- To ensure all children achieve age appropriate expectations and national averages by the end of Key Stage 2
- To ensure identified children in Year 6 achieve Level 4b+ / 85% ARE
- To improve pupils’ attainment in reading; writing; grammar, spelling and punctuation (SPAG) and maths
- To close the gap between underperforming groups across Key Stage 2
- To close the gap between children eligible for Pupil Premium Funding
- To reduce the numbers of children requiring additional intervention throughout Key Stage 2 by closing the gap aiming
Success Criteria:
- Pupils make expected year on year progress resulting in 3 APS throughout Key Stage 2, meet / exceed national averages at 4b and achieving or exceeding their year group expectations
- Targeted pupils including Pupil Premium Groups in KS2 making accelerated progress in English and Maths in line with all groups
- Effective assessment of reading, SPAG, maths and writingin place, including developing effective comprehension and understanding
- Intervention for underperforming groups in English and Maths is directed and takesplace across Key Stage 2 resulting in accelerated progress above that expected
- Impact of interventions measured through analysis of AM7/ reading ages/ TATs/ teacher assessment and moderation of pupil progress as demonstrated in pupil books.
Tasks / Responsible / Training implications / Resources / costs / Time frame
Year 3
- Whole class reading comprehension lesson weekly
- Phonics x 7 pupils
-Phase 3/4 revisiting (focus on writing) CK/SD
-(Class working on whole class phonics)
- Leicester Inference Project x 12 pupils for 10 weeks (20 lessons)
-1 delivered by Nicole Hand/ 1 follow up SD
- Reading x 15 pupils
- Numbers Count x 4 pupils
- Lower ability focus group x 8 pupils
-1 x 1 hour weekly SPAG/ writing
- Number Counts (MC) 1:1
MC / Leicester Inference training (EDS / NH) / Autumn 2014
LiP Spring 2015
Year 4
- Whole class reading comprehension lesson weekly
- Leicester Inference Project x 6 pupils for 10 weeks (20 lessons)
- Narrative Therapy???
- Beanstalk- reading support x 1 pupil weekly
- Number Counts (MC) 1:1
Daily readers x 10 / EF/ MH
MC / Leicester Inference training (EDS / NH) / Beanstalk Resource / Autumn 2014
LiP Spring 2015
Year 5
- Whole class reading comprehension lesson weekly
- Leicester Inference Project x 6 pupils for 10 weeks (20 lessons)
- Phonics session x 5 pupils
- Reading volunteer x 6 pupils weekly
- Beanstalk- reading support x 2 pupils weekly
- Number Counts (MC) x 4 pupils weekly
MC / Leicester Inference training (EDS / NH) / Beanstalk Resource / Autumn 2014
LiP Spring 2015
Year 6
- Whole class reading comprehension lesson weekly
- Whole class SPAG lessons
- Leicester Inference Project x 6 pupils for 10 weeks (20 lessons)
- Handwriting Intervention x 6 pupils weekly MB
- Literacy Intervention x 13 pupils (2 grps)
-Focus: SPAG and its application/ reading/ comprehension
- Maths Intervention x 13 children (2 grps)
- 1:2 sessions X 8 pupils for 10 weeks
- Easter School x 15 pupils
- Numbers Count (MC) x 2 weekly
- Reading volunteer x 6 pupils weekly
- Individual Reading Support x 1 pupil weekly
MB / Leicester Inference training (EDS / NH) / Autumn 2014
LiP Spring 2015
Monitoring and Evaluation:
- What difference has this AP made? How do we know? What has been the impact of this action plan on pupil progress?
- Pupil Premium Champion / SMT to complete MER of interventions by outcomes to ensure accelerate progress
- Progress data analysed by Pupil Premium Champion /SMT to gain an overview of progress and impact of early interventions
- TS / SL to share outcomes of moderation with HT / SMT at the end of blocks of intervention
- Review of KS2 SATs July 2015
- Report / position statement to GB subcommittee ‘Teaching and Learning Impact Group’ termly
Summer post SATS:
- Year 3
- Maths support? Michelle Cronshaw?
- Y5 higher ability-maths?
- MH- better utilised?