EXAM # 4

Student’s Edition

A question that is labelled with a [K] has more than just the standard “a,b,c,d” answers to choose from;

it has the following choices:

A) a B) b C) c D) d E) a,b F) a,c G) a,b,c H) a,b,c,d I) b,d J) a,d K) none of the above

All questions without a [K] will only have the standard ‘a,b,c,d’ as possible answers.

1. Which of the following are distinguishing marks of a true New Testament Church of Jesus Christ’s? [K]

a) Three Ordinances: Baptism, Footwashing, and the Lord’s Supper

b) Denominationalism (but not a theocratic rule)

c) The Scriptures and Church Tradition as the rule and guide of faith

d) Three Officers: Elders, Pastors, and Deacons.

2. Which of the following statements are correct regarding the churches of the first 5 centuries? [K]

a) The Christian religion spread mightily during the first 500 year period. However, it left a terribly bloody trail behind it, with

many of its leaders dying in martyrdom.

b) In the first two centuries some of those early churches grew to be very large and some of the bishops began to assume

authority over other smaller churches

c) Cermemonialism in those first centuries eventually brought about the teaching of ‘Baptismal Regeneration’, which

eventually caused the heresy of infant ‘sprinkling’.

d) "Baptismal regeneration" and "infant baptism" have, according to the testimony of well established history, caused the

shedding of more Christian blood, as the centuries have gone by, than all other errors combined.

3. Which of the following statements are right in regards to the Dark Ages? [K]

a) Constantine, the Roman Emperor in the 4th century, had a vision showing a fiery cross with a statement “By this thou shalt

conquer”. This was his ‘conversion experience’ to Christianity.

b) One of the first laws that Constantine inacted was that of compulsatory baptism of infants.

c) Out of the 8 major Catholic councils during the Dark Ages, there were put into law some outrageous doctrines, such as:

Mariolatry, Indulgences, and Auricular Confession.

d) About 5,000,000 Christians died martyr deaths during the period of the "dark ages", over about three centuries. This was

mainly because of their rejection of the Pope as their religious leader.

4. Which of the following statemenst are NOT correct? [K]

a) John Huss was the first of the brave fellows who had the courage to attempt a real reformation inside the Catholic Church.

He is many times referred to in history as "The Morning Star of the Reformation."

b) Some other great Reformers were Melancthon, John Knox, and Zwingle.

c) Out of these ‘Reformers’ were born 3 religious ‘harlots’: Methodists, Dutch Reformed Church, and Baptists

d) In the mid-1600’s came the "Peace of Westphalia" which resulted in the triple agreement between the great denominations:

Catholic, Lutheran and Presbyterian, no longer to persecute one another.

5. Which of the following statements on Church Secessionism are correct? [K]

a) “Individual Church Secessionism” is where a true church cannot truly exist without being properly birthed from another

true church; in ‘fact’ there is to be a lineage of church begetting church, etc., all the way back to the church of Jerusalem.

b) “Institutional Church Secessionism” is where the focal point is not on links between individual true churches but on links of

time periods and geographical areas. It teaches that it is a succession of the ‘Baptist faith’, not churches.

c) There are numerous famous Baptist historians that support literal ‘individual’ church secessionism, where church begets

church throughout N.T. history.

d) Probably the key issue that ‘drives’ this issue on ‘Secessionism’ would be “independency vs. denominationalism”.

6. Which one of the following statements is NOT correct?

a) Each church of the Lord’s is His body, a living organism. This living organism can reproduce itself and bring forth life.

Only it can reproduce another body (i.e. church)… an individual Christian cannot. This principle helps support the

‘individual church secessionism’ model.

b) A church’s ‘cornerstone’ must go back to that first church and the ‘Chief Cornerstone’, Jesus Christ… otherwise it is not one

of the Lord’s churches.

c) Spiritual authority (legitimacy, authenticity, etc.) is centered in preaching. Whoever has the authority to preach God’s word,

is the one who has authority to begin a church. Secessionism is based on the preaching of God’s word.

d) Jesus’ answer to the Pharisees on where He received His authority from dealt with ‘John’s baptism’.

7. Which of the following statements on church secessionism are correct? [K]

a) Certainly the Biblical pattern is that no church was ever established without previous "church connection" or authority from

an already existing church—a "mother church."

b) I believe the main way you will know that you have correct secession, authority, perpetuity, authenticity, is if you have

correct doctrine and practice. Of course, perpetuity matters also.

c) True church secessionism helps protect against renegade church starts that are brought about by free thinkers, rebels, cult

leaders, money grubbers, immoral men, and doctrinally weak pastors.

d) The danger for ‘local-church-only’ independent Baptists is that if they subscribe to the ‘institutional church secessionism’

concept then they are leaning towards a universal church system of theology!

8. Which of the following statements are correct? [K]

a) Many famous Protestant and Catholic historians admit that Baptists were in existence long before the Protestant Reformation

era: i.e. Mosheim (Lutheran historian), Zwingli (Reformed church leader), Hosius (Catholic cardinal).

b) Anabaptist heretics were leaders of the Munster Rebellion which then caused ‘all AnaBaptists’ to be blamed for this

uprising… however, most AnaBaptists were pacifists.

c) Zwingli, and other prominent Protestant leaders, would employ the ‘Third Baptism’ to the Anabaptist heretics; this was

death by drowning!

d) There was a Baptist Church in Augsburg Germany in the early 1500’s that had over 1100 members. Thus, there were

indeed Baptists prior to the Reformation! Hans Dink was the pastor there.

9. Which of the following statements are true concerning Baptists history in England? [K]

a) Barclay, the Quaker historian, stated that the rise of the Anabaptists in England didn’t take place until almost 50 years after

the foundation of the Church of England.

b) Saint Patrick was a Baptist Missionary to Britan and Ireland. During his life he is said to have immersed one hundred and

twenty thousand people.

c) The followers of Wyclif and Lollard united in England and were called "Rambuskians". It is very probable that these were

Catholic Jesuits.

d) It is claimed that William Tyndale was a Baptist; he at least shared many of the views held by the Baptists. He is called "the

apostle of the English.

10. Which of the following statements on English Baptists are correct? [K]

a) Anne Askew and Joan Boucher (aka Joan of Kent) were two great Baptist women of England who were markedly outspoken

for their faith and died for it.

b) On the accession of James I the four religious sects of England were: the Church of England, the Lutherans, the Anglicans,

and numerous Baptists.

c) The following royal rulers of England were decidedly against the Baptists: King Henry, King Edward, Queen Mary, Queen

Elizabeth I, and King James.

d) In 1690, England instituted the ‘Intoleration Act’, which re-ignited all Baptist persecutions in England.

11. Which of the following statements on Baptists in America are correct? [K]

a) The people at Plymouth were called Pilgrims (aka Separatists) and denounced the Church of England as corrupt. The people

at the Massachusetts Bay colony (founded 8 years later) were called Puritans (aka Non-Conformists) and did not break with

the Church of England.

b) In 1638 Dr. John Clarke was one of the founders, and sole Pastor, of that First Baptist Church of Newport, Rhode Island.

And, from other history we know that Roger Williams didn’t begin the church in Providence until March of 1639. It appears

that Clarke was the founder of the first Baptist church on American soil.

c) In the 1600’s and early 1700’s, the Baptist churches in this country were, for the most part, made up of members directly

from England and Wales.

d) In almost a hundred years after the first settlement in America, only seventeen Baptist churches had arisen in it.

12. Which of the following statements are correct concerning Baptists in America in the 1800’s? [K]

a) Just before the beginning of the 19th century, John Asplund published his first Register of the Baptist denomination in

America, which tallied a total of just about 8,500 Baptist churches.

b) The first two missionaries sent out to foreign lands from America were Adoniram Judson and Luther Rice. Interestingly,

both became Baptists shortly after leaving for their mission field.

c) The pro-Missionary Baptist groups (i.e. non-Calvinistic) in the 1800’s were: Regular Baptists, Strict Baptists, and Primitive


d) In the early 1800’s, Baptists unified nationally under what became known informally as the Triennial Convention (because it

met every three years) based in Philadelphia. It allowed them to join their resources to support missions abroad.

13. Which ONE of the following statements is NOT correct?

a) The Southern Baptist Convention was formed out of a controversy amongst Baptists in the South over the issue of slavery.

b) The National Baptist Convention was formed by whites who believed it was scriptural to be a slave-owner. It was begun as

a split out of the Southern Baptist Convention.

c) The Baptists in the North were still part of the Triennial Convention until the early 1900’s when they formed a new society:

The Northern Baptist Convention.

d) Brown University is the oldest Baptist university in the United States. Other Baptist universities/colleges include: Colgate

College and Baylor University.

14. Which ONE of the following statements is correct?

a) Southern Baptist Convention Landmarkism (Baptist church successionism and rejection of alien immersion) was a

conservative movement within the SBC and was lead by J.R. Graves. It had a very minimal influence on the convention,

and survived for only a few years.

b) In the early 1900’s, Landmarkism split out of the Southern Baptist Convention to form to independent Associations: The

American Baptist Church – USA, and the Baptist World Alliance Association.

c) The Seventh Day Adventist church started from the false prophecies of Christ’s returning (1844) by William Miller, a

Baptist pastor.

d) In the 1800’s, Alexander Campbell became a famous independent Baptist that helped protect the pure doctrine that we hold

so dearly today.