January 15th, 2011, by S. Hogan, for 'The G.O. Fellowship'.
You remember that verse in Hebrews 12: 2, I'm sure! I've been thinking that we Christians should do like it says: "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter,[the best part about Him being the Beginning and the End!] "of our Faith. Who for the JOY set before Him, endured * the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right Hand of the throne of God!"
So perhaps, we too should be looking upward to the GLORIOUS FUTURE He has planned for us!
And not just when/ if we die. To depart and be WITH Messiah will be wonderful. But how many sermons have you heard, or books have you read ~ about: The 'MILLENNIUM'? or 'ETERNITY', (the time after the 1,000 years)? ~ If you believe differently, please excuse me, but I believe Yeshua will come HERE to this Earth to set up His Kingdom, to reign in a re- created world as it was at the first Creation, and in our resurrection bodies we will reign with Him! [Yes! I know there are many ideas about these things.]
SO~ is that, why we miss the joy of looking forward to it? God has put so much in the Bible about it. It is so we can look past the terrible Endtime events, and also for the JOY set before us, endure...*?
[For your reading pleasure, see the articles, "Messiah's Kingdom on Earth" on the web site. Do read it!]
I have gone back this time to giving you news items, on which, "through the window of the WORD", we may be able to see more of Satan's & God's amazing Plans? There are at present 4 two-fold problems.
A. A great increase in both the actual growing power of ISLAM, along with a greater awareness of it, - but only by some people and in some places!Consider what others are saying.
1. Many of you listen to a real prophetic Messianic Jewish speaker, in Lance Lambert's'Updates'.
The latest, Oct.2010 is a careful look at Islam. It is a serious record of Islam's 3 attempts to dominate the world: two in the past ~ one more to come. [Available at: & other local contacts.]
I agree with Lance's analysis, but we need to pray about the timing, and the threat - (which God will thwart) but He will also use, to achieve His most special goal:To bring all Jews possible, into God's Family thro' Yeshua, here on this Earth, [as inEze 39/29], "I will no longer hide My Face from them..."
2. Also we are so blest to have Joel Rosenberg's 'blogs', in which he regularly brings out the same basic themes. [
We summarise them here. ~ These includethe devious ways, Islam is planning:
a) To dominate the Arab world, b) to unify all Muslims, even Sunni and Shi'ittes together - which seems impossible, and c) infiltrate and subjugate the West to Islam, through huge population increases ~ (by immigration and high birth rates), and with money, and fear tactics, (like a nuclear bomb capability), plus actual threats ~ against not only Israel, ~ but also the 'Christian' West, e.g. USA, Europe, and the rest of the non-Islamic world. These are their stated goals, and they are not tired of repeating them, nor of cruel, acts like terrorism against Churches, and even the murder of a brave, Muslim Pakistani Leader like Salman Taseer, who spoke up for a Christian woman, but was shot by a bigoted body-guard, on Jan 4!
Remember who their god is - and the power that satanic influences can have on people!
3. P.M. Benjamin Netanyahu, and clued up Israelisare saying these things, in various ways. [P.3*]
4. Various News Sources frequently bring out similar themes in the Media, whether Secular, Christian, or Jewish. Most informed sources, also decry the huge ignorance of the 'ordinary' people, and even World Leaders in the West especially, - not only non-Bible- reading people, but also many 'Christians'. Some even claim Pres. Obama is totally unaware of the real sinister threat that Islam has in USA or he seems not to understand, (with most other non-Christian Leaders in Western nations) ~ that because of the demonic and historical influences on Millions of Muslims, and ingrained beliefs since birth:
ANYkind of dialogue, concessions, even threats, or severe sanctions ~
are as good as useless to ALL Muslim Leaders, and therefore to their followers!
As Lance Lambert emphasises: [and I believe Christian persecution shows clearly], even so-called 'moderate Muslims' would follow their Leaders, if their lives, and welfare depended on it!
There is not room in these letters to bring out more details of the actual threats and plans of Islam that together back up, what the above sources have spoken of, to warn us. They simply are fulfilled prophecies, such as Ps. 83: "with cunning they conspire against YOUR People, they plot against those You cherish... 'Let us destroy them as a nation, that the name of Isra-EL be remembered no more'." But God's people cannot be cursed, without severe consequences. This can encourage us.
B. AS WE CONTINUE TO 'LOOK AROUND' here's some headlines I have sorted out, regarding Islam.
EGYPT; is having serious decisions to make as:
> 22 people from a Coptic church were killed & 79 injured on N.Y.'s Eve. The costly result is to post Police to guard churches, and damage from the protesting Copts in various places, and find the bombers
> The right reaction to a Coptic business tycoon offering a million dollars, leading to the arrest of the terrorists, probably locals, though Pres. Muberak was quick to say it was not, inspite of known groups.
> Numerous Al Qaeda cells, in coastal villages all along the Suez Canal and Alexandria, were actually first reported by the Israeli intelligence, but are difficult to find. Yet had lethal plans to attack shipping in the Sea passage, which could cause unbelievable financial costs, apart from deaths of people.
> The Bedouin Tribes in the vast Sinai desert, with no real sources of income have turned to crime in the cruellest ways. They are known to take money from African Refugees trying to get to Israel, but rapes, beatings and deaths are common - leaving Israel to bear the cost of treating those who do manage to get across the border. These Bedouin are also happy to help Al Qaeda, smuggle weapons, drugs, 'human traffic' and any contraband items into Gaza - via the tunnels or by other means.
> Other Muslim men inspired to hate Israel & USA, often start in Somalia, go to Eritrea, Sudan, via Egypt not only to Gaza, or Israel, but also via Jordan up to Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq, often to join extremist groups as terrorists. Al Qaeda groups are gaining experience and support by these means.
> While Egypt seems at present to have some support for Israel, the extreme Muslim element is real. However Egypt's treatment of the latest so-called 'Aid-ship' from Asia, hoping to reach Gaza, have not helped them. First, Egypt would not grant visas to 20 Iranians (6 were M.P's who wanted to join the ship in Egyptian waters.) While most of the 'aid' was allowed through, Iran's gifts were blocked at first.
Secondly, Egypt denied permission for the People on the ship to travel into Gaza, goods only allowed.
As we look through 'the window of the Word of God' in Isaiah 19, the prophetic warning is of a very significant, but serious set of events in Egypt, described there. These could develop anytime, as growing tensions of all kinds, political, religious and economic could converge to bring about the real Prophetic fulfilments given, which it seems have never been fullyfulfilled ~and so need our prayerful concern ~ with a great outcome for Egypt and Israel! Vs23 -25 [You may disagree & I respect that too.]
1. The possibility of Civil war in Egypt seems to me a BIG item for prayer. My research suggests there has not been a civil war, since 1915-17, when a particular group called Sanusi Muslims fought for an anti-European North Africa, but were driven into Libya. [
No other fulfilments in a localised civil war - within Egypt - and the sequence of events have happened.
2. The first part as in verses 1 & 2."I will stir up Egyptian against Egyptian..." bringing great disheartenment, as "the hearts of the Egyptians will melt... the Egyptians will lose heart". The two-fold cause is a turning to ancient idols and "the spirits of the dead, the mediums and the spiritists".The reality is that Egypt has had the Christian Message since N.T. times, but sadly the religiosity of many 'Christians' has lost its power, and we Christians in the 'West' need to be challenged to a greater devotion to the basic truths of the Gospel: the reality of hell for lost sinners, and the death and victory of Jesus at the cost of His shed blood, over sin & death and hell and salvation by faith alone IN HIM! Let us pray urgently for the work of keen, evangelical Christians (like a Kiwi/Egyptian couple with 6 Bible study groups in Cairo, for aprox.100 Christians), as well as strategic outreaches going back to the 1900's
2. God's part is very clear." 'I will hand the Egyptians to the power of a cruel master, and a fierce king will rule over them', declares the Lord, The LORD Almighty."[Note the 2nd Name using 'LORD' is 'El Shaddai' not the first 'Lord'.] Who this fierce king is I don't know. It could be a Muslim, already there.
3. The next verses from 5 - 10, about the Nile, have partially happened, as I discovered when I did research for an article on this chapter years ago. Any change to the Nile River, esp. 'drying up' has a devastating effect on fishing, agriculture and the water supply for people, and therefore the economy.
4. One effect of this is total rejection of their leaders, emphasised in verses 11- 16. However what seems to be meant as slur on women, ["Egyptians will be like (stupid) women"] might just be the path to acknowledging better things! "They will shudder with fear at the uplifted Hand that the LORD Almighty raises against them."At least they know Who really is in charge! [Good sense for anyone!]
5. I do not know what the next part really means 17 -25! "The Land of Judah will bring terror to the Egyptians... because of what the LORD Almighty is planning against them."[I have an idea -If you know do tell me.] However we know God can use whoever HE chooses for His own purposes of good!
ALL I KNOW is, 19: 23 -25 says ~ "in that Day" ~HUGE BLESSINGS for Egypt and the M.E!
1. It is not new News, that ISRAEL is under threat from IRAN, but another sinister development is IRAN'S power now being felt in IRAQ. With the recent return to IRAQ of the militant 'Sheik'Muqtada Sadr, after 4 years in Iran, (and with the new Iranian Foreign Minister, Ali Akba Salehi) - IRAN'S presence and power in IRAQis an ominous sign! They are closely aligned with the Hizballah* Leader, Nasralla who may now have freedom in Lebanon to act as Iranian proxy and with fellow Shi'ittes in Iraq!
2. Immediately King Abdullah II of Jordan knew, he phoned P.M Netanyahu, who reassured him the agreement with his father, King Hussein, to help to defend Jordan if needed - would stand. There are 2 very interesting chapters in Isaiah 15 & 16, with the most beautiful Messianic promise in 16: 5!
Like all of Lebanon, and part of 'Syria', a very large part of what today is 'Jordan' was given by God to Israel. Deut. 2: 31, & Joshua 13: 8 - 12. [I used to find it confusing, between the 'West Bank' which is Judah and Samaria - true Israeli land, and the 'east bank', across the River Jordan, which is mainly the area given to the Tribes of Rueben, Gad and the half of Manasseh. See Joshua 12: 6.] So it will be kept 'safe' for Israel to possess again - perhaps before too long, after the 'Magog War'? Isa. 14: 1, 61:7. !
3. We can now link Iran's (Shi'ite) presence in Iraq, with Hizballah' s sudden withdrawal from the Lebanese Gov't, IN ORDER TO CAUSE IT TO COLLAPSE (with help from minor - threatened Parties), SO A NEW SHI'ITE, PRO-IRAN GOV'T WILL BE IN POWER! All this is in fear of results of a UN's 'Special Investigative Tribunal' blaming Hizballah *operatives for the tragic death of Rafic Harari (former P.M. of Lebanon - father of Saad Harari), being announced on Monday 17th Jan.
PLEASE see news Jan. 16th: today!
So, already P.M. Saad Harari, is being called "ex- P.M"... and his future could be in danger. Also for Lebanon, with all these threats, many religious divisions, and outward pressures, it will become totally anti-West and dominated by Iran, esp. now that Iran has such a strong presence in IRAQ.
[Sunni Nations, Syria and S. Arabia had even suggested Saad Harari could sign a 5-point statement to declare that Hizballah *was not responsible for His father's assassination! We have heard no more, tho.]
All this will increase the danger to Israel of attacks, from all 4 of the Iranian supplied weapons centres, (their new Iranian/Hizballah center in Gaza) in addition to support from Syria, & Turkey.
SO, a Jeremiah 49:37 prophesied war, could happen anytime!
PRAY FOR Christians in Lebanon, (as in all M.E. nations) and wisdom for Netanyahu & Israel!
You may know Israel has many kinds of divisions. One from way back is now coming to a head?
1. There are many 'Non-Government' Organisations, working to 'help' Israel.The ones we probably know most about are very many Christian ones. However it has been emphasised by the F.M. this past week, that there are dozens of powerful & rich 'left-wing' - virtually ANTI - ISRAEL GROUPS!
These pose as; 'Pro-Israel' but are dubious, when the source of their funding is exposed.
Of course there are many strands of beliefs and ideas, but they are mostly pro-Labour in Politics, and liberal in their attitudes to Islam, Palestinians, and Islam, even.
It could be said, their feelings are "Let's Give the Palestinian whatever they want, and have peace and security". Even the President of Israel, Peres, leans this way.
2. Therefore F.M. Lieberman has "complained out loud" about these groups, and as a result the ['right-wing'] Government have set up a 'Knesset Committee' to investigate these groups. *
Read an article by Caroline Glick, explaining many actual names and details -of those against the Gov't!
It seems many of these groups are funded by Muslim groups and sympathisers with them!
3. BUT - thousands of Jewish Israelis have protested at a Rally in Tel Aviv, on Sat. Jan. 15th!
It was under the Name of "The Democratic Camp" and their cry is that Lieberman, Netanyahu, and the Knesset Committee are totally "Anti Democratic, and Anti-Israel", and so must be condemned!
Read about it here: for Jan 15th.
Please pray as you are led, remembering "a 'kingdom' (nation) divided against itself, cannot stand". Matt. 12: 25. Coming just at this time, this may even be strategic, if Israel finds itself at war?
1. USA. The Obama administration, has been rather 'bogged down' it seems with the potential and then the real upset in the Elections, last November, so there has not been evidence of any helpful, or decisive steps to help in the various very tense situations in the M.E. Speeches of condemnation of persecution of Christians, or other terrorist acts, seem the only contribution, except for some seemingly unwise donations of money (?) like $100 million 'Military Aid' * to Lebanon. So which nation is 'Lebanon' likely to fight? Now, it is Hizballah - that most likely will get the money, (especially if it becomes the Government of Lebanon) so it will be able to justify it's use, seeing Hizballah will then control "the Lebanese Army"? No wonder Israel feels double-crossed again by America...
> Putin has announced he will stand again for President of Russia, in 2012, I think.
> A planned visit to Israel by the present President Medveded was cancelled (over some action of Israel at the time) and he only visited the West Bank, Arab Muslims called 'Palestinians' as you know.
BUT OH NO! P.M. Putin made a visit to Lebanon and offered extensive help in money and expertise to develop the large Gas find off the coast of Lebanon! [This was before recent events.]
- You will know that about the time Israeldiscovered a huge 'lake of gas' off the coast of Haifa, [called 'Leviathan' as it is about the 4th largest deposit of gas, in the world].
- At the same time a near-by lake of gas was claimed by Lebanon, but so much wrangling has gone on about it, that nothing has happened, even to learn more about it's size or boundaries!
- An offer by the President of Cyprus was brushed off by Harari, but Dec. 2010 Putin visited Lebanon!
- However an article by Debka [which is impossible to print out now] has been reported by a web site These are the main points.
a) Putin visited P.M. Harari in Lebanon (never visited it before!) and invited Harari to Russia for a visit.