How to Apply for the 2017 PTT Grants Program
Please read the Call for Proposals to be certain your project complies with the general requirements of the PTT Grants Program. All applications must be submitted through the website. In order to help guide you through this process, NCPTT staff have compiled the following guidance:
PTT proposal submittal in requires completion of seven documents:
- SF424
- Key Contacts Form
- Other Attachment: Project Cover Sheet
- Project Narrative
- SF-424A Budget
- SF-424B Assurances for Non-Construction Programs
- SF-LLL Lobbying Assurances
Download, fill-out, and submit forms at
For the 2016 PTT Grants Program use opportunity number P16ASXXXXX.
An application package containing the seven forms can be found by searching on the opportunity number or the CFDA number (15.923).
Information on how to fill out the SF-424 Application for Federal Assistance is found at
Key Contacts Form
Please provide information for the Principal Investigator or Project Manager. This is the person principally responsible for completing the work. Information for filling out the key contacts form can be found at
Other Attachment: Project Cover Sheet
The project cover sheet will be a file attachment in the application. Please use the Other Attachments Form to upload your Project Cover Sheet. The cover sheet is a downloadable PDF file that can be found with this funding opportunity. It consists of the following sections and contents:
- Applicant Project Director
- Name
- Address
- Phone
- Fax
- Categories
- Grant Type (CHOOSE ONE)
- Grant Discipline (CHOOSE ONE)
- Grant Focus (CHOOSE ONE)
- Institution
- Institution Name
- Institution Signatory for Grant
- Institution Address
- Signatory Email
- Signatory Phone
- Signatory Fax
- Application Information
- Project Title
- Project Brief Description
- Budget
- Request from NCPTT
- Cost Sharing
- Total Project Budget
Project Narrative Attachment
The project narrative will be a file attachment in the application. Please use the Project Narrative Attachment Form. Create the file in Microsoft Word or Word compatible software.
The project narrative must follow the outline below:
- Research
- Workshop
- Symposium
- Technical Publication
- Video
- Podcast
- Webinar
- Archeology
- Architecture
- Collections Management
- Engineering
- Historic Landscapes
- Materials Conservation
- Climate Change Impacts
- Disaster Planning and Response
- Modeling and Managing Big Data
- Innovative Techniques for Documentation
- Protective Coatings and Treatments
- Other
- PROJECT ABSTRACT (250 words)
6. INNOVATION. Please explain how your project addresses, uses or adapts innovative preservation technology (100 words)
7. NATIONAL NEED AND IMPACT: Describe the project’s significance and national impact (250 words). How will this project benefit the American Public? How can this project be used in other regions of the country? Does this project cut across disciplines?
8. BACKGROUND: Offer the pertinent background information, written for a general audience (500 words)
9. METHODOLOGY: Explain the methodology to be used in the project (up to 1,000 words)
- REFERENCES: Please provide no more than a one page list of bibliographic references for the project.
11. WORK PLAN: Provide a bulleted list of tasks with time frame. Insure work plan is feasible and can be completed in one year. (500 words)
a. Example:
i. Month One: Purchase all supplies and test materials
ii. Months Two through Five: Develop test protocols
iii. Months Six through Eight: Undertake tests
iv. Month Nine: Compare test results
v. Months Ten through Eleven: Write up results and all final protocols
vi. Month Twelve: Make necessary revisions and submit grant reports
12. DISSEMINATION PLAN: Explain how the results of your project will be disseminated to the end users. (250 words)
13. QUALIFICATIONS: Prepare a narrative summary of the expertise of the team. (500 words) Attach one-page resumes of each team member.
- BUDGET NARRATIVE: Prepare the SF-424A according to directions. Insure that travel and salaries meet federal guidelines. If the project is expected to generate income, for example by registration fees for a workshop or symposium, please indicate the nature and source of the income. How will these funds be used to offset costs for the project? (250 words)
- OUTCOMES: Describe tangible outcomes associated with project (500 words). In addition to the interim and final reports required for the grant, will there be other products? Written papers? Presentations? Social Media? Websites? Handbooks? Etc.
SF-424 A Budget Information for Non-Construction Programs
Please do not request more than the maximum allowable amount of $40,000. The actual grant award amount is dependent on the scope of the proposed activity. Research grants are typically between $25,000 and $40,000. Workshops and Symposia are typically between $15,000 and $25,000. How-to videos, mobile applications, podcasts, best practices publications, or webinars that disseminate practical preservation methods or provide better tools for preservation practice are typically $5,000 to $15,000.
Instructions for Budget Information for Non-Construction Programs (SF-424A) can be found at
SF-424 B Assurances for Non-Construction Programs
Instructions for Assurances for Non-Construction Programs (SF-424B) can be found at
TIPS for filling out forms:
• The form requires a nine digit zip code, if your grant doesn’t have one, look it up at!input.action
• To find the congressional district, You will use the first to letters of the state and three numbers for the district. For example, the Sixth congressional district of Idaho is ID006.
Submitting your package
• Upon completion of your forms, go to the top of the application page, and click “check package for errors.” The program will highlight issues on the forms that can be corrected. Click the “check package for errors” button again.
• Once the forms have passed, you will go to the save button on top of the application package and save a copy on your computer.
• The “Save and Submit” button will become active after you have saved your form to your computer.
• Submit the package by clicking on “Save and Submit.” You will receive a confirmation on your computer screen when the package is successfully submitted.
For more information contact:
Andy Ferrell, Chief, Architecture & Engineering
Dr. Mary F. Striegel, Chief, Materials Conservation
Tad Britt, Chief, Archeology & Collections
Debbie Smith, Chief, Historic Landscapes
645 College Avenue
Natchitoches, LA 71457
Telephone: 318/356-7444 Fax: 318/356-9119