Thank you for your interest in the Write On! Writing Workshop, part of the Toronto Writers Collective’s Creative Writing Program.

We provide creative writing workshops throughout the GTA to the most vulnerable, marginalized, and/or underserved communities. By creating a community of writers from all economic backgrounds, races, ages and sexual orientations, we encourage people to gain confidence and a stronger sense of self, find and expand their voices and discover the value of their stories.

The Write On!Workshops will be offeredat various public library locations, starting in February 2017 to attract writers with potential who can commit to the four-month program. Once selected, writers will meet four times within their respective groups, as well as attend four additional professional practice workshops, two covering topics on publishing, and two which will help the participating writers develop their 'presentational' or performance skills.

Write On! Workshops provide participants with the opportunity to work one-on-one with their mentors through e-mail and remote correspondence (the options of correspondence will be discussed at the first meeting). The final product of the workshop writing will be published in a debut anthology, which will be printed in June/July and officially released at a spoken word event where participants will also be asked to share one or two of their pieces.

Space is limited and, as a result, not everyone who applies will be accepted. Participants will be chosen based on their desire to develop their writing skills, commitment and availability to participate in and complete the four-month program, and an understanding of TWC’s philosophy of creating a respectful and positive environment for people to write in. Current participants of the TWC’s workshops are strongly encouraged to apply.

To Apply:

Please answer each of the questions on the following pages as fully and concisely as possible. Feel free to attach additional sheets of paper as necessary.

Thanks again for your interest, and we hope to see you as a participant!

Date: ______

Name: ______

Phone: ______

Address: ______

Email: ______

Age: 16-24, 25-35, 36-50, 50+

What is your availability?

Day (specify days)______

Evening(specify evenings)______

Weekend ______

What is your favourite current writing style?

Poetry __ Fiction __ Short Story __Rap__ Non-Fiction/Magazine ___Other__(Please describe)

Briefly describe the role creative writing plays in your life:

Have you had previous experience with writing in a workshop setting? If yes, please describe the types of writing workshops you have participated in.

What are your goals in participating in the Write On! Program:




How did you hear about the Write On! Writing Workshop?

Attach sample(s) of your writing (maximum 6 pages) if available.

Signature: ______Date: ______

If there is anything else you would like us to know about you, please attach a note with this application.

Please scan and email your completed application to:

Jesse Cohoonat

Feel free to contact Jesse at647-261-3720 if you have any questions. Thank you!



I, the undersigned, do hereby consent and agree thatthe Toronto Writers Collectiveand itsemployees or agents shall have the right to edit and publishthe material submitted by me and to use the written material created in the Write On! program in any and all media, now or hereafter known, on a non-exclusive basis for the purpose of publishing an anthology and to market and sell copies of the anthology. I further consent that my name, likeness and identity may be revealed. I also agree to have my story told and used in marketing materials and other publications.

I understand that there may be a royalty generated by the publication of the anthology. The royalty will be shared with all other writers in the anthology and the Toronto Writers Collective.

□ Check this box if you give permission for your photograph and any recorded material to be used to promote the publication of the anthology.

I represent that I am at least 18 years of age, have read and understand the foregoing statement, and am competent to execute this agreement.

Name (Please print) / Phone
Signature / Date

(To be complete by Guardian if Applicant is under 18 years of age)

Name of Guardian / Relationship
Signature / Date

Sponsors: artsVest™

artsVest™ Toronto is operated by Business for the Arts with the support of the Toronto Arts Council and the Government of Canada