Suunto Great London Swim

01 July 2017

Registration Form

To secure your place in the Suunto Great London Swim with Coeliac UK please return your completed form with £30 entry fee to the Fundraising Team

Personal Details

Membership No (if applicable): ______

First Name: ______




Postcode: ______

Mobile Number: ______

Email Address: ______

Age on day of race: ______

Date of birth:______Male [ ] Female [ ]

Anticipated Finishing Time: ______

*Emergency Contact details:

Name: ______

Telephone Number: ______

Fundraising Motivation

Please clearly outline your reasons for applying to Coeliac UK for a charity place and why you wish to fundraise for us (you can continue on a separate sheet if needed)


How do you plan to hit your fundraising target? ______

Have you fundraised for Coeliac UK before? If so please give details.


How did you hear about Coeliac UK places in this event?


Fundraising interests

What other events would you be interested in getting involved with to raise funds for Coeliac UK? (please tick):

1)☐ Overseas Treks 2)☐ Parachute Jumps3)☐ Community Fundraising

4)☐ Cycling events5)☐ Running events6)☐ Individual Fundraising

7)☐ Walking events8)☐ Obstacle events9) ☐ Coeliac UK Raffle

10) Other (please specify) ______

Please tick if you are happy to receive information or email about taking on these events in future: Post ☐ Email ☐


Would you be interested in talking to our media team and doing some PR around your story? Yes ☐ No ☐

We will send you a freerunning vest with the Coeliac UK logo, please tell us which of the below sizes you would like:

XSmall☐Small ☐Medium ☐Large ☐XLarge☐XXLarge☐

How to pay:

  • Enclose a cheque made payable to ‘Coeliac UK’
  • Make a bank transfer – please contact us for the details.
  • Call 01494 796724 (Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm) to make a debit/credit card payment over the phone.

Terms and conditions:

I would like to register for this event to exclusively support Coeliac UK. I am aware that once I have paid my £30 registration fee (inclusive of VAT), this will be non-refundable.

I understand that I am pledging to raise a minimum sponsorship of £200 for Coeliac UK (excluding Gift Aid) before the 6 week post-event fundraising deadline.

We would like to keep you updated about our fundraising successes, how we fund our work, and opportunities for you to support our work with a gift. To be included in these updates, please tell us how we can contact you:

Post - Yes ☐ No ☐Telephone - Yes ☐No ☐Email - Yes ☐No ☐

I have read and agree to these terms and conditions.

Signature ______

Date ______

Thank you for your application. Please email the completed form to or post it to the address in the footer of this application, marked FAO The Fundraising Team