do not be absent for the make-up exam. Make-up exams cannot be made up. Students should expect the questions and the style of the make-up exam to be different. There is no make-up for missed reports.
Food and drink are not allowed in the laboratory. Cellular telephones, beepers, alarm watches and any other instrument with alarm must be turned off in class.
3 exams x 50 pts = 150 pts
7 reports x 25 pts = 175 pts
11 attendance x 10 pts = 110pts
TOTAL ...... = 435 pts
There will be no final exam. No grade will be dropped. The final grade is the percent of the earned points. The final grade is NOT based on a curve.
GRADES: A = 90 - 100
B = 80 - 89
C = 70 - 79
D = 60 - 69
F = below 60
Laboratory exams will be given on the scheduled lecture periodon Monday morning. The laboratory periods will be used to make up the morning lecture.
You are expected to provide your own transportation to the field trip sites. There is a fee of about $3 to enter the zoo.
Students whose laboratory falls on Labor Day are responsible for the material on the videotapes. Those students are encouraged to attend the lab session next day, Tuesday, September 7,or to borrow the tapes for viewing on their own.
Tentative schedule subject to change.
8/30-31Ecosystems; food chain, food web. REPORT.
9/13-14 Ecosystem: plant succession, microenvironment.
9/20-21 Abiotic Factors. REPORT.
9/27-28 Lecture. 9/28 morning,Test I.
10/4-5Landfill field trip. REPORT.
10/11-12 Animal adaptations: Zoo. Entrance fee $3. REPORT.
10/18-19 FALL BREAK.
10/25-26Pest control field trip.
11/1-2 Water Analysis laboratory.
11/8-9 Lecture.11/9 morning,Test II.
11/15-16 Sewage Treatment Plant field trip. REPORT.
11/22-23 Sheahan Pumping Station field trip. REPORT.
11/29-30 "Trees by Touliatos" field trip. REPORT.
12/6-7Lecture.12/7 morning,Test III.
Final Exam Week 12/13-17