URI Coastal Fellowship Agreement
May-December 2009
Student Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Fellowship Mentor: __________________________________________________________________
Fellowship Project: __________________________________________________________________
I, _______________________________________, have accepted an appointment as a URI Coastal Fellow for the period of May - December 2009. As a fellow, I agree to work for paid compensation at a rate of $9.50 per hour for a fifteen week period between May and September. I understand that my work schedule will be negotiated with my fellowship mentor, and that I will have one week of unpaid vacation during this period. If I need more vacation time, I will negotiate it with my mentor.
I, _______________________________________, understand that I will be responsible for submitting my summer work hours, biweekly, to my mentor for approval, and that, in the case of URI-mentored fellowships, I will be responsible for submitting my work hours correctly, through E-campus to the URI payroll system, every other week or I will not be paid on time.
During the Fall ’09 semester, I agree to continue my fellowship involvement for 10 hours per week. I can qualify for 3 credits of directed studies or internship credit as compensation for this in my major department.
During the first month of my fellowship, I will be asked to develop a learning contract with my fellowship mentor, which outlines my fellowship duties, my learning objectives, and the methods by which my work will be evaluated. In this same document, my mentor will outline his/her responsibilities toward me as a fellow.
I agree to enroll and participate in the Fall 2009 Coastal Fellows seminar, “Communicating Scientific Research & Outreach,” (EVS 366). I will receive two credits for this seminar.
Signature: __________________________________________________________________________
Date: _____________________________________________________________________________
During the period of your fellowship, there will be periodic opportunities for press coverage of your activities. Do you consent to have your name and/or picture appear in press and advertising about the Coastal Fellows Program?
Yes_______ NO______
Summer phone #:_____________________ Summer e-mail:________________________________