For Tender related Queries e-mail:
E-TenderNo. : HAL-ADL/9973/AC-405/17/FM-Maint/280 Date:01.06.2017
To, / Tentative Date for Tender View:05.06.2017
Last date & time for Online Submission of Tender:26/06/2017 upto12:00Hrs.(IST)
Date & Time of opening of Tender :26/06/2017upto13:30 Hrs. (IST)
Estimated Cost:Rs. 10,14,530.00
EMD:Rs. 10,145.00
Tender Cost:Rs. 1,000.00
Contract Period :24Months
- Online e-tendersare invited for above subject work in Two Bid system at Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Accessories Division, Lucknow 226016 (UP) from contractors (Indian National Firms Only) Government, Semi Government, HAL, MES, Public Sector Undertakings and other reputed firms having experience in similar work nature/magnitude of the works with experienced staff on their roll. No sale of Bid Document will be done manually. Free view Tender Documents are available on HAL website under link Tenders, e-procurement.
- This is an ELECTRONIC MODE of Tendering, any mechanical errors committed before uploading or during the process of uploading the Document shall bound to be duly accepted by Tenderer. The Tenderer shall not have any claim whatsoever in this regard.
- Interested agencies are requested to sign-in (new user sign-in only with Class III DSC) online to obtain user-ID and Password using Digital Signature. The tender document comprises of Pre-qualification profile (Eligibility Criterion), Terms and Conditions, Technical Compliance Matrix, and Price Bid Format. It is requested to download the Tender on acceptance of terms & conditions. The pre-qualification profile and price bids duly filled may be uploaded on HAL e-procurement portal ( using Digital Signature as listed below & shall be uploaded online.
- Tenders documents are uploaded on e-procurement portal (. The bid is to be submitted on HAL e-procurement portal only. Tender documents comprises of:
ii) Terms and Conditions - Annexure-B
iii) Requirement and Scope of work - Annexure-C
iv) Price Bid Format - Annexure-D
- The tender documents may also be downloaded from HAL official website by clicking Tender & choosing Accessories Division, Lucknow.
- Please submit your bid (quotation) in TWO BID (Technical Bid & Price Bid) in prescribed format uploaded on e-portal. Also ensure that Price Bid should not be uploaded in any form with Technical bid (Un-priced bid).
- Further, price bid is to be submitted strictly in the “prescribed file only for price bid” attached with the tender document. (Please note that prices in any form should not be indicated in any file like ‘pdf files/ separately uploaded files with offer’ etc. other than the prescribed price bid file given in tender documents).
- Offers indicating price in Technical bid (Un-priced bid) in any form will be treated as unresponsive and will be summarily rejected.
- Submitting only one bid with rates and technical details as a single bid will be rejected.
- Bidders in their own interest are advised not to indicate prices in any form/file that are part of technical bid and get opened with technical bid.
- All bidders are hereby explicitly informed that conditional offers or offers with deviations from the conditions of contract, the bid not meeting the minimum eligibility criteria, Technical bids not accompanied with EMD, Tender Cost of requisite amount/ format on HAL format, or any other requirements, stipulated in the tender documents are liable to be rejected.
- Late tenders will not be considered.
- The Bidders are requested to attach copies of all the relevant/ desired/ required proofs/ documents with quotation, failing which tender may be summarily rejected without assigning any reason to bidders.
- Prescribed tender cost & EMD must reach in the office of DGM (Maint), HAL, Lucknowbefore due date and time.
- Any corrigendum/ Addendum issued against this tender will only be uploaded on HAL website/ e-portal. Please visit our website or e-portal regularly for any update regarding this tender.
- For tender related queries, please contact or write to.Mobile No.9450391597
Thanking you,
Yours Faithfully,
For Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
(Accessories Division, Lucknow)
(U.K. Tripathi)
DGM (Maintenance)
Accessories Division, Faizabad Road Tel:+91-522-2350996/997/998Extn: 4303/4142
Lucknow-226016 Fax: +91-522-2340338,335