Holy Week 2015
for children
The story of Jesus’ Passion, Crucifixion, and Resurrection is a story we are invited to ‘enter into’, so here in this community of Our Lady of the Rosary, there are plenty of opportunities for us to join Jesus’ disciples on their journey through Holy Week…
Palm Sunday 29/30th March
The usual weekend Masses begin on the Parish Patio, as we wave palm leaves and commemorate the joyful entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem. Will Jesus be made King by the end of the week? Once we get into church and hear the words of the Passion, we discover that this will not be happening…
Spy Wednesday 1st April
Today is known as ‘Spy Wednesday’, for it is the day on which it is said that Judas arranged with the chief priests to betray Jesus. Judas became a ‘spy’.
Spy Wednesday Parish Trip
On Spy Wednesday, we are having a parish family day trip. We will be sneaking onto a train at Staines station and travelling to the beautiful city of Salisbury. Salisbury is a great place to explore, with a Cathedral, some old ruins, lots of shops and restaurants, and (at additional cost) there is a bus to Stonehenge.The cost of the trip is £22 per adult and £10 per child, with any savings on the final fare (it varies depending on numbers) being refunded on the day of travel. We expect a 9 am start and a return around 7 pm. If you would like to come, please fill in a booking form and return by the weekend with your payment.
Holy Thursday 2ndApril
Recommended for older children
8 pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Washing of the Feet, Commemoration of the First Eucharist, Procession to the Altar of Repose, Watching until ‘midnight’ (optional!)
Good Friday 3rdApril
Good Friday Workshop
This popular workshop takes place again this year, with drama and crafts for children of Reception – Year 6. Arrive at 8.50 am for a prompt start.
This year we will try to offer the children a choice of drama or ‘craft’ activities – so when you fill in the registration form, please indicate what choice they prefer. While we will make every effort to accommodate this preference, it is not guaranteed.
The workshop concludes with a special service at 10.45 am. Come to this and collect your children at the end!Fill in the form overleaf to register.
Recommended for older children
3 pm Good Friday Liturgy of the Passion
Passion Gospel, Veneration of the Cross, Holy Communion
Holy Saturday 4th April
11 am Swiecenie Pokarmow This is the traditional Polish Blessing of the Easter breakfast – but you don’t have to be Polish to come!
12 noon and 3 pm
At the Riverside Gardens (opposite Debenhams) there will be a live performance of the Passion of Christ. This is being put on by all the Christian Churches in Staines, and although free to watch, it will be a professional, large scale, open air drama, on an even bigger scale than last year! Come along and see what will happen…
Recommended for older children
8.30 pm The Easter Vigil
Blessing of the New Fire and Paschal Candle, Adult Baptism and Confirmations, First Mass of Easter, ‘champagne’ afterwards
Easter Sunday 5th April
9 and 11 am – Easter Day Mass
The entire point of Lent, in fact the very reason it was first invented, was as a way of getting ready for Easter. Giving things up, praying better, doing good things – the purpose of this is to prepare to celebrate Easter with minds and hearts renewed. On Easter Sunday we renew the promises of our Baptism, shout a joyful word that has not been uttered for 6½ weeks, and celebrate Mass on the most important day of the entire Christian year. There will be a small treat for every child!
Remember that Easter Season (Eastertide) lasts 50 days – longer than Lent, so try to keep something tasty back for Pentecost, when Easter ends.
Children’s Good Friday Workshop 2015REGISTRATION FORM
All children must be in Reception class and above
Name(s) of children / Date(s) of birth / School / Class / Prefer Drama or Crafts?
Emergency contact number
I am willing to allow the above named child(ren) to take part in this activity.
As far as I am aware they are in good health.
They do/do not* suffer from diabetes.
They do/do not* suffer from epilepsy.
They do/do not* suffer from asthma.
They do/do not* suffer from allergies. *amend as appropriate
(Any weakness or disability calling for special care or attention, including any medicines prescribed at the present time, should be mentioned on the back of this form).
In the event of my child being taken ill or injured when I am not present, to the extent that a surgical operation or antibiotics/tetanus immunisation/medication as advised by a doctor becomes necessary, I authorise
Fr. Philip Dyer-Perry
to sign on my behalf any forms of consent requested by the medical authorities provided the delay requires to obtain my own signature might be considered likely in the opinion of the doctor or surgeon concerned to endanger my child’s health or safety.
Parent/guardian name / Signature / Date
- Please return this form to the presbytery letter box or to Fr. Philip by Sunday 29th March, however it is advisable to hand it in as soon as possible.
- On Friday 3rdApril come to the main doors of the Church in order to ‘check in’.
- The workshop starts at 8.50 am and ends with a service in church at 10.45 am, at which you will be reunited with your children.