March 15, 20167:00 PM
Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Roll Call:Chair Dave Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and the Pledge of Allegiance was said.Those present: Brenda Silgjord,Scott Hendrickson, Greg Bennett, Dave Johnson, Tane Barclay,Board Liaison Yvette Adelman-Dullinger and Colleen Putnam, Deputy Clerk. Sign-In Sheet attached.
Purpose of the Hearing: The purpose of the hearing is to take comments on Eden Church application for a conditional use permit and Beimert Outdoors application for a conditional use permit.
Read Public Notice–Chair Dave Johnson read the public notice at this time and entered it into the record.
Enter Affidavit of Publication - The affidavit was received and entered.
Call for written comments–There were no written comments but a resident called the Town Hall stating he had no issues with either CUP.
Presentation of Application & Plans–Steve Statema, Minister of Eden Church:
Eden Church has been in the area since 2011 using the Pillager Public schools. They have purchased the former Beimert Outdoors building. They will be using the church for their Sunday services and also will be doing conferences and having speakers. Their future plans are to have classrooms, commons area, an office and the sanctuary. There is no change in the exterior of the building other than the removal of the brown metal pole building and two (2) carports. The parking lot will be extended once those buildings are removed. They will have 95 parking stalls.
Presentation Township Information – Chair Dave Johnson: The reason Eden Church will needa conditional use permit is the use has changed. Chair Johnson stated he had met with Steve Statema and went through the checklist as to what would be needed.There was discussion in regard to the fact Sylvan’s Commercial Ordinance does not have any requirements regarding churches and amount of parking, therefore it would need to be a condition. It was decided the 95 parking stalls would be enough. There was discussion in regard to the approach off Hwy 210 into the property where it is sloped with the PC members deciding it should be paved and would give him a certain amount of time to complete it. Steve has spoken with a MN DOT Representative who stated it was fine. Steve will get a letter from MN DOT and present it to the Board. There was discussion in regard to fire extinguishers and storm shelters. It was decided Steve would discuss this with Randy Lee, Pillager Fire Chief.
A question asked from the audience was a safety concern regarding if there had been discussion in regard to maximum capacity. Steve Statema stated he is working with Randy Lee, Pillager Fire Chief, who will be meeting with Steve in regard to that.
Close Public Testimony:
Chair Johnson closed the public input portion of the public hearing.
Planning Commission Discussion:
The Planning Commission went through the items discussed above. The Planning Commission also discussed the following items: if the congregation grows the parking lot would need to be expanded. Signs: according to the commercial ordinance the Church can have 300 square feet of signage. The billboard sign is not part of this and is leased out to a sign company.Sedimentation area and after further discussion it was decided the Planning Commission would observe this and if any issues it would need to be addressed. The dumpster would need to be screened. After further discussion Scott Hendrickson moved to recommend to the Town Board to approve the Eden Church Conditional Use permitwith the following findings of fact and conditions seconded by Greg Bennett. The question was called and the motion carried.
- The property is located in a commercial zone.
- Eden Church has purchased the property formerly occupied by Beimert Outdoors.
- The church has no plans for changes to the exterior of the building.
- Current parking lot is adequate for present congregation.
- Plan from Eden Church indicated capacity for 95 parking stalls.
- There will be no changes to the current topography thus no changes in surface drainage.
- Two carports and one pole building will be removed by Beimert Outdoors.
- Building that has been used as a rental house will continue to be used as such by the church. Rental building will remain taxable as per Cass County.
- Allowing CUP will not conflict with the Sylvan Commercial Ordinance.
- The church will not put any undue stress to any existing public infrastructure.
- The CUP is in harmony with the Sylvan Township Comprehensive Plan.
- Sedimentation retention area will be observed during summer and annual review and if a problem is observed with run off to the creek it will need to be mitigated by owner.
- Driveway entrance to the church that slopes to the highway will need to be paved and completed by August 30, 2016.
- Applicant will submit a letter from MN DOT within sixty days (60) stating the entrance into the church is satisfactory.
- Dumpster to be fenced so not to be visible from the roadway.
- Documentation from the Pillager fire chief regarding maximum capacity, fire extinguisher recommendations and a designated storm shelter shall be submitted.
- Parking capacity at 95 stalls to be built as needed.
- Signing will not exceed the square footage in the commercial ordinance. This does not include the billboard that is leased out.
- Meeting all State, County and Township requirements.
At this time Chair Johnson recused himself due to a conflict of interest with Vice Chair Greg Bennett conducting the Beimert Outdoor Conditional Use application.
Presentation of Application and Plans – Brent Beimert, Beimert Outdoors: Brent has sold his building to Eden Church and has moved his business from his current location to the Corner Store Depot and will be leasing a storage unit from Chad Knudson, owner of Corner Store Depot who is making the application for this business.
He will continue conducting the retail sales and the archery lanes. Brent plans on selling docks and lifts. They will also be asking for more signage than what is in the Ordinance, but will be taking down the banners that are now in place at the Corner Store. It will be approximately two (2) months before he moves into the unit. Brent stated he will be adding a front entry to prevent snow runoff and will be installing down lighting. Brent stated he will be connecting the building to the existing well and sewer system.
Public Testimony: A concern addressed was making sure the exterior of the building is finished as stated in the Commercial Ordinance.
Close Public Testimony:Vice Chair Greg Bennett closed the public testimony at this time.
Planning Commission Discussion:
There was discussion in regard to the docks, lifts and carports. Brent stated he would only be displaying one of each. The PC members stated it could not be put in the parking area and would need to follow the Commercial Ordinance in regard to setbacks and property lines. There was further discussion in regard to the front of the building and it was decided to give Beimert Outdoors two (2) years to finish it. There was discussion in regard hours of operation. Brent stated it would be the same as the Corner Store Depot. There was further discussion in regard to the access road being paved or hard surfaced. Other item discussed was the dumpster. After further discussion Scott Hendrickson moved to recommend to the Town Board to approve the Beimert Outdoors Conditional Use permitwith the following findings of fact and conditions seconded by Tane Barclay. The question was called and the motion carried.
- The property is in a commercial zone.
- Beimert Outdoors will be moving into a building owned by Chad Knudson at the Corner Store Depot.
- The SW storage building at the Corner Store Depot will be remodeled to retail space.
- Beimert Outdoors plans to retain the type of business conducted at the previous site.
- Retail and storage in the 33’x90’ building will require 15 parking stalls. Plans submitted will provide 17 stalls.
- Mr. Knudson will be connecting the building to existing well and sewer system.
- All surface drainage is proposed to be contained internally on the property.
- Allowing CUP will not conflict with the Sylvan Commercial Ordinance.
- The business will not put any undue stress to any existing public infrastructure.
- The CUP is in harmony with the Sylvan Township Comprehensive Plan.
- Front exterior of building to be upgraded to comply with Sylvan Commercial Ordinance within two (2) years.
- Outdoor sales of dock, lift and carport to meet setbacks for road right of way and property lines as outlined in the Sylvan Commercial Ordinance.
- If dumpster is added in the future it must be fenced so not visible from the roadway.
- Hours of operation not to exceed operating hours of the Corner Store Depot.
- Combined signs for Beimert Outdoors and Corner Store Depot not to exceed six hundred (600) square feet.
- Any portion of the access road that drains toward public right of way or ditch must be hard surfaced.
- Any lighting will be down lighting.
- Meeting all State, County and Township requirements.
Brenda Silgjord movedto adjournseconded by Scott Hendrickson, and the motion carried with the meeting being adjourned at8:12 PM.
Minutes submitted by
Colleen Putnam, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer
PC Member _Brenda Silgjord_ moved to amend the minutes asamended,seconded by __Tane Barclay__and the motion carried.
Amendments: Page 1: add Encounter Ministries to the heading. Page 2: under Planning Commission discussion, 3rd line down change he to the Church. Under conditions, #1 second line add if after the word and. Page 3: 1st paragraph change reclused to recuse.