Grand Lodge of British Columbia
Minutes of the meeting held on April 6th, 2014 in the Lodgeroom of the Thunderbird Lodge
No. 19 in Medicine Hat, AB.
Lodge was Opened at 12:06 PM by the Grand Primo Bro. Ian Howes ROH with 20 Brethren in the link.
The Loyal Toast was given.
Lodge was placed into Liberty Hall for Registrations.
Lodge returned to Strict Order and the Registrations reported correct.
Apologies were heard in the names of: Bro. Mike Treherne ROH, Bro. Jim Pearson ROH, Bro. Jim Treherne ROH, Bro. Baxter Heath ROH, Bro. Curwen Hutchings ROH, Bro. Roy Tenant ROH, Bro. Cy Norris CP and Bro. Joe Wogrin KOM.
Motion was made by Bro. Ray McLaughlin KOM seconded by Bro. Doug Campbell CP and carried to accept the Apologies.
Roll Call of Officers: showed 16 in attendance 4 apologies 0 absent.
The Grand Primo welcomed all Brothers attending this meeting today. He also welcomed newly raised Certified Primo Bro. Martyn Sharp from Thunderbird Lodge No. 19.
Introduction of Delegates: PGL of Victoria & Islands --- Brother Les Shepard ROH
Brother John Barrett KOM
PGL of Vancouver & Mainland --- Brother Jim Pearson ROH - APOLOGY
Brother Joe Wogrin KOM - APOLOGY
Minutes of the Previous Meeting: Motion was made by Bro. Derrek Hutchings ROH, seconded by Bro. Norm Milburn ROH and carried to accept the Minutes of the previous meeting held on October 6th, 2013.
Business Arising from Minutes: On the website, Bro. Ian advised that he has been able to do updates on the site but it does need a complete overhaul. Bro. Les advised he wouldn’t be able to see his contact until Aug. to discuss. Bro. Jerry advised that he has talked with his nephew and he has looked at the site advising he can do the upgrades needed. Bro. Les indicated to continue on with Bro. Jerry. Bro. Jerry will set up a date to meet with his nephew to go over the website along with Bro Ian. Bro. Les said another possibility would be to look at Facebook.
Stick Week Break: 12:23 PM returned to Strict Order at 12:32 PM.
Deferred Business: NONE.
Alderman of Benevolence Report: Bro. Doug Campbell CP was sorry to advise on the passing of Bro. Norm Laing ROH on November 5. A buffalo funeral was held in his memory on Feb. 8 at Happy Valley Lodge No. 5 in Victoria. Bro. Cy Norris CP lost his good buffess Bessie on Feb. 27.
New Business: Bro. Peter Allibone ROH feels it is high time that this Grand Lodge deals with PGL V&M. All we have been hearing for the most part is apologies from Brothers in the PGL V&M through no fault of their own and that physical attendances must be made sometime at Grand Lodge meetings. He cannot understand how the PGL and the Lodges can keep going with only 4-5 members. He suggested that the Grand Lodge Management Committee investigate into what is happening with the PGL and Lodges in Vancouver. Bro. Derrek Hutchings ROH is in complete agreement with this. He said directions that the PGL V&M could take; ie. Lodges go GLBC Direct or join PGL V&I; were discussed with the PGL Secretary at a earlier meeting. Some direction should be made today. Bro. John Barrett ROH also agrees something has to be done but this is a big dilemma on how to proceed. Bro. Jerry Covey ROH advised that quarterly dues are being received from PGL V&M as per Rule. Bro. Morgan Smedley KOM suggested that the Lodges under PGL V&M consider going GLBC Direct if they do not want to join PGL V&I. Bro. Craig Wilson ROH suggested that the Grand Secretary write a letter to PGL V&M suggesting that Brothers under this PGL try and attend Grand Lodge meetings. Going through the registration book, only 2 Brothers from PGL V&M have attended Grand Lodge meetings in the last 4 years. Bro. Les Shepard ROH said they are paying their dues and Grand Lodge has to be diplomatic in what action is taken. Bro. Morgan Smedley KOM suggested that Grand Lodge have a meeting in Vancouver to show we are interested in what is happening. Bro, Jerry Covey ROH suggested that since we should be having a GLMC meeting in Victoria prior to GL meeting in Oct., this could be discussed then with Brothers of the PGL V&M. Bro. Derrek Hutchings ROH suggested that a letter be sent to the PGL V&M seeing if they would be interested in holding a Grand Lodge meeting in Vancouver. The Grand Primo says we are a long way from a decision and does agree that a GLMC has to be called to review the GL By-laws and that this matter could be added to the agenda for the meeting. He likes some of the ideas coming out on the floor for the PGL V&M to host a Grand Lodge meeting in Vancouver or they could be the host of the October meeting in the Happy Valley Lodge room in Victoria. Bro. Derrek Hutchings ROH made a motion that this matter be taken to the Grand Lodge Management Committee and the Grand Lodge Secretary write a letter to the PGL V&M Secretary with our suggestions and concerns expecting an answer back from the PGL and that they attend the GLMC meeting when it is called. Motion was seconded by Bro. Peter Allibone ROH. MOTION CARRIED.
Bro. Craig Wilson ROH made a motion that the Grand Lodge donate $100.00 to the BCSPCA in memory of Bro. Cy Norris’s buffess, Bessie. Motion was seconded by Bro. Doug Campbell CP. MOTION CARRIED. Bro. Craig also advised that Bro. Cy is very thankful for all that has been done by the Brothers in the Order.
Grand Secretaries Report and Financial Statement: Grand Secretary/Treasurer Bro. Jerry Covey KOM gave his report of Grand Lodge Funds so far this year. Currently there’s $6,447.27 in the bank. Motion by Bro. Baxter Payne KOM seconded by Bro. Derrek Hutchings ROH and carried to accept this report subject to audit.
Auditors Report: Bro. Derrek Hutchings ROH & Bro. Craig Wilson ROH, Grand Lodge Auditors, advised that the books have been audited for 2013 and the books are in great shape. Motion made by Bro. Morgan Smedley KOM and seconded by Bro. Dave Tongs ROH to accept the Auditors Report. MOTION CARRIED.
Reports of Governing Authorities: Bro. Derrek Hutchings ROH gave a report for the PGL of Victoria & Islands. The Grand Secretary gave the report for the PGL of Vancouver & Mainland. Motion was made by Bro. Doug Campbell CP seconded by Bro. Ray McLaughlin KOM and carried that we accept these written reports with thanks.
Reports of Committees: None at this time.
Stick Week Break: 1:03 PM returned to Strict Order at 1:27 PM.
Correspondence: Letter received from G.L.E. asking our Grand Lodge to submit any corrections for the 2014 R.A.O.B. Directory and a reply was sent with the corrections for the Directory.
Invoice was submitted by Bro. Morgan Smedley KOM in the amount of $69.25 for repair to Grand Lodge collar.
Motion was made by Bro. Derrek Hutchings ROH and seconded by Bro. Baxter Payne KOM to accept all correspondence and pay all bills. MOTION CARRIED.
Good of the Order: Bro. Norm Milburn ROH asked if there is anyway a sign or something could be put at the bottom of the stairs advising of the big drop going out the doors. Bro. Cy took a bad fall there. Bro. John Barrett ROH advised that he would get a hold of the landlord and hopefully will be fixed the next time a meeting is held here. He thanked Bro. Norm for bringing this up.
Discussion on the upcoming Grand Lodge Management Committee meeting took place. Bro. Craig Wilson ROH made a motion that the G.L.M.C. hold a meeting on June 14 at Happy Valley Lodge No. 5 in Victoria. Motion seconded by Bro. Morgan Smedley KOM. MOTION CARRIED.
Bro. Derrek Hutchings ROH made a motion that since Grand Lodge is going to be calling this GLMC, expenses for Brothers from Thunderbird Lodge should be covered by Grand Lodge. Motion seconded by Bro. ??????. MOTION CARRIED.
All Other Business:
Bro. John Barrett ROH introduced Bro. Paul Brown as a newly raised Certified Primo. Bro. Paul greeted the Grand Lodge.
Bro. Morgan Smedley KOM brought to the attention of Grand Lodge that Bro. John Barrett has been exalted to the Roll of Honor since our last meeting and Bro. John Bainbridge has been exalted to a Knight Order of Merit.
Charges: The Grand Primo heard lots of charges.
Liberty Hall for Raffle at 2:06 PM and Returned to Strict Order at 2:31 PM: Winner of the raffles were Bro. Kevin Kelly ROH and Bro. Les Shepard ROH.
Thank Host Lodge: The Grand Primo thanked Thunderbird Lodge No. 19 for hosting this Grand Lodge.
Date and Place of Next Meeting: October 5th, 2014 at Happy Valley Lodge No. 5 in Victoria, BC.
Receipts of the Day: Registrations: 28 at $140.00
Fines at $ 75.65
Raffle at $100.00
Donation $ 25.00
Challenge $ 77.85
Total Receipts at $418.50
Silent Toast to absent Brethren was observed at 2:50 PM.
Grand Lodge was Duly Closed at 3:00 PM by the Grand Primo Bro. Ian Howes ROH with 20 Brethren in the link.
God Save the Queen.
Grand Primo ______
Bro. Ian Howes ROH
Grand Secretary ______
Bro. Jerry Covey ROH