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Integration Scenario Between SAP S/4HANA and SAP HANA Cloud PlatformAPO
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SAP Best Practices

Integration Scenario between SAP S/4HANA and SAP HANA Cloud Platform


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Icon / Meaning
/ Caution
/ Example
/ Note
/ Recommendation
/ Syntax
/ External Process

Typographic Convention

Type Style / Description
Example / Words or characters quoted from the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons labels, menu names, menu paths, and menu options.
Textual cross-references to other documents.
Example / Emphasized words or expressions.
EXAMPLE / Technical names of system objects. These include report names, program names, transaction codes, table names, and key concepts of a programming language when they are surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE.
Example / Output on the screen. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages, names of variables and parameters, source text, and names of installation, upgrade and database tools.
Example / Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documentation.
<Example> / Variable user entry. Angle brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries to make entries in the system.
EXAMPLE / Keys on the keyboard, for example, F2 or ENTER.





3.1Configure Web IDE on SAP HANA Cloud Platform

3.1.1Enabling the SAP Web IDE and Portal Service in SAP HANA Cloud Platform

3.1.2Create Your First Fiori Launchpad Site (optional)

3.1.3Opening SAP Web IDE for the First Time

3.1.4Entering the Git User Settings (Optional)

3.1.5Installing and Configuring the SAP HANA Cloud Connector

3.1.6Connecting the Remote Systems

3.2SAP Fiori Overview Page Package

3.3SAP Smart Business Service

3.3.1Enabling SAP Smart Business Service

3.3.2Smart Business Modeler Apps a New Destination Create KPI Create Evaluation Configure KPI Tiles Configure KPI Drill-Down Tile to Home a KPI or OPI (Optional) a KPI or OPI (Optional)

Integration Scenario Between SAP S/4HANA and SAP HANA Cloud Platform


The purpose of this document is to describe the configuration steps required to build a SAP Fiori Analytics APP based on OData from SAP S/4HANA system.


Before you start the configuration of Integration Scenario between SAP S/4HANA and SAP HANA Cloud Platform, you need to make sure following system configurations are finished.

  • User Access for SAP S/4HANA system
  • User Access for SAP HANA Cloud Platform with Developer and Cloud Connector Admin roles assigned.
  • The SAP HANA Cloud Platform is able to enable the corresponding services, for example SAP Portal service, SAP Web IDE and SAP Smart Business Service.


3.1Configure WebIDEon SAP HANA Cloud Platform

3.1.1Enabling the SAP Web IDE and Portal Service in SAP HANA Cloud Platform


The purpose of this section is to describe the steps of opening the SAP HANA Cloud system and enabling the SAP Web IDE service.


  1. Open SAP HANA Cloud Platform cockpit through the following links, in this case we log on in Productive use (United States East).

Option / Description
Productive use / Europe)
United States East)
United States West)
Trial use /
  1. Click Logon.
  2. Enter the Username and Password. The user is an account member.
  3. Click Logon.
  4. In SAPHANACloudPlatformCockpit screen, click Services in the left navigation panel.

Initially when you log in, you will be in a different path. So follow the hierarchy Data center Global account  Account, for example USEastSaKPMSteamSaKP.

  1. Click on the tile SAP Web IDE in Dev &Ops group, you can see the icon on the top left corner is grey and shows Not enabled .
  2. Click on the Enable button to subscribe this service.
  3. Back to Service screen, click on the tile PortalService in UserExperience group.
  4. Click on Enable button to subscribe this service.
  5. After the service is enabled, click on Configure Portal Service to check whether the role TENANT_ADMIN has been assigned to your account user.
  6. SelectRolesin left pane.
  7. Select the role TENANT_ADMIN.
  8. In Individual Users list and Groups list, you can see the User IDs and Groups which the role has been assigned to.
  9. Check whether your user id or the Group your user belong to is already in the Individual Users list or Groups list.
  10. If not, connect to your system administrator.

TENANT_ADMIN role must be assigned to user in order to register created apps to Fiori Launchpad and subscribe to SAP Smart Business Service.If you subscribe to Portal Service, by default TENANT_ADMIN role is assigned to your user.In case SAP HANA Portal Service is already subscribed previously, your user may not have TENANT_ADMIN role. In this case, you need to connect to system administrator to assign the TENANT_ADMIN role manually.


The Service Web IDE and Portalare enabled.

3.1.2Create Your First Fiori Launchpad Site(optional)


This is an optional section. The purpose of this section is to describe how to create Fiori Launchpad Site. By default there will be a default Fiori Launchpad Site named Default after the Portal Service is enabled. If you want to create your own Fiori Launchpad site, you can refer to this section.

You must have the TENANT_ADMIN role to create a new site.


  1. Log on to the SAP HANA Cloud Platform cockpit.
  2. Go to SAP HANA Cloud Platformaccount.
  3. Click on Services section in left pane.
  4. Click onPortalService tile in the UserExperience group.
  5. Click on Go to Service.
  6. You will log on to SAP HANA Cloud Platform, Portal Service in a new tab.
  7. Click on Site Directory section in left pane.
  8. Click plus icon to create a new Fiori Launchpad site.
  9. In Create Site dialog, enter a name for the site in *Site Name box, for example MyDefault.
  10. Select SAP Fiori Launchpad as site template.
  11. Click on Create, a new web page will be opened where you can set up this Fiori Launchpad Site.
  12. In the new page, click on Publish sitebutton in the top-right of the screen.
  13. In the WARNING dialog, click on Publish.


A new Fiori Launchpad Site has been created and published.

3.1.3Opening SAP Web IDE for the First Time


The purpose of this section is to describe the steps of opening SAP Web IDE tool.


  1. Login to the SAP HANA Cloud Platform cockpit.
  2. In SAPHANACloudPlatformCockpit screen, click Services in the left navigation panel.
  3. Click on the tile SAP Web IDE. You can see the icon turns green and shows Enabled.
  4. Click Open SAP Web IDE.

Opening multiple instances of SAP Web IDE in parallel may cause issues. For Known Issues, seeKnown Issues. You would also find more information at



You can see your SAP Web IDE tool is getting loaded.

3.1.4Entering the Git User Settings(Optional)


Before SAP Web IDE tool can be used with Git, you need to provide some information related to your name and your email address.The purpose of this section is to describe the steps of entering the Git User Setting.


  1. Open SAP Web IDE.
  2. Choose Preferences.
  3. SelectGitSettings.
  4. In GitSettings section, enter your name and your email address in Git Email Adress: box and Git User Name: box.
  5. Click on Save.


Now you can use SAP Web IDE tool with Git.

3.1.5Installing and Configuring the SAP HANA Cloud Connector


SAP Web IDE is ready, but it cannot connect to remote systems yet. The steps listed in this section and in the next one, will do the job. You need to configure the SAP HANA Cloud Connector in order to connect the destinations, which you are going to define in the next section, with the required systems.


  1. Download the SAP HANA Cloud Connector from the link
  2. Once download, unzip the installer package and move the resulting folder in a suitable place on your local machine.

For windows you have also an installer package (the one with the .msi extension). If you use it, you can skip step 2.

  1. Go inside the extracted installer package folder.
  2. Run the file go.bat in case of Windows OS).
  3. When the Connector is started you should see the osgi> prompt.

If you need to close the Connector, you can simply type “close” in this console and the Connector will be closed

  1. Open browser(for example Google Chrome) and go to the link

If you get the error: “Your connection is not private”, click on Advanced. This error comes because you don’t have yet any valid certificate for this localhost server. Click on Proceed to localhost(unsafe).

  1. Enter the following credentials in SAP HANA Cloud Connector Login dialog.

Parameters / Value
User Name / Administrator
Password / manage
  1. Click on Login.
  2. In Choose Installation Type dialog box, choose Master (Primary Installation) as the installation type since this is your first time you are installing the product and this is the only SAP HANA Cloud Connector in your system.
  3. Click on Apply.
  4. In MandatoryPasswordChange dialog box, you need to change the password because this is the first time you log in.

Parameters / Value
Old Password:* / enter your old password manage
New Password:* / enter a new password
Repeat New Password:* / repeat the new password
  1. Click on Save.
  2. In SetUpInitialConfiguration dialog box, Provide the following initial configuration.

Parameters / Value
Landscape Host:* / select the landscape host which depend on how you log on to the SAP HANA Cloud Platform, for

The productive landscape is available on a regional basis, where each region represents the location of a data center:
·United States: East) and West)
Account Name:* / enter your account name on the landscape host
Display Name: / Optional, you can define a Display Name, which allows you to easily recognize a specific account compared to the technical Account Name.
Account User:* / enter your user name on the landscape host
Password:* / enter your password
Host: / only if required ( for SAP users is “proxy”)
Port: / only if required (for SAP users is “8080”)

For Account Name, Account User and Password, enter the values you obtained when you registered your account on SAP HANA Cloud Platform or add a new Account User with role Cloud Connector Admin from the Members tab in the SAP HANA Cloud cockpit and use the new user and password.

HTTPS Proxy information is only needed if you are in a network that requires a proxy, for example the SAP network.

  1. Click on Apply.
  2. The landscape is configured. Now you need to add some mappings with the real systems. Click onAccess Control in SAP HANA Cloud Connector Administration screen.
  3. Click on Add… in the MappingVirtualToInternalSystem section.
  4. In Add System Mapping dialog box, select back-end type of on-premise system, for example ABAPSystem.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Select Protocol HTTPSfor communication with on-premise system.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Enter internal (on-premise) host and port.

Parameters / Value
Internal Host:* / for example
Internal Port:* / for example 44321
  1. Click Next.
  2. (Optionally) Enter virtual host and port (used on cloud-side), which of course can be different from the real one.

Parameters / Value
Virtual Host: / for example ldciuxs
Virtual Port: / for example 8000

The virtual host and port is same as the real one by default.

Please remember the virtual host and port which will be used to create Destination in the next chapter.

  1. Click Next.
  2. Select principal type None.
  3. Click Next.
  4. (Optionally) Enter a description.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Check the check box Check availability of internal host.
  7. Click on Finish.

What you was doing in above ten steps is to assign to a real backend system a virtual name. In this way you can decouple the SAP Web IDE from the backend infrastructure. You can also create a virtual port, which of course can be different from the real one. In this case, we use as virtual server name “ldciuxs” on the port 8000; this will be linked to the physical system UXS with the URL

Please be aware that the server used in this document (UXS) is just an example, you can map to your real system.

  1. Now you need to add all the Resources related to the Usages you want to have in your SAP Web IDE.

These Resources are the paths to be concatenated with the server URL in order to have the complete paths to the resources. For example, if you want to configure your SAP Web IDE to consume the OData service at the address extend some SAP Fiori applications at the address you just need to add the common part (the server name and the port) in the system mapping and all the different paths of resources.

  1. In MappingVirtualToInternalSystem section, select the particular Virtual Host line item we just created.
  2. In Resources Accessible On section, Click on Add….

In this case let’s add just the following resources: “/sap/opu/odata”, “/sap/bc/adt” and “/sap/bc/ui5_ui5”,because for that server we want to use OData services, extend applications and also execute someSAPUI5 applications

  1. In Add Resource dialog box, enter the following resource information.

Parameters / Value
Enabled : / check
URL Path:* / /sap/opu/odata
Access Policy: / select Path and all sub-paths
  1. Click on Save.
  2. Repeat step33 – step35 to add the remaining other resources according to the following table.

Usage / URL Path / Access Policy / Enabled
odata_abap / /sap/opu/odata / Path and all sub-paths / Check
dev_abap / /sap/bc/adt / Path and all sub-paths / Check
ui5_execute_abap / /sap/bc/ui5_ui5 / Path and all sub-paths / Check

Each SAP HANA Cloud Platform account can be connected to one cloud connector only. A single cloud connector can expose an arbitrary number of back-end systems.


SAP HANA Cloud connector has been properly configured. The status is green and it’s

Connected. You have successfully installed and configured your SAP HANA Cloud Connector.

3.1.6Connecting the Remote Systems


In the previous section the SAP HANA Cloud Connector has been configured with a virtual server pointing to a given real server. This was pretty easy to do. Now you have to say to your SAP Web IDE to point to the virtual server you have created, mapping to it all the related resources. You are going to setup, in the SAP HANA Cloud Cockpit, a new destination: this destination will give to the SAP Web IDE, the information about where to look for the specified backend.