The points in the Consolidated Funding Cycle (CFC) application awarded for “population priority need” are based on the Housing Needs Analysis that utilizes accessible data to assess the supply of housing the population for both the low-income workforce and those populations with special housing needs. Additionally, there are some policy based needs priorities established by the department (such as a priority 1 assigned statewide for housing that serves people experiencing homelessness).
If you believe the priority assigned to your target population is not correct, you may request either a policy –or– data based priority reassignment. To do this you will need to complete the reassignment request forms no later than February 11, 2011.
In order to pursue requesting a policy based reassignment of your target population priority, you will be asked to substantiate your policy argument for the department considering your groups requested priority. Policy based requests will be reviewed by the OHCS Housing Division with in 2 weeks of receipt.
Questions about policy based requests should be directed to your Regional Advisor to the Department (RAD).
When requesting a data based reassignment for your target population priority, OHCS Research & Analysis may be of assistance to you in identifying useful data. If the information justifies a higher priority assignment, a change in priority will be granted. The data and methods used in the Needs Analysis can be found online at:
For more information, or to get feedback on your community’s situation, please contact OHCS Research Analyst Natasha Detweiler at: or 971-673-7183.
Here are a couple narrative examples of requests for reassignment:
§ Policy based request – a project has committed housing subsidy funds (for example, 202 funds) in the project. The applicant could, through a policy based request for reassignment, make the policy argument that bringing new subsidy to the state is as critical as preserving existing subsidy and as such should be considered a Priority 1 along with all preservation projects.
§ Data based request –new low income jobs may create an increased demand for low income housing. Recent job growth may not be reflected in the Census or American Community Survey data. When making a request for reassignment the applicant may provide information concerning the businesses coming into the community, anticipate wage rates, and any new rental housing stock data. OHCS would incorporate that information into the population or household data to estimate the comparative demand for low income affordable housing relative to other communities.
Request for Reassignment of Target Population Priority
Requesting Organization:Submitted by: / Date:
Submitted to (RAD):
Contact E-mail: / Phone:
Project Name:
Project Address:
Target Population Priority:
Current Priority Level:
Proposed Priority Level:
Request Type: / Data based / Policy based
Explain why the population (s) you want to provide housing for should be considered a Priority _____ (1, 2, or 3) using defensible data OR an OHCS policy argument.
If data based request: List each of the data sources you used to arrive at your conclusions in Question #1. Document the source(s) of the data you propose using. Include the justification for using this data.
Proposed Priority Population / Approved as Priority
Level 1, 2 or 3 / Not Approved
Signed by:
This form must be completed and provided to your RAD no later than February 11, 2011. The request will be either approved or denied and returned to you.
2011 Consolidated Funding Cycle 1 of 3 Revised 02/01/10