Научные труды:

01. Batyraliev TA. Grudsin GV, Enutina GV. Tazabekova GK,:Electrocardiographic changes in patients with chronic alcoholism. Proc. of the all Union actual problems of diagnostis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Conference of Yong Scientists, Moscow, 1986 (Abst.)

02. Grudcin G.V., Batyraliev T.A.. Ostroumov E.N. Thallium-201 scintigraphy in chronic alcoholism patients with interventricular conduction disturbances. Proceedings of 47th Conference of Turkmen Medical Institute, Ashgabad, 1987, (Abstract).

03. Zinkin A.V., Gorgaslidze A., Batyraliev T.A. Functional capacity of sinus node in patients with alcohol cardiomyopathy. Proceedings of II Conference of Belorussian cardiologists, Minsk, 1987. (Abstract).

04. Smetnev A.V., Grudcin G.V., Batyraliev T.A. Mechanism of atrial flutter in patients with alcohol cardiomyopathy. (Ibid, Abstract).

05. Smetnev A.S., Batyraliev T.A., Grudcin G.V. Initial stage of alcohol cardiomyopathy (clinics and hemodynamics). Proceedings of the I Conferences of cardiologists of Kyrgyzstan, Frunze, 1987. (Abstract).

06. Sobol Y.S., Gorshkov A.Sh., Batyraliev T.A. Transesophageal atrial pacing in the assessment of the left ventricular function in alcohol cardiomyopathy according to the 2DECHO data. (Ibid, Abstract).

07. Grudcyn G.V., Smetnev A.S., Batyraliev TA, Gorgaslidze AG, Samko AN. Clinical course of the intial stage of alcohol cardiomyopathy in patients with episodic and systematic form of drinking. Kardiologia, 1987; 27 (12); 39-42.

08. Smetnev A.S., Gorgaslidze A., Batyraliev T.A. et al. Diagnostic value of 24-hour ECG monitoring, bicycle test and inter ventricular electrophysilogic intestigation in the assessment of arrhythmiasin patients with alcohol cardiomyopathy. Ter. Arkhiv 1988, 60(10):1, 49-51.

09. Batyraliev T.A., Samko A.N., Grudcin G.V. et al. Volume test in diagnostic of early right heart failure in alcohol cardiomyopathy. J. of Cardiology 1988, 3, 83-86.

10. Gorgaslidze A., Zinkin A., Batyraliev T.A., Grudcin G.V. Cardiac rhythm disturbances in alcohol cardiomyopathy. Proceedings of 17th Conference of Young Scientists of Georgia, Bakuriani, 1988. (Abstract).

11. Grudcyn G.V., Batyraliev T.A.. Drozdov E.S. Alcohol cardiomyopathy. Kardiologia 1988, 28(4):10-110.

12. Gorgaslidze A., Zinkin A.V., Batyraliev T.A., Grudcin A.V. Cardiac arrhytmias and conduction disturbances in patients with chronic alcoholizm. J. Problems of Narcology 1988, 2, 49-53.

13. Batyraliev T.A. Contractile function of myocardium in patients with chronic alcoholizm. Moscov, 1988, p.26.

14. Rukosuev V.S., Moiseev V.S., Shetepin A.A., Ogurcov P.P., Nanaev A.K., Batyraliev T.A. Immunologic disturbances in noncoronary diseases. J of Clinical Medicine 1988, 8, 71-75.

15. Smetnev A.V., Batyraliev T.A., Grudcin G.V., Samko A.N. Functional state of right ventricular contractility in alcohol cardiomyopathy. Proceedings of Conference of Russian Cardilogic Society, Penza, 1988. (Extanded Abstract).

16. Nanaev A.K., Rukosuev V.S., Batyraliev T.A. et al. Immunologic investigation of myocardial byopsy in alcohol cardiomyopathy. Proceedings of Conference of Russian Cardilogic Society, Penza, 1988. (Extanded Abstract).

17. Savchenko A.P., Samko A.N., Batyratiev T.A. et al. Left ventricular contractyiity in alcohol cardiomyopatgy during volume test. Proceedings of Conference of Russian Cardjiogic Society, Penza, 1988. (Extanded Abstract).

18. Smetnev A.S., Samko A.N., Batyraliev T.A. et al. Right ventricular contractyiity in alcohol cardiomyopathy during volume test. Ter. Arkhiv 1988, 60(10):113-115.

19. Smetnev A.S., Batyraliev T.A.. Grudcin G.V. et al. Volume test in diagnostics of latent heart failure in alcohol cardiomyopathy. Proceedings of II Conference of Cardiologists of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, 1988. (Abstract).

20. Smetnev A.S., Batyraliev T.A., Samko A.N. et al. Status of coronary artery bed and left ventricular contractilyti in alcohol cardiomyopathy. Proceedings of II Conference of Physishians of Kyrgyzstan, Frunze, 1988. (Abstract).

21. Savchenko A.P., Samko A.N., Batyraliev T.A. et ai. The Volume test in the assessment of the left ventricular functional state in patients with chronic alcoholizm during contrast ventriculography. Kardiologia 1988, 28(11): 119-120.

22. Smetnev A.S., Savchenko A.P.. Batyraliev T.A.. Samko A.N. Left and Right ventricular Contractility Function in Chronic alcoholics without cardiomegaly. Proceedings of 10th European Conference of Internal Medicine, Brussels, 1989. (Abstract)

23. Savchenko A.P., Smetnev A.S., Batyraliev T.A. et al. Myocardial contractility in chronic alcoholizm. J. Sovetskaya Medicina 1988, 11, 3-5.

24. Zinkin A.V., Gorgaslidze A., Batyraliev T.A.. Grudcin G.V. Functional state of cardiac conduction system in patients with alcohol cardiomyopathy. Bulletin of Cardilogic Research Centre 1989, 1, 16-20.

25. Gorgaslidze AG, Smetnev A.S., Zinkin A.V., Batyraliev T.A., Grudcin G.V. Atrial flutter in alcohol cardiomyopathy. Kardiologia 1989, 29(5), 36-39.

26. Smetnev A.S., Savchenko A.P., Batyraliev T.A., Samko A.N. Digital ventriculography in the assessment of ventricular confractility and their compensatoric reserves in chronic alcoholizm patients. Proceedings of the ALL-Union Conference of Physicians, Frunze, 1989. (Abstract).

27. Sergakova L.M., Ali SadekAli, Batyraliev T.A., Grudcin G.V. Diastolic function of ventricules in alcohol cardimyopathy according to the Doppler ECHOCG and catheterization datas. Proceedings of the ALL-Union Conference of Physicians, Frunze, 1989. (Abstract).

28. Gorgaslidze A., Zinkin A.V., Batyraliev T.A. et al. ECG changes in chronic alcoholizm patients. J. of Public Health, Kishinev, 1989, 4, 40-42.

29. Smetnev A.S., Batyraliev T.A., Belogubec V.I. et al. Changes of central hemodynamics and left ventricular contractility during volume test in patients with chronic alcoholizm according to the duration of alcoholizm. Ter Arkhiv. 1989, 61(9):69-71.

30. Batyraliev T.A.. Samko A.N., Gorgaslidze A. Complex arrhythimias and left ventricular contractility in patients with chronic alcoholizm. Proceedings of 6th Conference of Rissian Physicians, Gorky, 1989. (Abstract).

31. Rukosuev V.S., Nanaev A.K., Batyraliev T.A.. Samko A.N. Localization of some extracellular matrix components in myocardial byopsy in alcohol cardiomyopathy. Bulletin of Cardiologic Research Centre 1989, 2, 88-94.

32. Smetnev A.S., Grudcin G.V., Batyraliev T.A. et al. Alcohol cardiomyopathy and principals if its treatment, Moscow, 1989.

33. Sobol S.Yu, Gorshkov A.Sh., Batyraliyev T.A. Left and right ventricular function in chronic alcoholig damage to the heart: Two-Dimensional echocardiographic findings. Kardiobgya (Moscow), 1989. 29:V-11, p.107-111.

34. Smetnev A.S., Batyraliev T.A., Belogubec V.I., Koltunova M.I. Functional state of heart in patients with chronic alcoholizm with interventricular conduction disturbances. J. Vrachebnoe Delo 1990, 1, 69-72.

35. Savchenko A.P., Samko A.N., Batyraliev T.A.. Smetnev A.S. Evaluation of right ventricular function in chronic alcoholics using volume-load test. Proceedings of 11th Congress of Cardiology, Philuppine, 1990. (Abstract).

36. Moldotashev I.K., Batyraliev T.A., Niazova Z.A., Tashpolotov A.E. Nonivasive assessment of pulmonary circulation. Proceedings 4th All-Union Conference: State of circulation in conditions of high altitude and experimental hypoxy, Dushanbe, 1990. (Abstract).

37. Soodanbekova G.K., Moldotashev I.K., Batyraliev T.A. et al. Afrial natriiuretic peptide levels in health high-landers and patients with high-altitude pulmonary hypertension. Proceedings of 1st Conference of Physiologists of Middle Asia and Kasachskan, Dushanbe, 1991. (Abstract).

38 Batyraliev T.A.. Ermatov G.A., Kadyraliev K.K. Invasive assessment of pulmonary arterial pressure reactivity in highlanders using acute hypoxic test. Proceedings of 1st Conference of Physiologists of Middle Asia and Kasachskan, Dushanbe, 1991. (Abstract).

39. Moldotashev I.K., Aldashev A.A., Batyraliev T.A. et al. The reactivity of pulmonary arteries and activity of neurotransmitter receptors in permanent residents of high altitude. Proceedings of Congress of International Society for Patophysiology, Moscow, 1991. (Abstract)

40. Mirrakhimov M.M., Moldotashev I.K., Batyraliev T.A., Tashpolotov A.E. Pulmonary arteries hyperreactivity and its clinical significance. Proceedings of All-Union Congress on respiratory disesases, Chelyabinsk, 1991. (Abstract)

41. Moldotashev I.K., Batyraliev T.A., Masenko V.P., Soodanbekova G.K. Atrial natriiuretic peptide and renine levels in patients with high-altitude pulmonary hypertension. Proceedings of All-Union Congress on respiratory disesases, Chelyabinsk, 1991. (Abstract)

42. Kuruchbekova N.Sh., Nyazova Z.A., Batyraliev T.A. Corinfar in the treatment of high altitude pulmonary hypertension patients. Proceedings of All-Union Congress on respiratory disesases, Chelyabinsk, 1991. (Abstract)

43. Moldotashev I.K., Masenko V.P., Soodanbekova O.K., Batyraliev T.A Renine and Aldosterone levels in high Altitude residents. Proceedings of 1st Congress of Cardiologists of Kazachstan, Alma-Ata, 1991. (Abstract).

44. Batyraliev T.A.. Ermatov G.A., Kadyraliev K.K., Tashpolotov A.E. Left ventricular contractility in health highlanders during acute hypoxic test. Proceedings of 1st Congress of Cardiologists of Kazachstan, Alma-Ata, 1991. (Abstract).

45. Mirrakhimov M.M., Batyraliev T.A., Ermatov G.A. Right heart functional state in highlanders. Proceedings of 1st Congress of Cardiologists of Kazachstan, Alma-Ata, 1991. (Abstract).

46. Almerekova A.A., Batyraliev T.A., Karagulova G.O., Emilbekova D. Functonal state of platelets in high-altitude pulmonary hypertension. Proceedings of 1st Congress of Cardiologists of Kazachstan, Alma-Ata, 1991. (Abstract).

47. Moldotashev I.K., Kuruchbekova N.Sh., Nyazova Z.A., Batyraliev T.A. Hemodynamic effects of corinfar course treatment in high-altitude pulmonary hypertension. Proceedings of the 1st Congress of ultrasound diagnostics, Moscow, 1991. (Abstract).

48. Aldashev, A.A., I. Moldotashev, V. Titov, T. Batyraliev T and M.Mirrakhimov; "Increased platelet Ca channel activity in highlanders with hyperactivity of pulmonary vessels." Int.J.Sports Med. (1992) 13:81

49. Soodanbekova G.K., Kuaiberdiev G.Z., Masenko V.P., Batyraliev T.A., Nyazova Z.A. Pulmonary circulation of atrial nafri-uretic factor and plasma aldosterone in highlanders. Proceedings of the 2nd Intern. Symposium of pulmonary arterial hypertension. 1992, Bishkek. (Abstract).

50. Kuruchbekova N.Sh., Kudaiberdiev Z.M., Masenko V.P., Batyraliev T.A., Nyazova Z.A. Effects of nifedipine on the pulmonary circulation and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in patients with primary high - attitude arterial hypertension. Symposium of pulmonary arterial hypertension. 1992, Bishkek. (Abstract).

51. Aldashev A.A., Borbogulov U.M., Batyraliev T.A.. Moldotashev I.K., Mirrakhimov M.M. Decreased Ca cannel activity for Ca-antogonists in high-landaers with hypoxic pulmonary vascular hyperreactivity. Symposium of pulmonary arterial hypertension. 1992, Bishkek. (Abstract).

52. Nyazova Z.A., Batyraliev T.A.. Soodanbecova G.K., Kudaiberdiev Z.M. Noninvasive assessment of pulmonary arterial hypertension in highlanders. Proceeding 10th Europen Conference of the Intern. Society of Noninvasive Cardiology. October 15-17, 1992, Roterdam (Abstract).

53. Batyraliev T.A.. Soodanbecova G.K, Niyazova Z.A., Masenko V.P. Right Heart and Pulmonary Vascular Hyperreactivity in. Highlanders. J. of Heart Failure. Vol.1. Abs. Suppl. May. 1993. Geneva P.485

54. Mirrakhimov MM, Kudayberdiev ZM, Niyazova ZA, Batyraliev TA, Sodanbekova ZK. Current approaches to instrumental diagnosis of pulmonary arterial hypertension: qualitative methods of diagnosis (part l). Kardiologia. 1993; 33(12) : 70-4.

55. Soodanbecova G.K..,Batyraliev T.A., Niyazova Z.A. Aldosterone and Atrial natriuretic factory in healthy highlanders and those with high altitude pulmonary hypertension. J. 1 Heart Failure. Vol.1. Abs. Suppl. May. 1993. Geneva P.485 J. of Heart Failure. Vol.1. Abs. Suppl. May. 1993. Geneva P.514.

56. Kudaiberdier Z.M., Soodanbecova G.K., Niyazova Z.A., Batyraliev T.A., Masenko V.P. Renin plasma activity in healthy highlanders during experimental hypoxia. J. of Heart Failure. Vol.1. Abs. Suppl. May. 1993. Geneva p. 515

57. Kuruchbekova N.Sh., Kudaiberdiev Z.M., Niyazova Z.A., Masenko V.P., Batyraliev T.A. Effects of capoten on high-altitude pulmonary hypertension. J. of Heart Failure. Vol.1. Abs. Suppl. May. 1993. Geneva P. 1008.

58. Batyraliev TA. Muratov AA. Effect of Corinfar to Adults, Suffering from Altitude Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. J Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy. 1993; 7, Suppl. 2. -p. 422.

59. Soodanbecova G.K., Batyraliev T.A.. Demirtas M., Niyazova Z.A., Birand A. Yuksek rakimda yasiyan saglikli ve pulmonar hipertansiyonlu olgularda aldastoren ve atrial natriuletik faktor duzeyleri. 1X. Ulusal Kardiyoloji Kongresi. Ozet Kitabi. 28 Eylul-1 Ekim 1993. Bursa/TURKEY P. 174 .

60. Niyazova Z.A., Batyraliev T.A.. Demirtas M., Usal A., Masenko V.P., Birand A. Yuksek rakimda ikincil pulmoner hiper tansiyonda kaptoprilin etkisi. 1X. Ulusal Kardivoloji Kongresi. Ozet Kitabi. 28 Evlul-1 Ekim 1993. Bursa/ TURKEY P. 24

61. Titov V.O., Batyraliev T.A.. Tashbolotov A.E., Aldashev A.A., Moldotashev I.K. Pulmonary arterial reactivity and reacton of lymphocite b-adrenoreceptors to hypoxia. Proceeding of 1st Congres of Cardiologists of Centra! Asia, Bishkek, 16-18 of September, 1993, P-138.

62. Kudayberdiev Z.M., Soodanbekova G.K., Batyraliev T.A.. Niazova Z.A. Atrial natriiuretic peptide - early numeral marker of high altitude pulmonary arterial hypertension. Proceeding of 1st Congress of Cardiologists of Central Asia, Bishkek, 16-18 of September, 1993, P-139

63. Soodanbekova G.K., Kudayberdiev Z.M.. Batyraliev T.A.. Niazova Z.A. Pulmonary circulution, Natrii-uretic peptide and exzogenic hypoxia in Tian Shan native highlanders.Proceeding of 1st Congres of Cardiologists of Central Asia, Bishkek, 16-18 of September, 1993, P-140.

64. Sodanbekova GK, Batyraliev TA, Niyazova ZA, Birand A. Atrial Nalnuretic Factor at High-Altitude Pulmonary Hypertension. Journal of Islamic Academy of Sciences 6:4, 286-288; 1993.

65. Niyazova Z., BatyralievTA., Soodanbekova G., Birand A., Demirtas M. Total pulmoner direnc ve sag venlrikul diyastol sonu basmcta hipoksik teste bagli degisiklikler. Proceeding of Congress of chronic lung deases and tuberculosis. 1994, April 7-9. p.47. Antalya/TURKEY.

66. Batiraliev T., Birand A., Demirtas M., Niazova Z., Soodanbekova G. Kronik Bronsitte hipoksik teste sag ventrikulun cevabi. Proceeding of Congress of chronic lung deases and tuberculosis. 1994, April 7-9. p.48. Antalya/TURKEY

67. Demirtas M., Batiraliev T ., Niazova Z., Birand A., Soodanbekova G. Kronik bronsitte hipoksik teste sol ventrikulun cevabi. Proceeding of Congress of chronic lung deases and tuberculosis. 1994, April 7-9. p.49. Antalya/TURKEY

68. Birand A.. Batiraliev T., Demirtas M., Niazova Z., Soodanbekova G., Usal A. Hipoksik teste sag ventrikulun cevabi. Proceeding of Congress of chronic lung deases and tuberculosis. 1994, April 7-9. p. 50. Antalya/TURKEY.

69. Demirtas M, Niazova Z, Usal A, Ozbek S, Batyraliev T, Birand A, Kudaiberdieva G, Soodanbekova Y, Erken E. Romatoid artritte ekokardiografik olarak kardiak tutufum. Proceeding of Congress of Echocardiography. 1994, 10-12 May, P. 30. Antalya/TURKEY.

70. Niazova Z, Demirtas M, Batyraliev T. Ozbek S, Kudaiberdieva G, Usal A, San M, Birand A, Erken E. Sistemik lupus eritematozuslu olguiarda sag ventrikul ejeksiyon fraksiyonu ve sistolik pu.'moner alter basincinin ekokardiyografik tayini. Proceeding of Congress of Echocardiography. 1994, 10-12 May, P. 31. Antalya/TURKEY.

71. Demirtas M, Usal A, Birand A, Baltyraliiev T, San M. Kardiyak kist hidatikli olgularimizda ekokardiyografi bulgulari. Proceeding of Congress of Echocardiography. 1994, 10-12 May, P.34 Antalya/TURKEY.

72. Niazova Z, Demirtas M, Ozbek S, Batyraliev T. Usal A, Birand A, Erken E. Romatoid arfritii olguiarda sol ve sag venfrikul diyastolik fonksiyonlarmin ekokardiyografik degeriendirmesi. Proceeding of Congress of Echocardiography. 1994, 10-12 May, P. 100. Antaiya/TURKEY.

73. Niazova Z, Demirtas M, Ozbek S, Birand A, Batyraliev T, Kudaiberdieva G, Usa) A Sistemik Lupus Eritematozuslu Igularda venfrikul diyastolik fonksiyonlari. Proceeding of Congress of Echocardiography. 1994,10-12 May, P. 101. Antalya/TURKEY.

74. Demirtas M, Ozbarlas N, Birand A, Niazova Z, Batyraliev T, San M. Ekokardryografik olarak so! atriyumda kist gorunumu veren persistan sol superior vena cava-koroner sinus bagiantssi (vaka takdimi). Proceeding of Congress of Echocardiography. 1994, 10-12 May, P. 108. Antalya/TURKEY.

75. Aikimbaev K, Batyraliev T. Akut miyokard infarktuslu hastalarda sol ventrikul diyastolik fonksiyonunun egzersiz Doppler ekokardiyografi Hie degerlendirilmesi. Proceeding of Congress of Echocardiography. 1994,10-12 May, P. 143. Antalya TURKEY.

76. Demirtas M, Niazova Z, Usal A, Batyraliev T, Aksoy A, Birand A. Bir sag venlrikuler kardiyomiyopatii olgusu. Proceeding of Congress of Echocardiography. 1994,10-12 May, P. 145. Antalya/TURKEY.

77. Aykimbaev K, Batyraliev T, Birand A, Demirtas M. Akut miyokard infarktuslu hastalarda sol ventrikul diyastolik fonksiyonlannin Doppler ekokardiyografi ile degerlendirilerek kalp yetmezligi gelisme olasiliginin onceden kestirilmesi. Proceeding of Congress of Echocardiography. 1994,10-12 May, P. 152. Antalya/TURKEY.

78. Birand A, Niyazova Z,Batyraliev T, Demirtas M, Soodanbekova G, Usal A. Kronik bronsitii olgularda sag ventrikul diastolik fonksiyonu. Proceeding of Congress of Echocardiography. 1994,10-12 May, P. 165. Antalya/TURKEY.

79. Niyazova Z,Batyraliev T, Birand A, Demirtas M, Soodanbekova G, Usal A. Kronik bronsitii olgularda sol ventrikul diyastolik fonksiyonu. Proceeding of Congress of Echocardiography. 1994,10-12 May, P. 166. Antalya/TURKEY.

80. Kudayberdiev ZM, Soodanbekova G, Batyraliev TA . The influence of hypoxya on pulmonary circulation and concentration of atrium nafriuretic factor in highlanders of Tyan-Shan. (Joint of XVIth World Congress of Cardiology and XVIth Congress of the European Society of Cardiology. Berlin, September 10-14,1994). European Heart Journal, 15, Abs. Suppl., August, P. -407. 1994.

81. Batyraliev TA , Demirtas M, Birand A, Niyazova ZA, Soodanbekova G, Usal A. Pulmonary arterial vascular reactivity in permanent high-altitude residents. (Joint of Xllth World Congress of Cardiology and XVIth Congress of European Society of Cardiology. Berlin, September 10-14,1994). European Heart Journal, 15, Abs. Suppl., August, P. -438. 1994.

82. Birand A, Batyraliev TA. San M, Niyazova ZA, Sodanbekova GK. Sag kalp yetmezligmin erken tanisinda hipoksik testin yeri. Proceeding of Congress of Cardiology. 1994, 1-4 Ekim, P. 243. Izmir/TURKEY.

83. Birand A, Kudayberdieva GK, San M, Demirtas M, Niyazova ZA, Batyraliev TA, Proceed. 41st Annual World Assembly of Am. Coil. Angiol. San Antonio, Texas, 2-7 October, 1994. Kalp Atim Hizi Degipkenfiginin Power Speklral Analizi ve Yineienen Titing Deneyine Yaniti. Proceedirrg of Congress of Cardiology. 1994.1-4 Ekim, P. 168. izmir/TURKEY.

84. Birand A, Kudayberdieva GK, San M, Demirtas M, Niyazova ZA, BatyralievTA. Milral Vatv Prolapsusunda Kardiyak Otonom Sinir Sistemi Dengesi. Proceeding of Congress of Cardiology. 1994, 1-4 Ekim, P. 169. izmir/TURKEY.

85. Demirtas M, Usal A, San M, Acarturk E, Brand A, Batyraliev T. Yetiskinlerde Saptadigimiz Koroner Arter Anomalileri. Proceeding of Congress of Cardiology. 1994, 1-4 Ekim, P. 278. izmir/TURKEY.

86. Demirtas M, Ozeren A, Ozbek S, Usal A, Birand A, Niazova Z,Batyraliev T, Kayirgeldi C Anti Pospolipid Antikor Sendromuna Yuksek Doz Kortizon Etkili Midir? Proceeding of Congress of Cardiology. 1994, 1-4 Ekim, P. 195. izmir/ TURKEY.

87. Demirtas M, Usal A, San M, Acarturk E, Birand A, Batyraiiev T . Yetiskinlerde Saptadigimiz Koroner Arter Anomaliieri. Proceeding of Congress of Cardiology. 1994, 1-4 Ekim, P. 278. izmir/TURKEY.

88. UsaJ A, Demirtas A, Birand A, Tuncer I, Batyraliev T. Endomyocardial Biopsy in progressive systemic sclerosis. Proceed. 41st Annual World Assembly of Am. Coil. Angiol. San Antorao, Texas, 2-7 October, 1994.

89. Demirtas M, Usal A, Birand A, San M, Batyraliev T , Niyazova Z. A Serious complication of percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty: Systemic embolism how can we decrease it? Proceed. 41st Annual World Assembly of Am. Coil Angiol. San Antonio, Texas, 2-7 October, 1994.

90. Birand A, Bafyraliev T, Niyazova Z, Kudayberdieva G, Soodanbekova G. Hypoxic test in estimation of early signs of right heart failure. Proceed. 41st Annual World Assembly of Am. Coil. Angiol. San Antonio, Texas, 2-7 October, 1994.

91. Soodanbekova GK, Batyraliev TA, Niyazova ZA. Afrial nalriuretic factor at high altitude pulmonary hypertension. Proceed. 41st Annual World Assembly of Am. Coil. Angiol. San Antonio, Texas, 2-7 October, 1994.

92. Batyraliev T, Birand A, Niyazova Z, Kutayberdieva G, Demirtas M. Arterial vascular reactivity and pulmonary hemodynamics in healthy highlanders. Proceed. 41st Annual WorldAssemblyofAm. Coil. Angiol. San Antonio, Texas, 2-7 October, 1994.

93. Batyraliev T, Niyazova Z, Kudayberdieva G, Aykimbaev K, Akgul F. Capoten in High-Altitude Pulmonary Hypertension With Concurrent Systemic Hypertension. Proceed. 3rd of Hypertension and Aterosklerosis. 22-24 October. 1994, Antalya/Turkey.

94. Sodanbekova GK, Batyraliev TA. Niyazova ZA, Aykimbaev KS. Alrial nafriuretic factor in high altitude pulmonary hypertension. Proceed, of 10th ASEAN Congress of Cardiology. November 26-30, 1994, Bangkok, Tailand. P. -97.

95. Niyazova ZA, Batyraliev T, Aykimbaev K. Right ventricular diastolic function in patients with chronic bronchitis. Proceed, of 10th ASEAN Congress of Cardiology. November 26-30,1994, Bangkok, Tailand. P. -292.

96. Niyazova Z, Batyraliev TA, Birand A, Aykimbaev K, Sodanbekova G. Arterial vascular reactivity and pulmonary hemodinamics in progressive systemic sclerosis (PSS). Proceed, of 10th ASEAN Congress of Cardiology. November 26-30,1994, Bangkok, Tailand. P. -293.

97. Demirtas M, Niyazova Z, Birand A, Batyraliev T. Kudayberdieva G. Left venlricular diastolic function in patients with right ventricular pressure overloading due to chronic bronchitis. Proceed, of 10th ASEAN Congress of Cardiology. November 26-30,1994, Bangkok, Tailand. P. -294.

98. Sodanbekova G, San M, Batyraliev TA, Niyazova ZA. Some mechanisms of pulmonary artery pressure regulation in patients with high altitude arterial hypertension. Proceed, of 10th ASEAN Congress of Cardiology. November 26-30, 1994, Bangkok, Tailand. P. -391.

99. Demirtas M, Birand A, Usal A, San M. Batyraliev TA . A multi staged diagnostic and therapeutic aproach in the management of effussive pericarditis. Proceed, of 10th ASEAN Congress of Cardiology. November 26-30,1994, Bangkok, Tailand. P. -409.

100. Niyazova Z. Batyraliev T , Aykimbaev K, Kudayberdieva G, Akgul F, Sodanbekova G. Effects of Capoten and Lipoprotein metabolizm in High-Altitude Pulmonary Hypertension. Proceed, of 5th International symposium on Hypertension in the Community. Tel-Aviv, Israel, December 11-14, 1994. -P. 45.

101. G. Sodanbekova, A. Birand, Batyraliev TA, Niyazova ZA, F Akgul. Pulmonary Circulation at Highlanders. Journal of Islamic Acaremy of Sciences. 7:1, 69-73,1994.

102. Batyraliev T. Niyazova ZA, Kudayberdieva G, Sadonbekova GK, Akgul F, Aykimbaev K. The effects of captopril on pulmonary and systemic arterial pressures and lipoprotein metabolizm in high-altitude pulmonary hypertension. Journal of Islamic academy of sciences. 7:2,111-114; 1994.

103. Birand A, Kudayberdieva G, Usal A, Akgul F. Batyraliev T. Erenler 0. States of sympathetic and parasympathetic activity in heart failure complicating myocardial infarction. The Abs. of the 3rd Intern, Congress on Heart Failure - Mechanisms and Management, Geneva, Switzerland. May 21-25. Journal of Heart Failure, 2:1, 1995. P. 501.

104. Batyraliev TA, Birand A. Niyazova Z, Kudayberdieva G, Akgul F, Aykimbaev K. Right ventncular contractility and arterial vascular reactivity m progressive systemic sclerosis (PSS) with pulmonary arterial hypertension. Abs. of the 3rd Intern, Congress on Heart Failure - Mechanisms and Management, Geneva, Switzerland. May 21-25. Journal of Heart Failure, 2:1, 1995. P, 104.

105. Birand A, Batyraliev TA, Sodanbecova GK, Niyazova ZA, Aykimbaev KS, Usal A, Akgul F. Effects of acute hypoxia on pulmonary circulation and prostoglandin metabolizm. Abs. of the 3rd Intern, Congress on Heart Failure -Mechanisms and Management, Geneva, Switzerland. May 21-25. Journal of Heart Failure, 2:1, 1995. P, 1081.

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