IEEE Canaveral Section


Chair’s Column

Robert Morrison

This year is bringing many changes to our section. We have been tasked with updating the Canaveral section bylaws to reflect changes in IEEE headquarters bylaws. One of the changes made was the term of office for the Executive Committee members from an academic year to a calendar year. IEEE headquarters has also made the Concentration banking system mandatory for all sections. All financial accounts for IEEE sections will now be maintained at Mellon Bank in Pittsburgh, PA. instead of local accounts where the sections operate. This came about to avoid legal concerns over the tax exempt status IEEE maintains with the Internal Revenue Service. If you would like to read more on the new financial program go to the website ending with /compliance listed in the important websites block at the end of the newsletter.

I would like to thank Mr. Ernie Camacho for serving as our nominations committee chair for this election period. The down side is we did not receive any nominations from the general membership. Our existing volunteers will have to rotate positions once again to maintain our section as an active part of IEEE. If you were almost ready to speak up but did not, please reconsider. The work isn’t hard or demanding. New volunteers are few and far between. Some of the members on the Executive committee have held every elected position twice. They have done their part. How about you?

Extended Nominations Period

In light of the lack of nominations submitted during the regular nominating period, the Executive Committee voted to extend the deadline to the middle of November. Please send any nominations for yourself or another member of the section to the return mailing address on the newsletter. The officer positions will be finalized at the Christmas banquet currently targeted for early December. The actual terms of office will commence January 1st, 2001.


One of the goals we had this year was to research the formation of a Graduates Of the Last Decade (GOLD) affinity group. We have not had the resources to do so. If you are a gradute of the last Decade, and are interested in finding out more about the program, IEEE offers the website ending with /goal in the important websites block on page 3.

Officer Recommendations for 2001

Section Chair - Kathryn Rhinehart

Vice Chair - Leon Migdalski

Secretary - Robert Morrison

Treasurer - Wayne Rendla

Computer Society Chair - Touraj Iranipour

Computer Society Vice

Chair - Bahman Motlagh

IEEE Events

Oct. 1-4, 2000

9th International Conference on Harmonics and

Quality of Power (ICHQP IX) Formerly - ICHPS


The Walt Disney Contemporary

Resort, Orlando, FL


Univ. of Florida Conf. Dept.

UF Box 113172

Gainesville, FL 32611-3172

(+1 352 392 1701 Ext. 243

+1 352 392 6950 (Fax)

Oct. 4-6, 2000

2000 5th International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems

(DARS 2000)


Knoxville Hilton

Knoxville, TN


Dr. Lynne E. Parker

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

P. O. Box 2008

Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6355

+1 423 241 4959

+1 423 574 0405 (Fax)

Oct. 8-11, 2000

2000 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics


Sheraton Music City Hotel

Nashville, TN


Ms. Flo Fottrell

Vanderbilt University

Box 131, Station B

Nashville, TN 37235

+1 615 343 0697

+1 615 322 7062 (Fax)

Oct. 15-18, 2000

2000 IEEE 15th Annual Workshop on Computer Communications


South Seas Resort

Captiva Island, FL


Prof. Malathi Veeraraghavan

Polytechnic University

6 Metrotech Center

Brooklyn, NY 11201

+1 718 260 3493

+1 718 260 3074 (Fax)

Oct. 16-18, 2000

2000 4th IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC)


Sheraton Colony Square

Atlanta, GA


Prof. Thad Starner

Georgia Tech.

College of Computing

Atlanta, GA 30332

+1 404 385 0816

Oct. 17-20, 2000

2000 IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Behavioral Modeling & Simulation (VHDL/BMAS Fall Workshop 2000)


The Omni Rosen Hotel

Orlando, FL


Ms. Kathy Maclennan

MP Associates, Inc.

5305 Spine Road - Suite A

Boulder, CO 80301

+1 303 530 4562

Nov. 8-10, 2000

2000 IEEE 25th Conference on Local Computer Networks


Embassy Suites

Tampa, FL


Mr. Frank Huebner

AT&T Labs., Room MT-D5-3C18

200 Laurel Ave.

Middletown, NJ 07748

+1 732 420 3718

+1 732 368 1919 (Fax)

Nov. 27-30, 2000

2000 IEEE 21st Real-Time Systems Symposium


Hilton Walt Disney World

Orlando, FL


Dr. Wei Zhao

1730 Massachusetts Ave., NW

Washington, DC 20036-1992

+1 202 371 1013

+1 202 728 0884 (Fax)

Dec. 3-6, 2000

2000 Multiaccess Mobility & Teletraffic for Wireless Communications (MMT 2000)


Hawk's Cay Resort

Duck Key, FL


Prof. Gordon L. Stuber

School of ECE

Georgia Tech

Atlanta, GA 30332-0250

+1 404 894 2923

+1 404 894 7883 (Fax)

Dec. 10-13, 2000

2000 Winter Simulation Conference - (WSC 2000)


Wyndam Palace Resort & Spa

Orlando, FL


Prof. Paul Fishwick

Dept. of Comp. & Info. Sci. and Engrg.

Univ. of Florida

Bldg. CSE, Room 301

Gainesville, FL 32611

+1 352 392 1414

+1 352 392 1414 (Fax)

Mar. 19-21, 2001

2001 International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Microsystems, Semiconductors, Sensors, and Actuators (MSM)


Hilton Oceanfront Resort

Hilton Head Island, SC


Ms. Sarah Wenning

4847 Hopyard Rd.

Suite 4-381

Pleasanton, CA 94588

+1 925 847 9152

+1 925 847 9153 (Fax)

Mar. 30-Apr. 01, 2001



Madren Center

Clemson, SC


Mr. Nick Pasquerilla

629 Spearman Rd.

Pelzer, SC 29669

+1 864 882 2414

+1 864 882 2841 (Fax)


For additional information concerning IEEE Events, the Technical Activities guide may be found at the /tag.html website listed in the important websites block.

IEEE Canaveral Section

PO Box 23691

Cocoa, FL 32923

Non-Profit Org.

U.S. Postage Paid

Permit No. 152

Cocoa, FL 32922