Executive Board Meeting – March 18, 2016
An Executive Board Meeting of the Low Country Chapter of the American Guild of Organists was held at Moondoggies, Town of Port Royal, on Friday, March 18, 2016. The meeting was called to order at 12:26 pm.
Board Members in Attendance:
Jonathan Davis, Dean Nina Rodman, Sub-Dean Gary Rakestraw, Treasurer
Gil Campbell, Secretary and JooSoo Son, Member-at-Large
This constituted a quorum for conducting Chapter business
Greg Hollinger attended as an invited guest
The Meeting was called to order at 11:50 am
Business Items:
- We reviewed next year’s Executive Board Members Election Results. We received 19 “yes” votes for the nominated slate of officers. 14 eligible members did not vote. A majority of the 33 eligible to vote cast “yes” votes, so the nominated slate was elected. Gary Rakestraw said he would call the non-voting members to encourage a higher “turnout” for this election.
- m/s/p: The Board ratified the election of officers of the Executive Board to serve for the next two years:
John Stender, Dean Chad Martin, Sub-Dean Gary Rakestraw, Treasurer
Gil Campbell, Secretary Art Perry, Member at Large
Beth Corry will continue as a Member at Large for 2017 and John Marks will continue
as a Member at Large until the end of 2018.
- Dean Jonathan Davis appointed the following to serve on the 2016-2017 Program Committee:
Nina Rodman, Chairperson Art Perry, newly elected Member at large
Beth Corry Gil Campbell and Chad Martin, newly elected Sub-Dean
- We reviewed and confirmed the programs for the balance of this year:
April 17, 2016, Choral Evensong at Church of the Holy Trinity, Bees Creek Road, Ridgeland/Grahamvillle 4:00 pm rehearsal, 6:00 pm Service
May 21, 2016, Tour of the Organ at St. John’s Church, Savannah, and other nearby organs, hosted by Chapter Member Steve Branyon, at 10:00 am at St. John’s Church, Savannah.
June 6, 2016, 6 pm, Chapter Annual Meeting at the home of Nina Rodman, Sea Pines Plantation, Hilton Head Island. Dean Jonathan Davis will invite the Chapter Chaplain to attend.
Executive Board Meeting – March 18, 2016
Minutes – Page 2
5. The Second Friday Organ Recital schedule has changed as follows:
April 8 Justin Addington, United Methodist Church, Skidaway Island
Former Dean of the Savannah Chapter, AGO
May 13 Chad Martin
June 10 Thomas Tiehel
Each Recital at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Pope Ave. Hilton Head Island, at noon
6. Treasurer Gary Rakestraw reported that our current bank balance is approximately $5,800. Pending expenditures are $50 for South Carolina Public Charities (which will allow us to do fundraising, and $400 to print programs and covers for the next year’s events and activities.
7. Gary Rakestraw reported that we currently have 33 Full Members of the Chapter, and 24 Friend Members, for a total of 57 members.
8. Non-Board Assignments for next year were announced: Nina Rodman will continue to be responsible for the Second Friday Recitals, and JooSoo Son as Job Placement Specialist (Open Positions, Classifieds and Substitutes).
9. The next Board Meeting will be Thursday, April 21 at noon at Okatie Ale House. We will invite newly elected officers of the next Executive Board of Directors.
The Meeting was adjourned at 1:15 pm
Respectively submitted,
Gilbert G. Campbell