CV Highlights ()
Quality Award – I spent 6 years learning the concepts of organizational management for
quality from the American Society for Quality. This is the national
organization of professionals who are trained and hired to oversee quality
in organizations. Each year I would write a 50-page report, submit it, host
3-6 examiners for 2 days, and receive a report on how to improve
HealthPark. Once the report was received, we would institute changes,
evaluate results, and I would write a new application for the next year and
repeat the cycle.
Over a 9-year period, HealthPark improved to the point that we
received the Quality Award for organizational excellence in 2001. Only 5
organizations in our 9 county area had received this award in the first 10
years it was available. Marriot Hotel only achieved a second level award.
Beta Gamma Sigma – Honorary degree in business based on accomplishment at
HealthPark and my work in the M.B.A. and undergraduate programs at WrightState in organizational management.
Ohio Award for Excellence – By 2003, going through the same process as Quality
Dayton but at an advanced, statewide level, HealthPark was awarded the
second level achievement. In most years, the governor presents Level 1
Awards and nationally, the President of the United States presents the award winners.
Western Ohio Dental Society – President
Ohio Dental Association – Committee to restructure the ODA – The old structure wasn’t
effective to handle the demands of the people of Ohio and the dentists. 10
dentists were chosen to bring the association up to speed. 8 were newer members. This structure is still in place.
Ohio State Dental Board – Member, 2014 – 2016
Options Program – Free dentistry for the indigent
Academy of General Dentistry (30,000 members) – Regional Director (3 states)
Better Health Co-op – On this board for 6 years – layman bringing in speakers to improve
their health
AreaHealthEducationCenter – Federal agency centered at WrightStateUniversity
College of Medicine. President of board for 1½ years. $1,000,000 budget
that we allocated annually to improve the health delivery system in our 9
county area.
TippCity United Fund – President for 2 years
American Automobile Association – MiamiCounty – Vice-chairman 13 years, President
2 years – coordinated our assimilation into Cincinnati AAA.
AAA – Cincinnati – On board for 3 years – increased membership from 43,000 members
to 70,000. Today has over 1,000,000 members including Kansas and
Vermont. Our old board still has an annual Christmas party in Cincinnati
to keep up with recent successes.
Riverside – Annual preventive care visit by staff
Villa – Treated the elderly every 6 months
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