Umqll Henry Stout
The testament dative and inventar of the guides geir somes of money & debtis cquhilkis perteinit to umqll henry stout in dritnes within the parochin of stronsay & lordschipe of orknay quha deceist in the month of octr 1631 faithfullie maid & givin up be Jonat Dyke his relict spous in name of david william nobell & katherine stoutis his lawll bairnes & exeris datives decernit to the defunct be decreit of the comissyr of orknay & zetland as the samen of the dait the fourteme of march instant beirs
In the first the said umqll henry had the guides geir somes of money & debtis of the availes quantities & pryces rpve following pertaining to him the tyme of his deceis forsaid viz ane hors pryce xl sh item ane meir pryce v L item tua ky pryce of the piece v L inde x L item sevin scheipe pryce of the piece xx sh inde vii L item in the barne & barneyard tolve meiles beir pryce of the meile iij L inde xxxvi L item tua meiles aites pryce of the meile xl sh inde iiij L item in utenseiles & domiceiles with the abulyementis of the defunctis body
estimat iij L
Suma of the inventar lxvij L
Na debtis awand to the deid
Ffollowis the debtis awand be the deid
From the said umqll henry was restand awand the tyme of his deceis forsaid to his maTies chamerlounes in land mailes sex meiles beir pryce of the meile iij L inde xviij L From postvivit upon his burial xxiiij sh
Suma of his debtis awand be the deid xix L iiij sh
Restis of frie geir the debtis deducit is xlvij L xvj sh
To be dovided in thrie ptis deides pt is xvi L xix sh
Cqs of the quotis compomt for xiij sh iiij d
I Harie Aitken Comissyr of orknay & zetland Speallie constitute for confirmation of testamentis understanding that efter dew sumonning & lawll warning maid be form of edict opinlie as effeires of the exeres & intrometsaris with guides & geir of the said umqll henry & utheris haveand entres to compeir judiciallie befor me to heir & sie exeris datives to be gevin admittit & confirmit in & to the guides & geir quhilkis aperteinit to him or els to alledge ane resbll caus quhy etc I decernit thruntill in maner forsaid as my decreit givin thrupon beires conforne to the quhilke I the said comissr makis constitutes ordanes & consuies the said david william nobell & katherine stouts judydrs datives to the said umqll henry thr father with power to them to intrometrony uptake follow & persew as law will the guides & geir abune specified to outred of sheas & that the said guides & geir sall be maid furthcummand to all parties haveand entres & so as law will qurupon caution is found as ane act maid thrupon beires
Apud Sanger in stronsay octet aprilis 1633
1 horse 2 - -
1 mare 5 - -
2 cows @ £5 10 - -
7 sheep @ £20s 7 - -
12 meils bere @ £3 36 - -
2 meils oats @ 40s 4 - -
Total 67 - -
Rent 6 meils bere @£3 18 - -
Burial expenses 1 4 -
Total 19 4 -
Balance 47 16 -